1816 Fine Aquatint of THE MERCHANT TAYLORS' SCHOOL ROOM London Ackermann (AC32)


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AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 26. September 2019

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Listing Template 2018 Home About Us View Feedback Contact Us 1816 Fine Aquatint of THE MERCHANT TAYLORS' SCHOOL ROOM London Ackermann (AC32)Click image to enlargeDescription1816'THE MERCHANT TAYLORS'SCHOOL ROOM'A stunning original aquatint engraving.PROVENANCETaken from the celebrated 1st edition The History of the Colleges of Winchester, Eton and Westminster: with the Charter-House, The Schools of St Paul's, Merchant Taylors, Harrow and Rugby, and the Free-School of Christ's Hospital with engravings by famous artists of the time such asAugustus Charles Pugin, Frederick Nash, Frederick Mackenzie and William Westaland published by Rudolph Ackermann. These prints have a luminous quality and once mounted and framed will be exceptional show pieces.Aquatint is an intaglio printmaking technique from a copper plate where whole areas are evenly hollowed out to give a uniform tint and by this method a variety of tones are achieved throughout the print. Ackermann was largely responsible for the introduction of lithography to Britain and the promotion of the coloured aquatint.CONDITIONOriginal antique print in excellent condition with large margins, perfect and ready for mounting and framing.SIZEOverall size including margins approx 320mm x270mm.All our prints and maps are 100% guaranteed original antiques as dated.We do not sellreproductions.Shipping View Our Categories Decorative Prints World Wide Maps Scotland Maps Architecture Design England Maps Royalty About UsWe specialise in selling all items that can be considered to be Antique Paper. * PRINTS * MAPS * HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS * POSTAL HISTORY * BOOKS * POSTERS * STAMPS * POSTCARDS * EPHEMERA And anything else that is considered Antique and made of Paper. ALL OF OUR ITEMS ARE ORIGINAL ANTIQUES - NOT MODERN COPIES. We are also very keen buyers of anything similar and especially after better collections, original archives, whole libraries and better single items and have and#163;250,000 in cash funds at anyone time to buy the right items. Contact UsIf you have any questions then please do not hesitate to contact us through the eBay messaging system. Feedback We will always help you to have a 100% positive happy buying experience. Contact us if you are unhappy about any aspect of your purchase from us. We only want five star feedback from you so buy with confidence. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 234160729886_8e90ce3

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