Birch Bark Poems, Vol. 1: Charles F. Lummis Birch Bark Poems, Vol. 1: Charles F. Lummis

Birch Bark Poems, Vol. 1

Charles F. Lummis

Verlag: Charles Lummis, 1884
Gebraucht Soft cover

Verkäufer Burns' Bizarre, IOBA, Sacramento, CA, USA Verkäuferbewertung 2 von 5 Sternen 2 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

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2d edition. 8 pp. 2.5 x3 , stitched, illustrated wrappers. (12) pp. A collection of small poems written in the transcendental style, Birch Bark Poems is printed entirely on thin and delicate birch bark, with engravings of birch trees on front and back. Lummis cut the bark from the trees, set the type, and did the printing. This is a later printing [ninth thousand] of the second edition. First published while Lummis was working for a small publishing firm in New Hampshire, the first printing (1878) was only a dozen or so copies. This allowed Lummis to work out the medium's eccentricities. The books proved popular and by the end of the following summer Lummis had printed more than 3,500 copies in various editions. This lead to a second volume in 1883 and this first work was retitled Volume 1. ###### Condition: Very good-near fine. Several thin tears in the right margin of the leaves. These are from natural flaws in the bark, not damage. 1/8 hole at bottom of first leaf; again, this appears to be a natural flaw. ¼ spot of light soiling on the back panel. Although a later printing, these are scarce in any edition -- and this is one of the nicest copies we have seen. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers k200613a

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Bibliografische Details

Titel: Birch Bark Poems, Vol. 1
Verlag: Charles Lummis
Erscheinungsdatum: 1884
Einband: Soft cover
Zustand: Very Good
Auflage: 2nd Edition

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