Verkäufer Rooke Books PBFA, Bath, Vereinigtes Königreich Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 18. Mai 2007
The third edition of this very scarce mid eighteenth century legal guide, containing the 'laws, statutes, rules and orders of courts, relating to affidavits'. The third edition of this very scarce work, first published in 1725.Alongside an account of the laws and statutes relating to affidavits, curious and unusual 'depositions and interrogatories in the most extraordinary cases' are included, alongside directions on the examining of witnesses.Also present is a list of officers in the King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Duchy Court of Lancaster.With the inscription of 'M. Burges' to the head of the title page.Billed as 'for the use of all attornies [sic] and solicitors', this anonymously authored work - sometimes attributed to Giles Jacobs - provides a fascinating insight into the legal procedures of eighteenth century England. Rebacked, in a full calf binding, with original boards restored and endpapers renewed. Externally, excellent. Internally, firmly bound. Inscription to head of title page. Pages lightly age toned, with light spotting throughout. Very Good. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 855F6
Titel: The Attorney and Solicitor's Companion: or, ...
Verlag: E. and R. Nutt, In the Savoy [London]
Erscheinungsdatum: 1739
Einband: Leather
Illustrator: None
Zustand: Very Good
Art des Buches: book
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