Title: Exploring 20th Century Art Authors: Aimitsu, Kanjiro Kawai, Masashi Kitawaki, Katsuzo Urami, Kiurishina, Stan Liki, Huo Huo etc. Quality: Perfect Publication time: 1985 Edition: Soft Hardcover Publisher: Kokuritsu Shinkansen Museum Printing time: 2007 Pages: 399 Page size: 29.7 x 22.6 cm 192 Product Description: A collection of contemporary art works from the 20th century onwards. relationship. Since the beginning of the 19th century industrial revolution, the production of industrial products has reached full-scale development after entering the 20th century, and the creation of a new living environment in the center of the city. The figurine is full of various things world experiences, the theory that humans came from a previous era, and the theory is completely unknown. From the start, it is a major feature of 20th century art that incorporates various formalities such as paintings, paintings, etc., into artistic expression. 619 works in all books, various forms of expression such as comprehensive oil paintings, sculptures, maritime reports, decorative arts, and integrated materials. Just like material civilization and materialism. At the time of this century's immediate unity, the theory that computer culture can be reached is symbolic. However, the past is the cause of the things era. We live in the 21st century, and the reliance on material civilization is high. The New National Museum of Art opened at the beginning of the new century. Like this, a museum is a realistic space that exists all over the world. Accurate passage and object encounter, talent building innovative culture and art. Injecting a new perspective into the world of things, at the same time, it is a test of a new era museum of exploration. The main focus of this exhibition is the 1st part of the main focus of the exhibition, which is the 11th part of the theme of human life and social relations. Retrospective 20th century art, simultaneous retrospective contemporary art. Part 111 6th Place: Art Position and Existence Mode in Anti-Quality Civilization Impressive Contemporary Artists, Introduction to the Progression of Exhibition-like Forms, Passage Three Partial Composition, Exploring the Thing World and Artistic Relations. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 03004900196
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