Aynam Book Disposals (ABD)

Aynam Book Disposals (ABD)

Kendal, United Kingdom

Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen 4 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

AbeBooks Verkäufer seit 16. September 2005

Über den Verkäufer

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PRIVATE LIBRARY SALES : online disposal from home of personal items; specifically books acquired over a lifetime through collection, inheritance and gift rather than as stock in trade. In furtherance of both domestic downsizing and capital release my library is subject to long term disposal by, firstly, selective on line sale, secondly, donation to charity and, finally, waste recycling. As a merely part-time seller this retired private individual, for additional reasons of age and infirmity, is reluctantly offering for sale, solely online, books selected individually on the basis of interest, scarcity, condition and potential sale value. These items, mostly in my possession for years and accumulated for their content through inheritance, private gift (including former bookshop and display stock) and collection are chosen from a still excessively large domestic private library. They are mainly out of print, twentieth century non-fiction editions, both academic and non-academic. Currently the majority still remain at home in reserve and offline pending eventual disposal. PLEASE NOTE : FIRSTLY, neither in the past nor currently have books been acquired with sale in mind. No part of this diminishing library, including that currently subject to listing for sale, will have ever been originally acquired by me with any specific intention of selling on. I have never in the past bought and do not now buy books to sell and I have never been a book dealer. Any book listed for sale will already have been in my ownership for at least a year or so, though usually for far longer, and will have come from no other source than my own personal library. Though a keen collector years ago I no longer attend auctions, book fairs, car boot sales etc; books sometimes acquired for my own personal use are not listed, if ever, until at least a year later. I am merely a private, non-employed, non-professional, retired, part-time seller who, out of financial necessity, is running down, as a part-time occupation, their own extensive private library. I am merely selectively selling off personal possessions, specifically books. Since proceeds from the sale of such possessions do not constitute profit I am not trading as such and therefore Aynam Book Disposals is not registered as a business. Offers, whether from the public or trade, of books for me to purchase are neither solicited nor accepted. As an amateur, private seller I regret that trade discounts are unavailable. SECONDLY, My 'New' books here are not necessarily publisher supplied and are listed regardless of any criteria other than their actual physical condition; that condition overrides. The AbeBooks Advanced Search page All Conditions filter opposes 'New' against 'Used' (despite 'New' usually implying only recent pre-retail acquisition rather than a condition). Since 'New' and 'Used' conditions are not defined 'New' is here taken to be the synonym of unused (or mint) and thus 'Used', requiring a physical change from unused, is the antonym of both. Since any 'Condition' can only relate to physical criteria that overriding binary distinction is applied here solely on the basis of the observed absence or presence of physical evidence of use, i.e. from having been opened/read or just obvious handling, regardless of age, source, pre-owned, or out of print; none being conditions as such. Therefore a 'New' book is defined here solely by the absence of such evidence and regardless of any of the above. Variation in any does not necessarily result in change in physical condition and thus, exceptionally, though ex display, long out of print or even previously retailed and thus pre-owned, a book may still remain unused and therefore 'New'. So regardless, IF they are still obviously unused (mint), such books may be listed 'New, that condition overriding; descriptions may qualify that in respect of very minor deterioration. The conditions 'As New' and 'Fine' may be used in more borderline cases.

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Books listed on AbeBooks sold via AbeBooks e-commerce intermediary card processing (and there ONLY by Visa /Master card.) RETURN and REFUND PROVISIONS are as required by AbeBooks policies, ( see buyer Help pages). PLEASE NOTE that on my listings all books and their dust jackets/wrappers are graded independently of each other (a 'fine' or even an 'as new' book might, though rarely, have a 'poor' jacket). Jackets may have any tears closed from inside with scotch tape; and if described as "protecte...

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