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Ware, Chris Building Stories ISBN 13: 9780375424335

Building Stories - Hardcover

9780375424335: Building Stories


Book by Ware Chris

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"I have now spent a week in sloppy communion with Building Stories and am ready to declare it one of the most important pieces of art I have ever experienced. I also sort of want to kill myself . . . What makes Building Stories monumental isn't its unorthodox format. It's Ware's ruthless and tender pursuit of undisguised emotion. His work is brutal in the way all great art is. I can't wait to experience it again." --Steve Almond, The New Republic

"Stunning . . . As usual, Mr. Ware's style is a model of compression in both word and picture. Less usual, for the genre as a whole, is the vividness with which he limns his heroine's intense, if fairly ordinary, inner life . . . The lack of clear structure, much less traditional linearity, turns reading into an unusually active process. This is a great, easily ownable work of art." --The New York Times

"In the end, the process Ware recreates here is universal, which is what gives Building Stories its resonance. The woman's dream, after all, is everyone's: the dream of making sense of ourselves, of having things add up. That they don't, that they can never, is the paradox, and yet what else can we do but try? Here we have the essential question Ware wants us to consider, and his answer--brave, beautiful and brilliant--is the story we build out of this box." --David Ulin, Los Angeles Times

"This book is a masterpiece . . . Building Stories is a masterpiece, above all, because it cares about human beings, many of them women. It cares enough to observe human beings closely, both when they are behaving themselves, and when they are engaging in their manifold selfishnesses. It cares enough about them to depict them when they are attractive and when they are singularly unattractive. The contemporary novel, it bears mentioning, does not care this much, because the contemporary novel is so preoccupied with affirmation that it will not risk what Ware is willing to risk. Perhaps Ware risks in this way because, as a person who began by illustrating, he is willing to see exactly what's taking place around him, all of it. But by building up his stories from the fragments, from the discontinuous moments, episodes of glancing contact, and the disconnections as well as the connections, he has made something that, if possible, is more literary than most contemporary literature. The American novel, that is, has a lot to learn from this very convincing and masterful work." --Rick Moody, Los Angeles Review of Books

"There's no writer alive whose work I love more than Chris Ware. The only problem is it takes him ten years to draw these things and then I read them in a day and have to wait another ten years for the next one." --Zadie Smith

"Ware provides one of the year's best arguments for the survival of print . . . the spectacular, breathtaking visual splendor make this one of the year's standout graphic novels." --Publisher's Weekly, *starred review*

"Chris Ware's Building Stories is the rarest kind of brilliance; it is simultaneously heartbreaking, hilarious, shockingly intimate and deeply insightful. There isn't a graphic artist alive or dead who has used the form this wonderfully to convey the passage of time, loneliness, longing, frustration or bliss. It is the reader's choice where and how to begin this monumental work--the only regret you will have in starting it is knowing that it will end." --J. J. Abrams

"You could call Stories a game-changer, except so few besides Ware could ever construct such a retro-aesthetic feat." --The Washington Post, "Top 10 Graphic Novels of 2012"

"A treasure trove of graphic artworks--they're too complex to be called comics--from Ware, master of angst, alienation, sci-fi and the crowded street . . . A dazzling document." --Kirkus, *starred review*

"Ware has been consistently pushing the boundaries for what the comics format can look like and accomplish as a storytelling medium . . . More than anything, though, this graphic novel mimics the kaleidoscopic nature of memory itself--fleeting, contradictory, anchored to a few significant moments, and a heavier burden by the day. In terms of pure artistic innovation, Ware is in a stratosphere all his own." --Booklist, *starred review*

"So far ahead of the game that it tempts you to find fault just to prove that a human made it . . . Ware is remarkably deft at balancing the demands of fine art, where sentimentality is an error, and those of storytelling, where emotion is everything." --The New York Times Book Review

"Ware's innovative graphic novel deepens and enriches the form by breaking it apart...tackles universal themes including art, sex, family and existential loneliness in a way that's simultaneously playful and profound." --The New York Times Book Review, "The 10 Best Books of 2012"

"Building Stories is the graphic novel of the season or perhaps the year, a story that must be experienced rather than read . . . Ware takes visual storytelling to a new level of both beauty and despair in a work people will be talking about for a long time." --Publisher's Weekly, *starred review*

"This is more than a book; it's a profusion of printed paper . . . told in Ware's instantly recognizable style, with panels so silent and perfectly composed, they're reminiscent of stained-glass windows." --TIME

"The standout work of the year is Chris Ware's breathtaking treasure chest." --The Boston Globe Gift Guide

"Building Stories is a momentous event in the world of comics--the unusual format of Ware's book is bound to help redefine yet again what a "graphic novel" can be." --The New

"Surely, no comic book artist has ever created anything quite like this: a glorious treasure box of sorts containing books, pamphlets, leaflets and old-timey newspapers--all of which tell of the daily struggles of the residents of a Chicago building. Heartbreak and flashes of hope illuminate even the tiniest of panels." --San Francisco Chronicle Gift Guide

"Pages of extraordinary inventiveness . . . Throughout Building Stories, Ware's attention to the awkward physicality, the constant humiliations and cruelties of human existence is as precise and as brutally funny as it is in his previous work." --The New York Review of Books

"Ware's Building Stories is a stunning reminder of the capabilities of print, telling a tender and crushing tale of missed opportunities." --The Huffington Post

"Its brilliance is not debatable . . . The components of Building Stories can be read and combined and recombined in any order, producing chance connections and beautiful resonances--very much the way life itself does." --TIME Magazine, "Top Ten in Fiction"

"Chris Ware is one of the true modern masters of the sequential art medium and an absolute artisan when it comes to showing the beauty of an ugly truth . . . It's truly masterful storytelling that will be a unique experience for each reader and something that would be impossible in any other medium than print . . . Each of us in our own way is desperately searching for our own sense of meaning, accomplishment, and self-worth, but anyone who has ever felt their creativity suppressed--or really anyone who has ever clung onto the good in their bad relationship (or the bad in their good relationship)--will see a lot of truth nestled in these almost magical pages." --The New York Journal of Books

"Stunningly innovative . . . Basically a book-in-a-box, Building Stories is spread among 14 different pieces--15 if you count the illustrated box itself--ranging in size and shape from small and booklet-size to a Little Golden Book-style hardback to a game-board-size fold-out board. All of which might just add up to a clever and daring experiment if Ware's characters weren't so alive, his art so precise and pleasing and his story so vital and heart-wrenching." --Vancouver Sun

"Apparently, no one ever told Chris Ware that print is dead. Or maybe they did and this is his fantastic rebuttal. Ware, the master behind Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth, has created a batch of sad, highly detailed comics with Building Stories. The catch is the presentation. Inside this oversized box are 14 different stories--some are traditional books of various sizes, others are magazines, newspapers and small pamphlets. This isn't a graphic novel. It's a library ready to be explored." --Minneapolis Star-Tribune

"Ware masterfully tells the stories in ways that are clear and concise, but also astonishingly creative, bending the progression of images around pages large and small . . . The actual writing is wonderful, both in the measured, sharply observed lives of the different characters, but also in the use of language. Ware knows when thick overstatement in the narration will add a comic edge and also how to shape meandering inner thought processes to get at the contradictory cores of the people on the page. He stuffs his pages with images, and they all have rich ideas behind them . . . Building Stories is daunting, exhausting and grand. Like Art Spiegelman's Maus from two decades earlier, it so completely transcends any attempt to contain its importance to solely the field of comics that it announces itself as nothing less than a vital piece of literature, no qualifiers necessary or welcome." --Spectrum Culture

"Ware's latest has the makings of a modern classic . . . At times Ware's 'great book' feels like it could be about anyone's life. Other times, it doesn't feel like a book at all. It's a keepsake box full of things you won't want to forget." --Entertainment Weekly, A+

"A visionary boxed collection . . . a stunning triumph for graphic novels as a literature all its own." --Publisher's Weekly Comics World

"An eye-popping astonishment." --St. Louis Post-Dispatch

"The book is at its most sublime in its wordless passages. If the documents are read in the order they are packaged, Building Stories opens with a brilliant, silent fugue that tells a story in images alone . . . a triumph of imagination. Amid cheap disposability, Ware's work painstakingly honors craftsmanship and originality. He is a rare breed, and his work deserves celebration and preservation . . . While others lament the end of books defeatedly, Ware gives us tangible reasons to delay sounding the death knoll for the printed page." --CS Monitor

"Remarkable . . . all of it is drawn in Ware's meticulous style, inked in his bright, bold colors, and written in his decidedly literary voice. This is a publishing event; I can't believe it's retailing for only 50 bucks." --Chicago Reader

"Chris (Ware) really changed the playing field. After him, a lot of (cartoonists) really started to scramble and go holy (expletive), 'I think I have to try harder.'" --Seth, author of It's a Good Life If You Don't Weaken

"Building Stories will only enhance the artist's exalted status within the world of graphic literature . . . awe-inspiring." --St. Louis Post-Dispatch

"Quietly defies any pre-existing comic conventions. I couldn't wait to write about how ardently I recommend this collection . . . The "graphic novel" misnomer masks the breadth of old and new creations compiled in this extremely innovative, fascinating anthology, a bold declaration for the wonders of pulp and ink in the digital age." --Jenna Marotta, CBS Smart Planet

"Destined to become a collector's item." --Vogue Gift Guide

"It's already being hailed as a classic and it was released only Tuesday . . . Building Stories gorgeously expands the graphic novel form." --The Daily Beast

"One of the strongest arguments against the death of printed paper . . . Ware's genius lies in telling of everyday insecurities and pleasures and various mundania that make us identify with the characters." --Singapore Times

"Ware has single-handedly re-defined the possibilities of the graphic novel form. His work is complex, serious and stunningly beautiful . . . Building Stories is a rich, mature work that defies categorization and must be experienced to be fully understood." --WICN interview

"This week marked the release of Chris Ware's unbelievably wonderful graphic novel Building Stories, which we (and everyone else) have been awaiting with bated breath for many months. The graphic publishing event of the year, the book is truly a world you can get lost in . . . a total triumph, an immersive story that you can literally (well almost) immerse yourself in."

"Intelligent, carefully crafted and emphatically not for everyone." --Paste Magazine

"There simply will not be a more beautifully packaged book this year than Chris Ware's Building Stories, the latest from the master graphic novelist." --Salon

"What sets this latest work apart is its format--and how fundamentally that format shapes the reader's experience...[a] precise, colorful, intricate and ultimately beautiful book."

"Chris Ware's new Building Stories confirms his place alongside Nabokov and David Foster Wallace in the pantheon of masterful mindfuck writers . . . Ware's artistic skills are unmatched." --Philadelphia City Paper

"What is surprising is how quickly Ware can dismantle one's preconceived notions of genre, leading the reader far past traditional definitions of what literature--or comics--is and isn't, and deep into his fictional characters' inner lives . . . For readers it's a veritable treasure chest, a deeply layered narrative that can turn, as those familiar with Ware's work have come to expect, on the subtlest of gestures, on the simplest poetry of a character's heartbreaking monologue. But for writers it's a rare opportunity to see the architecture of storytelling stripped bare, to witness an artist at the top of his game as he not only writes his way through the inner lives of his characters, but also transforms his adjectives and adverbs into a stunning visual narrative." --Poets and Writers

"Ware is the rare cartoonist whose art is matched not just by formalist experimentation but also by his storytelling abilities (and, relatedly, his empathy for his fellow human beings)--Building Stories is the best yet distillation of his talents."

"Building Stories is one of the most compelling and emotionally resonant works I have read in years . . . never before, perhaps, has the mundanity of daily life been given such weight and such beauty . . . Building Stories is a graphic novel of the ordinar...

Reseña del editor

The New York Times Book Review, Top 10 Book of the Year
Time Magazine, Top Ten Fiction Book of the Year
Publishers Weekly, Best Book of the Year
2013 Lynd Ward Prize,
Best Graphic Novel of the Year
4-time 2013 Eisner Award Winner, including Best Publication, Best Writer/Artist and Best Graphic Album
Newsday, Top 10 Books of 2012
Entertainment Weekly, Gift Guide, A+
Washington Post, Top 10 Graphic Novels of 2012
Minneapolis Star Tribune, Best Books of the Year
Cleveland Plain Dealer, Top 10 Fiction Books of the Year
Amazon, Best Books of the Year/Comics
Boing Boing, Best Graphic Novel of the Year
Time Out New York, Best of 2012
Entertainment Weekly, Best Fiction of 2012
Everything you need to read the new graphic novel Building Stories: 14 distinctively discrete Books, Booklets, Magazines, Newspapers, and Pamphlets.

With the increasing electronic incorporeality of existence, sometimes it’s reassuring—perhaps even necessary—to have something to hold on to. Thus within this colorful keepsake box the purchaser will find a fully-apportioned variety of reading material ready to address virtually any imaginable artistic or poetic taste, from the corrosive sarcasm of youth to the sickening earnestness of maturity—while discovering a protagonist wondering if she’ll ever move from the rented close quarters of lonely young adulthood to the mortgaged expanse of love and marriage. Whether you’re feeling alone by yourself or alone with someone else, this book is sure to sympathize with the crushing sense of life wasted, opportunities missed and creative dreams dashed which afflict the middle- and upper-class literary public (and which can return to them in somewhat damaged form during REM sleep).
A pictographic listing of all 14 items (260 pages total) appears on the back, with suggestions made as to appropriate places to set down, forget or completely lose any number of its contents within the walls of an average well-appointed home. As seen in the pages of The New Yorker, The New York Times and McSweeney’s Quarterly Concern, Building Stories collects a decade’s worth of work, with dozens of “never-before-published” pages (i.e., those deemed too obtuse, filthy or just plain incoherent to offer to a respectable periodical).

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  • VerlagPantheon
  • Erscheinungsdatum2012
  • ISBN 10 0375424334
  • ISBN 13 9780375424335
  • EinbandTapa dura
  • SpracheEnglisch
  • Auflage2
  • Anzahl der Seiten264

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9780224078122: Building Stories: Chris Ware

Vorgestellte Ausgabe

ISBN 10:  0224078127 ISBN 13:  9780224078122
Verlag: Jonathan Cape, 2012

Suchergebnisse für Building Stories

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Ware, Chris
Verlag: October 2012, 2012
ISBN 10: 0375424334 ISBN 13: 9780375424335
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: Open Books West Loop, Chicago, IL, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen 4 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: Used. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 1057645

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EUR 29,47
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Versand: EUR 4,77
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In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Ware, Chris
Verlag: Pantheon, 2012
ISBN 10: 0375424334 ISBN 13: 9780375424335
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: Bookmans, Tucson, AZ, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: Good. , Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers mon0002665950

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EUR 31,85
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Versand: EUR 3,81
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Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Ware, Chris
Verlag: Pantheon, 2012
ISBN 10: 0375424334 ISBN 13: 9780375424335
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: SecondSale, Montgomery, IL, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Zustand: Good. Item in good condition. Textbooks may not include supplemental items i.e. CDs, access codes etc. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 00081748265

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EUR 35,73
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Versand: Gratis
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Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Ware, Chris
Verlag: Pantheon, 2012
ISBN 10: 0375424334 ISBN 13: 9780375424335
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: Weird Books, Petaluma, CA, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. 2nd ed. 14 "book" set in original box. Overall Very Good, a couple of the larger pieces have edge bends. Some light shelf wear and scratches to rear of box. US orders shipped via US Mail. International orders shipped via DHL. Additional postage may be required on oversize books and sets. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 2501090073

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EUR 36,36
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Versand: Gratis
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Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Ware, Chris
Verlag: Pantheon, 2012
ISBN 10: 0375424334 ISBN 13: 9780375424335
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: Book Deals, Tucson, AZ, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Zustand: Fair. Acceptable/Fair condition. Book is worn, but the pages are complete, and the text is legible. Has wear to binding and pages, may be ex-library. 5.97. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 353-0375424334-acp

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EUR 45,20
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Versand: Gratis
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Versandziele, Kosten & Dauer

Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Ware, Chris
Verlag: Pantheon, 2012
ISBN 10: 0375424334 ISBN 13: 9780375424335
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: Jackson Street Booksellers, Omaha, NE, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: Fine. 2nd Edition. Boxed set. All pieces in fine condition. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 164644

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Gebraucht kaufen

EUR 39,29
Währung umrechnen
Versand: EUR 6,20
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Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Chris Ware
Verlag: Pantheon October 2012, 2012
ISBN 10: 0375424334 ISBN 13: 9780375424335
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: Inquiring Minds, Saugerties, NY, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen 4 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: Used - Very Good. The contents are like new and complete. The box has some damage on the bottom of the back. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 565802

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Gebraucht kaufen

EUR 44,19
Währung umrechnen
Versand: EUR 5,71
Innerhalb der USA
Versandziele, Kosten & Dauer

Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Ware, Chris
Verlag: Pantheon, 2012
ISBN 10: 0375424334 ISBN 13: 9780375424335
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: Book Trader Cafe, LLC, New Haven, CT, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen 4 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

hardcover. Zustand: Like New. 2nd ed. First Edition, First Printing. Slight wear to box, all 14 items inside look nearly perfect. Ships with tracking the same or next business day from New Haven, CT. We fully guarantee to ship the exact same item as listed and work hard to maintain our excellent customer service. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 061124002

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Gebraucht kaufen

EUR 47,10
Währung umrechnen
Versand: EUR 3,81
Innerhalb der USA
Versandziele, Kosten & Dauer

Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Ware, Chris
Verlag: Pantheon, E-120, 2012
ISBN 10: 0375424334 ISBN 13: 9780375424335
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: Last Exit Books, Charlottesville, VA, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. Boxed. Folio. Pantheon, New York. 2012. 260 pgs. 14 distinctively discrete Books, Booklets, Magazines, Newspapers, and Pamphlets. First Edition/First Printing. Slipcased. Bound in cloth boards with titles present to the spine and front board. Boards have light shelf-wear present to the extremities. No ownership marks present. Text is clean and free of marks. Binding tight and solid. With the increasing electronic incorporeality of existence, sometimes it's reassuringperhaps even necessaryto have something to hold on to. Thus within this colorful keepsake box the purchaser will find a fully-apportioned variety of reading material ready to address virtually any imaginable artistic or poetic taste, from the corrosive sarcasm of youth to the sickening earnestness of maturitywhile discovering a protagonist wondering if she'll ever move from the rented close quarters of lonely young adulthood to the mortgaged expanse of love and marriage. Whether you're feeling alone by yourself or alone with someone else, this book is sure to sympathize with the crushing sense of life wasted, opportunities missed and creative dreams dashed which afflict the middle- and upper-class literary public (and which can return to them in somewhat damaged form during REM sleep). EB; 1.97 x 16.69 x 11.65 Inches. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 60792

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Gebraucht kaufen

EUR 49,07
Währung umrechnen
Versand: EUR 6,67
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Versandziele, Kosten & Dauer

Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Ware, Chris
Verlag: Pantheon, 2012
ISBN 10: 0375424334 ISBN 13: 9780375424335
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: GF Books, Inc., Hawthorne, CA, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Zustand: Very Good. Book is in Used-VeryGood condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain very limited notes and highlighting. 5.97. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 0375424334-2-3

Verkäufer kontaktieren

Gebraucht kaufen

EUR 58,17
Währung umrechnen
Versand: Gratis
Innerhalb der USA
Versandziele, Kosten & Dauer

Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

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