Verkäufer Dungeness Books, ABAA, Holland, MI, USA Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 23. September 2020
London: Robert Barker, 1598. 4to (8.5 x 6.25 in). A very clean quarto Geneva Bible. A scarce sixteenth century illustrated example professionally rebound in modern brown calf. Description: General title (1598) with headpiece and printer s device. Text in two column Roman font. Complete set of 33 in-text woodcut illustrations and maps. Printed title to the second part with headpiece, tailpiece, and decorative ornament. With Apocrypha as issued. Printed New Testament title page (1597) with headpiece and printer s device. Ends on colophon (1598). Bound with The Whole Booke of Psalmes (1594) by Sternhold and Hopkins. Woodcut first chapter initials, colophons, and decorative head and tailpieces throughout. Collation: [par]^4 (?-[par]1), A-Z^8, &^6, Aa-Zz^8, &&^8, **^4, Aaa-Ooo^8, Ppp^4, [par]^8, [par][par]^4. Lacks first blank leaf. Binding: Rebound in modern brown calf with blind-rolled border. Spine with five recessed bands and a gilt-line black label with the words The Bible 1598 . All edges light red. Plain endpapers. Condition: [par]^2 (general title), A1 (Gen 1) small piece torn to upper gutter without loss; [par]4 small loss to edges; trimmed to head; Qq8 short closer tear into text; Rr-Ss faint upper stain to outer column; more staining to Metrical Psalter, primarily to gutter; final 3 leaves of Psalter remargined with final leaf lead down; Overall, a remarkably clean copy of a sixteenth century illustrated Geneva Bible. Provenance: Mary Bagwell inked to title page; final leaf of Malachi with a note that reads The last sermon of E. M. Dirksin upon the 14th verse of the third chapter made the 15th day of December: 1603. Note: There are only five editions of the illustrated quarto Geneva Bible from the sixteenth century, and these are in high demand. This is a very nice example and would make a great addition to any Bible collection. References: Herbert 244. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers Q91
Titel: The Bible: That is, the Holy Scriptures ...
Verlag: Robert Barker, London
Erscheinungsdatum: 1598
Einband: Hardcover
Zustand: Near Fine
Auflage: Illustrated Edition
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