Two very scarce works detailing acts and legislation passed concerning duties surrounding the sale and production of malt in early eighteenth century Great Britain. Two very scarce 1730 printings of legal acts passed in England, bound together.Volume I details acts passed between 25th November 1710 and the 9th April 1713, all discussing duties and taxes relating to the production, sale and purchase of malt. With the final thirty-six pages titled 'An index to the malt acts, &c'. To the rear of this volume are the individual title pages for 'A Table of Allowances for Malsters, on the Cistern and Couch Gauges', and 'A Table of Allowances for Malsters, on the Floor', as called for.ESTC reference no. for volume I: N51412Volume II consists of a very scarce act issued from a large volume detailing acts passed between the 23rd January 1727, and the 13th January 1729. This act discusses 'continuing duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry in that Part of Great Britain called England', and further duties upon Malt to be issued in Scotland. This act further details preventative measures that must be taken against 'frauds in the malting of corn for exportation'ESTC reference no. for volume II: N50785With the armorial bookplate of 'Jacob et Antoni Suttonis' to the front pastedown, and the inscription 'Richardson' to the front free endpaper, and a further inscription, dated 1758, to the title page.Two very scarce works providing detailed insight into the legislature surrounding malt in early eighteenth century Great Britain. In a full calf binding. Rebound, with original boards laid down and endpapers renewed. Ink marks to front and rear board. Bookplate to front pastedown. Original front free endpaper, bearing a contemporary owner's inscription, laid down. Internally, firmly bound. Contemporary owner's inscription to volume I title page. Pages significantly age toned, with spotting and handling marks throughout. Good. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 812F2
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