Odanata, represented by over 6000 known species, are unique insects. In more than one feature they differ, at the very glance from all other insect superdoer including their nearest allies, the mayflies.
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Anbieter: Books Puddle, New York, NY, USA
Zustand: New. xix 366 14 of lates, Map (Col.) 1st Edition. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 26244580
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Anbieter: Majestic Books, Hounslow, Vereinigtes Königreich
Zustand: New. xix 366 14 of lates, Frontispiece (Col.), Figures, Illus., Map (Col.). Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 7603387
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Anbieter: Biblios, Frankfurt am main, HESSE, Deutschland
Zustand: New. xix 366 14 of lates Acknowledgements. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 18244590
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Anbieter: Books in my Basket, New Delhi, Indien
Hardcover. Zustand: New. ISBN:9788172334826. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 2368075
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Anbieter: Vedams eBooks (P) Ltd, New Delhi, Indien
Hardcover. Zustand: As New. Dust Jacket Included. Contents Foreword. Preface. Acknowledgements. 1. Professor Bastiaan Kiauta an extraordinary and outstanding odonatologist/B.K. Tyagi and M.A.J.E. Kiauta. 2. Studies on neotropical protoneuridae. 20. Neoneura Kiautai spec. nov. from Southeastern Brazil (Zygoptera protoneuridae)/Angelo B.M. Machado. 3. Three new damselfly species from Papua New Guinea (Zygoptera megapodagrionidae coenagrionidae)/G. Theischinger and S.J. Richards. 4. Dragonflies from the Okavango swamps (Botswana Southern Africa) in winter/Henri J. Dumont. 5. Cordulegaster insignis (Schneider 1845) in Bulgaria with notes on its biology and ecology/Milen Marinov Burkhard Grebe and Yordan Kutsarov. 6. The dragonfly fauna of the Shivapuri Hills Nepal (Odonata zygoptera Anisozygoptera anisoptera)/T. Brockhaus S.G. Butler R.G. Kemp and G.S. Vick. 7. The composition and history of Siberian odonate fauna/A.Yu. Haritonov. 8. The dragonflies of forest steppe in West Siberia fauna ecology and biology/O.N. Popova. 9. Odonata of Mexico revisited/E. Gonzalez Soriano and R. Novelo Gutierrez. 10. Odonata inventories in British Columbia Canada determining the conservation status of odonata species/Robert A. Cannings Leah R. Ramsay and Sydney G. Cannings. 11. Cytogenetics of American Odonata/Liliana M. Mola. 12. Are the observed dispersal capacities in damselfly species sufficient to cope with the ongoing rapid shift of climate zones/J. Beukema. 13. Local assemblage patterns of odonates in Central Choco Colombian Pacific/L. Perez. D. Monroy and E. Realpe. 14. The expansion of crocothemis erythraea (Brulle 1832) in Germany an indicator for climatic changes/J. Ott. 15. Adaptationist approach of reproductive behaviour in Libellulidae a case report on Diastatops obscura Fabricius/J.B. Irusta and A. Araujo. 16. Causes and costs of lamellae autotomy in damselfly larvae a review/R. Stoks and M. De Block. 17. Endemic odonates of the Western Ghats habitat distribution and conservation/K.A. Subramanian. 18. Dragonflies of the Madurai Kamaraj University Campus (Tamil Nadu India)/P.L. Miller. 19. Larval and adult behavioural patterns of some odonata species from Dehradun Valley/Amit Mitra. 20. Coeliccia hoanglienensis spec. nov. a new platynemid damselfly from Hoang Lien mountains in the North of Vietnam (Zygoptera plastinemididae)/Do Manh Cuong. 21. Observations on mating and oviposition behaviour of Tetrathemis platyptera Selys 1878/Kiran C.G. and F.K. Kakkassery. 22. About the odonata ethnic names in the Serbian linguistic area/Milos Jovic. 23. Discovering the dragonfly wealth of Kerala the God's own land in South India a travelogue/Dan Barta. Dragonflies (Odonata) represented by over 6000 known species are unique insects. In more than one feature they differ at the very first glance from all other insect superorders including their nearest allies the mayflies (Ephemeropteroidea). They probably evolved as early as in the Lower Devonian. Odonata are characterized by a number of extremely archaic features have evolved but very little in the course of the past geological epochs and are therefore justly considered as a kind of living fossils. The living dragonflies represent but one order (Odonata) organized in three suborders viz. Zygoptera Anisozygoptera and Anisoptera. Anisozygoptera are represented in the present day fauna only by two relic species one of which is endemic to Japan and the other in India and Nepal. The Zygoptera and Anisoptera on the other hand are the dominant groups. Being voracious predators in both immature (aquatic) and adult (aerial) stages they are important elements of all except the drier (or high alpine) environments in temperate and tropical regions occupying a position at the apex of the food chain of invertebrate life. Many dragonfly species are tested biological control agents for several disease transmitting vector mosquitoes especially Aedes species. They are also ideal organisms to be used as indicators of water pollution and contamination. Many species se. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 63711
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Anbieter: Mispah books, Redhill, SURRE, Vereinigtes Königreich
Hardcover. Zustand: Like New. Like New. book. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers ERICA75881723348266
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