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MC Escher's Legacy: A Centennial Celebration - Hardcover

9783540424581: MC Escher's Legacy: A Centennial Celebration


.,."The book is lavishly illustrated with more than eighty of Escher's work on show and, to indicate the extent to which he was influenced by mathematical ideas, one only has to consider the titles given to some of the works ...The whole book is a visual delight. Most of the articles are very readable and they constitute a very wide range of insights into Escher's world. There are, however, three papers that are mathematically challenging and that nicely round off the book with in-depth analysis of some of them... In summary, the book is entirely challenging in the sense that it provides a multifaceted exploration of the work of a man whose life was a continuum or artistic and mathematical achievement. If you send away for an inspection copy, I reckon you'll keep it (and pay for it of course!)." P.N.Ruane, The Mathematical Gazette March 2005 .,." Is there an Escher print that captures this book? Not just one. Just as the editors of the book drew upon multiple authors' perspectives, so too multiple Escher prints would be required to characterise this book graphically. In many ways reading it was like reading Metamorphose II from left to right (as in the Emmer video clip on the CD-ROM). Each article is connected to the previous one, sometimes in surprising ways that force one to stop and think, but at the same time the articles are as different as birds and buildings. ... A very important element of the book is the CD-ROM. It inclused articles, sets of illustrations, video clips, and software; indeed the CD-ROM should be read in parallel with the book. The images on the CD-ROM provide a much richer complement to the texts than the figures in the book can. ... Noteverything in this book will interest everyone, but there is a great deal here for anyone who has ever been struck by an Escher print, and been provoked to think about it afterwards." Reviewed by David Reid, Nexus Network Journal, vol. 5 no. 2, Autumn 2003, for complete review see http: // " ... The centennial celebration of his birth, held in Rome and Ravello, Italy, in June of 1998, gave a good testimony to the multi-disciplinary interest in his work and produced this book, where there are presented forty of their papers. A wonderful CD-ROM complements the papers, containing beautiful color illustrations, movies and animations. The authors are well known scientists and specialists in Escher's work. ..." Reviewed by Vera W. de Spinadel, President of the International Mathematics & Design Association, Journal of Mathematics & Design, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2003 .,." This conference [an international congress held in June of 1998 in Rome and Ravello, Italy, to celebrate the centennial of the birth of Escher] resulted in an immensely interesting collection of articles presented in the book M.C.Escher's Legacy, A Centennial Celebration." ... Although Escher himself is no longer among us, M.C.Escher's Legacy, like a garden of continually blooming flowers, allows us to appreciate his heritage anew." Reviewed by Reza Sarhangi, Notices of the AMS, April 2003 (for complete review see http: // .,." It is a handsome volume, and contains articles from 41 people, which cover a wide range of artistic and analytical endeavour. ... A quick dip into each section produces small gems. ... there is enoughhere to provide rich pickings for any interested party, no matter what their particular discipline is. Embedded in the various articles are even snippets which illuminate Escher's intentions, and his relationships with his mathematician friends (Coxeter, Penrose, Ernst et al). Even though short, these are rewarding to read. If you are an educator in any of the fields mentioned in the paragraph below, this book is immediately worth a look... If I was a librarian of an institution which encompassed any two of fine arts, mathematics philosophy, physical science, psychology, I would definitely demand its purchase: if as many as three of them, demand it loudly! ... the CD-ROM ... is an excellent addition to the book, and contains much more material, including "video" excerpts from some of the lectures.)" Reviewed by Warren Brisley, Australian Mathematical Society GAZETTE, Voume 30, Number 2, May 2003 .,." This book contains 40 of their articles, richly illustrated with original art works in addition to well-known and little-known works by Escher. ..." Zentralblatt fA1/4r Didaktik der Mathematik 1/2003 .,." Das Buch bietet all denen, die nicht nur ein Hochglanz-Bilderbuch durchblAttern, sondern sich eingehender mit Eschers Werk auseinandersetzen wollen, willkommene Hintergrundinformationen." Reviewed by George Szpiro, Neue ZA1/4richer Zeitung, 1.1.2004 (for complete review see ) .,." Alle Artikel sind in liebenswA1/4rdiger Weise formuliert, manchmal auch fA1/4r AuAenstehende verstAndlich, und seien es nur die 85 Abbildungen von Escher und die vielen seiner Nachfolger, sowie die 40 Farbdrucke, die den Betrachter faszinieren. Es ist auch eine CD-ROM mit vielen prachtvollenauf Escher beruhenden Farbbildern und Informationen A1/4ber die Jahrhundertkonferenz beigegeben. ... Den Herausgebern D.Schattschneider und M.Emmer kann fA1/4r dieses herrliche Buch nicht genug gedankt werden, und wir kAnnen nur in den Leitsatz von A.Clebsch einstimmen: Es ist die Freude an der Gestalt in einem hAheren Sinn, die den Geometer ausmacht!" W.Jank, IMN - Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten 57 (2003), Issue 193 "This is a collection of forty-one articles emerging from the Escher Centennial Conference, held in Rome in 1998. a ] Apart from the illustrations contained in the book, there is also a CD-ROM a ] . The whole book is a visual delight. Most of the articles are very readable and they constitute a very wide range of insights into Eschera (TM)s world. a ] it provides a multifaceted exploration of the work of a man whose life was a continuum of artistic and mathematical achievement." (P. N. Ruane, The Mathematical Gazette, March, 2005) "The centennial of Eschera (TM)s birth in 1998 was marked by exhibitions of his prints all over the world as well as an international congress in Rome a ] . In forty articles, supplemented by twenty-six items on a CD-ROM, conference participants describe the influence of Escher a ] . The images on the CD-ROM provide a much richer complement to the texts a ] . there is a great deal here for anyone who has ever been struck by an Escher print a ] ." (David Reid, Nexus Network Journal, Vol. 5 (2), 2004) "This is a collection of articles coming from the M.C. Escher Centennial Conference at Rome, in 1998. Its 458 pages include 31 colour plates, many monochrome illustrations, and there is an interactive CD-ROM in the back cover. It is a handsome volume, and contains articles from 41 people, which covers a wide range of artistic and analytical endeavour. a ] If you are an educator a ] this book is immediately worth a look a ] ." (Warren Brisley, The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, Vol. 30 (2), 2003) "This a ] book collects a series of papers and articles prepared for the hundredth anniversary of Eschera (TM)s birth in 1998, and adds a CD-ROM with further chapters, QuickTime videos and even some tessellation exploration software. The printed contributions are a suitably mind-bending and paradoxical mix. a ] Anyone in a comp. sc. or maths department will be delighted with the sum of the parts a ] ." (Daniel McBeal, Focus, July, 2003) ., ."The book is lavishly illustrated with more than eighty of Escher's work on show and, to indicate the extent to which he was influenced by mathematical ideas, one only has to consider the titles given to some of the works ...The whole book is a visual delight. Most of the articles are very readable and they constitute a very wide range of insights into Escher's world. There are, however, three papers that are mathematically challenging and that nicely round off the book with in-depth analysis of some of them... In summary, the book is entirely challenging in the sense that it provides a multifaceted exploration of the work of a man whose life was a continuum or artistic and mathematical achievement. If you send away for an inspection copy, I reckon you'll keep it (and pay for it of course!)." P.N.Ruane, The Mathematical Gazette March 2005 ., ." Is there an Escher print that captures this book? Not just one. Just as the editors of the book drew upon multiple authors' perspectives, so too multiple Escher prints would be required to characterise this book graphically. In many ways reading it was like reading Metamorphose II from left to right (as in the Emmer video clip on the CD-ROM). Each article is connected to the previous one, sometimes in surprising ways that force one to stop and think, but at the same time the articles are as different as birds and buildings. ... A very important element of the book is the CD-ROM. It inclused articles, sets of illustrations, video clips, and software; indeed the CD-ROM should be read in parallel with the book. The images on the CD-ROM provide a much richer complement to the texts than the figures in the book can. ... Noteverything in this book will interest everyone, but there is a great deal here for anyone who has ever been struck by an Escher print, and been provoked to think about it afterwards." Reviewed by David Reid, Nexus Network Journal, vol. 5 no. 2, Autumn 2003, for complete review see http: // " ... The centennial celebration of his birth, held in Rome and Ravello, Italy, in June of 1998, gave a good testimony to the multi-disciplinary interest in his work and produced this book, where there are presented forty of their papers. A wonderful CD-ROM complements the papers, containing beautiful color illustrations, movies and animations. The authors are well known scientists and specialists in Escher's work. ..." Reviewed by Vera W. de Spinadel, President of the International Mathematics & Design Association, Journal of Mathematics & Design, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2003 ., ." This conference [an international congress held in June of 1998 in Rome and Ravello, Italy, to celebrate the centennial of the birth of Escher] resulted in an immensely interesting collection of articles presented in the book M.C.Escher's Legacy, A Centennial Celebration." ... Although Escher himself is no longer among us, M.C.Escher's Legacy, like a garden of continually blooming flowers, allows us to appreciate his heritage anew." Reviewed by Reza Sarhangi, Notices of the AMS, April 2003 (for complete review see http: // ., ." It is a handsome volume, and contains articles from 41 people, which cover a wide range of artistic and analytical endeavour. ... A quick dip into each section produces small gems. ...there is enough here to provide rich pickings for any interested party, no matter what their particular discipline is. Embedded in the various articles are even snippets which illuminate Escher's intentions, and his relationships with his mathematician friends (Coxeter, Penrose, Ernst et al). Even though short, these are rewarding to read. If you are an educator in any of the fields mentioned in the paragraph below, this book is immediately worth a look... If I was a librarian of an institution which encompassed any two of fine arts, mathematics philosophy, physical science, psychology, I would definitely demand its purchase: if as many as three of them, demand it loudly! ... the CD-ROM ... is an excellent addition to the book, and contains much more material, including "video" excerpts from some of the lectures.)" Reviewed by Warren Brisley, Australian Mathematical Society GAZETTE, Voume 30, Number 2, May 2003 ., ." This book contains 40 of their articles, richly illustrated with original art works in addition to well-known and little-known works by Escher. ..." Zentralblatt f??r Didaktik der Mathematik 1/2003 ., ." Das Buch bietet all denen, die nicht nur ein Hochglanz-Bilderbuch durchbl??ttern, sondern sich eingehender mit Eschers Werk auseinandersetzen wollen, willkommene Hintergrundinformationen." Reviewed by George Szpiro, Neue Z??richer Zeitung, 1.1.2004 (for complete review see ) ., ." Alle Artikel sind in liebensw??rdiger Weise formuliert, manchmal auch f??r Au??enstehende verst??ndlich, und seien es nur die 85 Abbildungen von Escher und die vielen seiner Nachfolger, sowie die 40 Farbdrucke, die den Betrachter faszinieren. Esist auch eine CD-ROM mit vielen prachtvollen auf Escher beruhenden Farbbildern und Informationen ??ber die Jahrhundertkonferenz beigegeben. ... Den Herausgebern D.Schattschneider und M.Emmer kann f??r dieses herrliche Buch nicht genug gedankt werden, und wir k??nnen nur in den Leitsatz von A.Clebsch einstimmen: Es ist die Freude an der Gestalt in einem h??heren Sinn, die den Geometer ausmacht!" W.Jank, IMN - Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten 57 (2003), Issue 193 "This is a collection of forty-one articles emerging from the Escher Centennial Conference, held in Rome in 1998. ??? Apart from the illustrations contained in the book, there is also a CD-ROM ??? . The whole book is a visual delight. Most of the articles are very readable and they constitute a very wide range of insights into Escher??'s world. ??? it provides a multifaceted exploration of the work of a man whose life was a continuum of artistic and mathematical achievement." (P. N. Ruane, The Mathematical Gazette, March, 2005) "The centennial of Escher??'s birth in 1998 was marked by exhibitions of his prints all over the world as well as an international congress in Rome ??? . In forty articles, supplemented by twenty-six items on a CD-ROM, conference participants describe the influence of Escher ??? . The images on the CD-ROM provide a much richer complement to the texts ??? . there is a great deal here for anyone who has ever been struck by an Escher print ??? ." (David Reid, Nexus Network Journal, Vol. 5 (2), 2004) "This is a collection of articles coming from the M.C. Escher Centennial Conference at Rome, in 1998. Its 458 pages include 31 colour plates, many monochrome illustrations, and there is an interactive CD-ROM in the back cover. It is a handsome volume, and contains articles from 41 people, which covers a wide range of artistic and analytical endeavour. ??? If you are an educator ??? this book is immediately worth a look ??? ." (Warren Brisley, The Australian Mathematical Society Gazette, Vol. 30 (2), 2003) "This ??? book collects a series of papers and articles prepared for the hundredth anniversary of Escher??'s birth in 1998, and adds a CD-ROM with further chapters, QuickTime videos and even some tessellation exploration software. The printed contributions are a suitably mind-bending and paradoxical mix. ??? Anyone in a comp. sc. or maths department will be delighted with the sum of the parts ??? ." (Daniel McBeal, Focus, July, 2003) ..."The book is lavishly illustrated with more than eighty of Escher's work on show and, to indicate the extent to which he was influenced by mathematical ideas, one only has to consider the titles given to some of the works ...The whole book is a visual delight. Most of the articles are very readable and they constitute a very wide range of insights into Escher's world. There are, however, three papers that are mathematically challenging and that nicely round off the book with in-depth analysis of some of them...

Reseña del editor

From the reviews of the hardcover edition: ... This conference [... to celebrate the centennial of the birth of Escher] resulted in an immensely interesting collection of articles ... Although Escher himself is no longer among us, M.C.Escher's Legacy, like a garden of continually blooming flowers, allows us to appreciate his heritage anew. Notices of the AMS April 2003 ... It is a handsome volume, and contains articles from 41 people, which cover a wide range of artistic and analytical endeavour. ... A quick dip into each section produces small gems. ... there is enough here to provide rich pickings for any interested party, no matter what their particular discipline is. Embedded in the various articles are even snippets which illuminate Escher's intentions, and his relationships with his mathematician friends ... Even though short, these are rewarding to read. ... the CD-ROM ... is an excellent addition to the book, and contains much more material, including "video" excerpts from some of the lectures." Australian Math. Soc. GAZETTE May 2003

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  • VerlagSpringer Verlag
  • Erscheinungsdatum2003
  • ISBN 10 354042458X
  • ISBN 13 9783540424581
  • EinbandTapa dura
  • Anzahl der Seiten474

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Weitere beliebte Ausgaben desselben Titels

9783540201007: M.C. Escher's Legacy: A Centennial Celebration

Vorgestellte Ausgabe

ISBN 10:  3540201009 ISBN 13:  9783540201007
Verlag: Springer, 2005

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Schattschneider, Doris (Editor), and Emmer, Michele (Editor)
Verlag: Springer-Verlag, 2003
ISBN 10: 354042458X ISBN 13: 9783540424581
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: Friends of the Library Bookstore, Eau Claire, WI, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. The CD-ROM is missing. The pages are clean, with many black and white illustrations and 16 pages of color illustrations. The boards are black and yellow. The spine and corners have slight bumping. The boards are rubbed. There is a half-inch tear at the top of page 255. There is a tear mark inside the back cover where the CD-ROM was removed. 458 p. NOT ex-library. Shelf: B-1 Compilation of 40 essays about M. C. Escher s work by authors from 11 countries. The volume has reproductions of Escher s work in color and black and white, along with detailed analyses of the mathematical and other design details. The CD-ROM is missing. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 240116JS

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EUR 17,23
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Emmer, Michele (Author)
Verlag: Springer, 2003
ISBN 10: 354042458X ISBN 13: 9783540424581
Gebraucht Hardcover Erstausgabe

Anbieter: Reilly Books, Richmond, VA, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen 4 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: Good. 1st Edition. Hardcover. Orig owner's bookplate on first page; no CD-ROM, else as new. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers ABE-1726777223668

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EUR 14,79
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Schattschneider, Doris; Emmer, Michele; Emmer, M.
Verlag: Springer, 2003
ISBN 10: 354042458X ISBN 13: 9783540424581
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: ThriftBooks-Atlanta, AUSTELL, GA, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. No Jacket. May have limited writing in cover pages. Pages are unmarked. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less 2.16. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers G354042458XI4N00

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EUR 26,82
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Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Michele Emmer; Doris Schattschneider
Verlag: Springer, 2003
ISBN 10: 354042458X ISBN 13: 9783540424581
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: Sunny Day Books, Mayer, AZ, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

hardcover. Zustand: As New. A beautiful copy. Text in mint/unmarked condition. Cover has minor shelf rubbings and has some warping from storage. Binding is tight. Your Satisfaction Guaranteed. We ship daily. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers C6A230411023

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EUR 38,81
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Versand: EUR 4,49
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In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Emmer, Michele (Author)
Verlag: Springer, 2003
ISBN 10: 354042458X ISBN 13: 9783540424581
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: Broad Street Books, Branchville, NJ, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

hardcover. Zustand: As New. Book and unused CD. Book is in excellent condition, text is unmarked and pages are tight. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 63010

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EUR 55,57
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Versand: EUR 3,55
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Foto des Verkäufers

Verlag: Springer, 2002
ISBN 10: 354042458X ISBN 13: 9783540424581
Gebraucht Hardcover

Anbieter: CSG Onlinebuch GMBH, Darmstadt, Deutschland

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: Gebraucht. Gebraucht - Gut Buch ist Bibliotheksexemplar und kann die üblichen Stempel und Markierungen enthalten. -Rich with illustrations, both of Escher's work and of work by contemporary artists whose art is inspired by that of Escher New insights into Escher's work, including articles by the well-known commentators on M.C. Escher, D. Hofstadter and B. Ernst CD-ROM with color illustrations, movies, animations, and other demonstrations accompanies the text and provides essential add-on value to readers.One of the most popular artists of the 20th century, M.C. Escher, leaves a rich legacy. The centennial celebration of his birth, held in Rome and Ravello in 1998, gave testimony to the keen interest and new insight into his work, and showcased a number of comtemporary artists and scientists whose work is directly inspired by that of Escher. This book contains 40 of their articles, richly illustrated with original art works in addition to well-known and little-known works by Escher. A CD-ROM complements the articles, containing color illustrations of work by contemporary artists, movies, animations, and other demonstrations. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers INF1000065302

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Emmer, Michele (Author)
Verlag: Springer, 2003
ISBN 10: 354042458X ISBN 13: 9783540424581
Neu Hardcover

Anbieter: GoldenDragon, Houston, TX, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: NEW. Buy for Great customer experience. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers GoldenDragon354042458X

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EUR 84,92
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Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Emmer, Michele (Author)
Verlag: Springer, 2003
ISBN 10: 354042458X ISBN 13: 9783540424581
Neu Hardcover

Anbieter: GoldenWavesOfBooks, Fayetteville, TX, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: NEW. New. Fast Shipping and good customer service. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers Holz_New_354042458X

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Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Emmer, Michele (Author)
Verlag: Springer, 2003
ISBN 10: 354042458X ISBN 13: 9783540424581
Neu Hardcover

Anbieter: GoldBooks, Denver, CO, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Hardcover. Zustand: NEW. New Copy. Customer Service Guaranteed. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers think354042458X

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EUR 85,40
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Versand: EUR 3,82
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Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

In den Warenkorb

Beispielbild für diese ISBN

Verlag: Springer, 2003
ISBN 10: 354042458X ISBN 13: 9783540424581
Neu Hardcover

Anbieter: Basi6 International, Irving, TX, USA

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

Zustand: Brand New. New. US edition. Expediting shipping for all USA and Europe orders excluding PO Box. Excellent Customer Service. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers ABEJUNE24-267377

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EUR 90,42
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Anzahl: 1 verfügbar

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