thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 21. Februar 2017
Bonhams - London, Sale title - British and Continental Pictures, Date - 12th June 2007, No. of lots - 390, No. of pages - 79, Illustrated in colour INDEX Agostini Guido Chappell Reuben Franke E A Allen R B Chinnery George Fraser Arthur Anderson Alio Julius Ciappa Carlo Fraser J Allom Thomas Coene Jean Henri De French School Amoedo R Cohen Angell Maude Colin Gustave Henri Angillis Pieter Collins C Antwerp School omte Pierre Charles Funke Bernd (Bernhard) Apol L Conti Tito Art B Continental School Austrian School G Auty Charles Cooke Edward William Gampenrieder K Ayers N** Corsirii Raffaele Geefs Fanny (Fanny Corr) Cottrell Arthur Wellesley German School B Courbet Circle of Gustave Gianni G Ballesio Giuseppe Couture Thomas Gianni Y Ballin A Cox Jnr David Giel Frans van Banner Alfred swell Keith B Gioja Edoardo Barker Creswick Circle of Thomas Giraud EugEne Pierre FranAois Barker John Joseph (of Bath) Cristall Joshua Goff Frederick Edward Joseph Bassano Jacopo da Ponte Croegaert Georges Goldthwait H Basso Fernando del Cruickshank W Gooch Thomas Bates David Cubley H H Good Thomas Sword Baxter Charles Cuzco School Grace A L Beers Jan van Graff Bell A D D Green A Bellotto After Daele C van den Greiffenhagen Maurice Bernardo Davis Henry William Banks Gruttefien Elisabeth Bennewitz Von Lofen Karl Davis Leslie Guardi Manner of Francesco Beraud Jean Dawson Nelson Berry W Docharty James H Bilbie James Lees Dolci Manner of Carlo Haddon Arthur Trevor Bleeck Circle of Richard (Risaert Dollman Herbert P Hardy Thomas Bush van) Domba R Hartland Henry Albert Boddington E H Donne Walter J Hassmann Karl Ludwig Boddington Edwin Henry Drummond J Hastings Edward Boisseree Frederick Ducker Jack M Hayes C Bolognese School Duncan Edward Hayward Alfred Frederick William Bompiani A Duncan Walter Hayward Emily L Booth Samuel Lawson Dutch School Heffner Karl Boucher Francois Herkomer Herman Gustave Brabazon Hercules Brabazon E Hermanus P Brabbins Oliver Ellis Tristram Heyer Arthur Brenta B Emmerson H H Hickin G Brewer Henry Charles English School Hiles Frederick John Bartram Briscoe A J T Hodges William Merrett Brissot de Warvillo Hlix Salurnln Holbein the Younger Manner of Bristow Edmund Ci Hans Broom Marion L Hollingdale H R Bruck Lajos Horlor G W Buckley Charles Frederick Fluet P Buttersworth T Follower ol Huggins J M Etty William Hughes John Joseph C Hunt Charles Callow Circle of Eyles Charles Hunt William Henry Callow G D Hutchinson John E Callow John F Huysmans Jan Baptist Calvert Frederick Falconer D Canals Studio of Miguel Falconer Douglas Carriere Alphonse Farr S C Ingalton William Casa Filippi C** de Italian School Catalan Ramos Flemish School B Cattermole George Foley H Celentano Bernardo Foweraker Albert Moulton Italo Cretan School Ceriez Theodore Fradelle Henri Joseph Jacobs Adolphe Jacobs E** Jacobsen A N G circle of Jacoby Carl (Karl) Jamieson F E Jardines J M Jaspers Heinrich Jenkins G H Jungman Nico Juuel Andreas Thomas Kay James Keyl Friedrich Wilhelm Kilburne George Goodwin King Edward King Flenry John Yeend Kinnaird Henry John Knell A Koningh (H) Leendert de Kruseman Follower of F M Landseer Sir Edwin L Lawrence Follower of Thomas Leader Charles Lecoque A Leitch William Leighton Lemoine Attributed to F Lemon Arthur Lerche Vincent Stoltenberg Leslie Charles Lindsay T Linnell James Thomas Linnell John Lloyd Thomas James Longstaffe Edgar Loutherbourg Philip James de Lucas Albert Durer Maestri Follower of Michelangelo Magnasco called Lissandrino Manner of Alessandro Malard Felix Manners W Markelbach Alexandre Marks H S Mclntyre Joseph Wrightson Mears G Mellor W Mierevelt Michiel Jansz van Milliken James W Morelli F Moricourt Leon Morland Circle of G Morley Thomas William Morris J W Morris John W Morris Philip Richard Morrish Sydney S Mounier B Moyes F Nasmyth Follower of P Neapolitan School Nibbs Richard Henry Niemann E H Niemann Edmund John Niemann Edward H Nordenberg Henrik C Oakley Octavius Oliver W Orloff J*** Orlov J*** Owen John Pain. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 49238
Titel: Bonhams 2007 British & Continental Pictures
Zustand: Marked
Anbieter: Librairie Archaion, Bruxelles, Belgien
Broché. Zustand: Très bon. 79 p., 361 lots la plupart illustrés en coul. Inv. H. 67. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 016285
Anzahl: 1 verfügbar
Anbieter: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Zustand: Good. Bonhams - London, Sale title - British and Continental Pictures, Date - 9th January 2007, No. of lots - 334, No. of pages - 59, Illustrated in colour, , ?INDEX, Adams, J.C, Allan, William, Allori, After, C, Althaus, Fritz B, Angell, H. C, Armfield, Circle of G., Asselyn, J., Aston, CR., Atkins, William Edward, Austrian School, Baie, CT, Baie, Cl, Barabini, F., Barbara, G., Barclay, H.W, Barker, B., Barker, J., Barnoin, H. A, Barr, W, Bauckham, B., Beer, Wilhelm Amandus, Belgian School, Bennett, F.M., Bergen, Attributed to D. van, Biaird, WB., Birchall, WM., Boel, J.H., Bonnaud, Pierre, Boratha von Trstvenica, L., Breanski, de A, Bramley, William, Broome, W., Brugada y Panzio, R., Brunei de Neuville Alfred Arthur, Buchanan, D., Butterworth, J.H., Buttler, H. C, Byles, WH, Calvert F., circle of, Cardona, J, Carse, AD., Cattermole, Leonardo F.G., Charles, J., Cheviot, Lilian, Christiansen, N.H., Church, H**, Clark,O.1, Colaccio, S., Colacicco, Sa, Colonia, Comte, PC, Constable, Follower of, Constantin, S, Continental School, 19th Century 315, Cooper, Byron 275, Cooper, H. 132, Couldery, Horatio Henry 172, Coventry, CC 200, Cox, David 305, Craft, P.R. 45, Cruickshank, W 7, 166, 221, 225, 235, 241, Cuyp,Manner of A 98, Cuzco School 145, D'Esposito, V, D'Oyly, C, Davidson, C, Dawson, Henry, de Mounard, Louis, Docharty, J., Dommersen, W., Dommersen, W. R., Drummond-Fish, Capt. G., Duncan, W, Dunnington, A, Dupont, W, Dupre, J., Dupuy, L, Dutch School, Duverger, lE., Eichinger, Erwin, Eisley, A.J., Enfield, H., England ES, English School, English School, 19th Century 276, 290, 299, English School, 20th Century 2, Farrier R., Fedden, R., Flemish School, Forbes, Alexander Stanhope, Foster, Manner of M.B., French School, Fripp, A.D., Gainsborough, Manner of T., Garnder, Circle of D., German School, Gernay, Pierre, Gerton, AG., Gianni, ***, Giardello, G., Giel, Frans van, 219, 207, 4,16, 261, 226, 135, 321, 323, Goltzius, After H., Gordon, Arthur, Goyen, Manner of Jan., Gozzard, J.W, Hall, H.R., Hanegard, G., Harding, James Duffield, Harlow, After G.H., Hayes, A E., Hemsley, W, Henley, WB., Hicks, Attributed to WG., Hines, 1, Hoare, Florence E, Holland, J., Houston, J.A P., Hughes-Stanton, H.E.P., Irish School, Italian School 72, 82, 116, 250, Italian School, Early 20th Century, Italian School., Jensen, E.M., Kavanagh, Joseph Malachy, Keats, CJ., King, Henry John Yeend, Kneller, Circle of Sir G., Ladell, Manner of E., Lance, George, Lander, CJ., Langley, W, Le Cave, Circle of P., Le Mayeur de Merpres, AJ., Lecoque, A, Leeke, F., Leibl, WM.H., Lemoine, Attributed to F., Leslie, R.C, Lessore, J., Lewis, L., Loon, P van, Lorraine, Manner of C., Ludby, M., Macdonald, J.S., Maestosi, F., Maidment, H., Manner of A van Dyck, McEvoy, Ambrose, Mclntyre, J., Meadows, J.E., Meadows, William, 3, 189, Messonier, Follower of J.c. 62 Solenghi, G 18, Millais, R 174,187 Solenghi, G. 29, Montimer, T. 26 Soper, attributed to T.J. 121, Mordechai 144 Stainton, George 333, Morley, Follower of R. 175 Stannard, H. J. 105, Morris, c.G. 83 Stechow, G. 319, Morrison, R.E. 117 Steenwyck, van 325, Muller, H. J. 112 Stewart, W. 49, Muriani, G. 326A Stifter, M. 191, Murray, H. 192 Stopford, W 25, Stroebel, JAB. 149, Nasmyth, Circle of A. 273 Stubbs, R. R. 76, Neer, School of A. 326, Niemann, E.J. 153 Teniers 329A, Nourrigat, E. 89 Tilche, O. 40, Tischbein, Anton 324, Orczy, E. 34 Toretti, P 330, Trayon, Follower of C 94, Paice, F** 10, Pannett, Richard 146 Varley, J 263A, Parton, E. 317 Velten, Wilhelm 283, Patrickson, H.G. 170 Verelst, Manner of S. 97, Payne, Follower of William 281 Verhoesen, A. 48, Peake, ** 21 Vinter, JA 190, Peeters, Manner of B. 292 viollet-le-Duc, Circle of Victor 247, Pennell, H 55 Voltz, F.J. 47, Pennell, H. 327 von Eckenbrecher, Themistocles 101, Pether, After H 12, Philipsen, T. 266 Waite, E.E. 54, Poole, Attributed to J. 257 Washington, G. 150, Poweell, Circle of CM. 130 Watelin, L. 99, Ptyce, W 194 Watts, F.W 205, Pyne, Circle of J. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 18187
Anzahl: 1 verfügbar
Anbieter: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Zustand: Good. Bonhams ? London, Sale title ? British & Continental Pictures, Date ? 30th October 2007, No. of lots - 361, No. of pages ? 79, Illustrated in colour Received india stamp inside in front page, , Index, Clark, S.J. 271 Giraud, EugËne Pierre FranAois 165, Clarke, W.A 122 Giroux, Achille 54, A Clifford, Henry Charles 16 Glendening Jr, Alfred 94, Ademollo, Carlo 155 Collingridge, Mrs J. 45 Grace, AL. 146, Agasse, Jacques-Laurent 264A Continental School 4,15,147, Grant, Donald 168, Aikman, William 85 170,192,198 Grassi, Nicola 175, Aldridge, Frederick James 207 Cooper, William Savage 295 Greuze, Jean Baptiste 355, Allam, ** 269 Cout y, Jean-FrÈdÈric 208 Grimou, Alexis 194, Allegri, Antonio 22 Creswick, Thomas 67 Gruttefien, Elisabeth 205, Althaus, Fritz B 164 Cristall, Joshua 313, Anderson, William 75 Cuyp, Aelbert 76 H, Apol, L 214 Cuzco School 195,308 Haddon, Arthur Trevor 191, Archer, Charles 120,303,338 Haddon, D.W. 239, Arps, Bernardus 285 D Hans, Josephus Gerardus 42, Atkins, Samuel 74, 330 David, Follower of J, L. 88 Hardy, Thomas Bush 63, Auty, Charles 187 Davidson, Charles 292 Harrison, John Cyril 327, Davis, Henry William Banks 186 Heath, William 176, B Diranian, Serkis 128 Henderson, J. 287, Barker, J. 283 Docharty, J. 278 Hering, George Edwards 177, Barret, George 61 Domba, R. 235 Hillingford, Robert Alexander 89, Barrier, Gustave 151 Donne, Walter J. 224 Hills, Robert 220, Barttenbach, Hans 21,193,250 Dou, Gerrit 266 Hime, Harry E. 349, Bateman, James 117 Drummond, J. 172 Hodges, William Merrett 113, Batt, Arthur 69,209 Dughet, Gaspard 43,103 Holland, John 12, Beers, Jan van 300 Dumont, Pierre 3 Horlor, G.W. 82, Bennett, F.M. 267 Duncan, Edward 294 Horton, E. 110, Bennett, Godwin 107 Dutch School 119, 134, 160, 201, Hough, William 135, Bennewitz Von Lofen, Karl 50 345 Hudson, Thomas 159A, Beraud, Jean 309 Dutch School, 16th Century 66 Hunt, William Henry 111, Berckheyde, G.A. 354 Dyck, Sir Anthony Van 197 Hutin, Charles FranAois 347, Beresford, Frank Ernest 99 Huysum, Jan van 24, Blinks, Thomas 280 E, Boddington, Edwin Henry 102 Earle, Charles 196, Boddy, William J. 350 Egley, William Maw 98 Indoni, Filippo 358, Bolognese School 174 Emmerson, H.H. 296 Italian School 259,317,321,348, Bompiani, A 188 English Provincial School 245 Italian School, 17th Century 29, Bond, Richard Sebastian 35 English School 31,37,49,77,80, Italian School, 19th Century 264, 344, Boucher, Francois 193A 125,132,141,204, Boughton, George Henry 152 212,248,286,314, Bouvard, Noel Georges 133 English School, 19th Century 310 Jacobsen AN.G., circle of 323, Bowers, Stephen J. 138 Jacoby, Carl (Karl) 144, Braekeleer, Adrien Ferdinand de 46 F Jamieson, Alexander 18, Breanski, Gustave de 277 Faccioli, R. 11 Jamieson, F.E. 318, Briscoe, AJ.T. 93 Flemish School 7,203,315 Jenkins, George Henry 339, British School 351 Flemish School, 17th Century 199 Johnson, Harry John 237, Brouwer, Adriaen 297 Florentine School 343 Jonas, Lucien-Hector 116, Brown, Thomas Austen 52 Forbes, Stanhope Alexander 55 Joron, M 238, Brunei de Neuville, Alfred Arthur 233 Foweraker, Albert Moulton 202 Jungmann, Nico 33, Bunn, George 258 Fox, Henry Charles 326 Jutsum, Henry 312, Burne-Jones, Edward 252 Fradelle, Henri Joseph 182, Buttersworth T., Follower of 223 French School 44, 101, 123, K, 210,299,306 Katchadourian, Sarkis 357, C Frost, William Edward 105,329, Keene, Charles Samuel 62, Callow, John 324 356 Kilburne, George Goodwin 251, Callow, William 14 King, Baragwanath 279, Canals, Studio of Miguel 78,150 G King, Edward 149, Carracci, Lodovico 301 Gainsborough, Thomas 361 Kinnaird, Henry John 96,130, Celentano, Bernardo 181 Ga~eanne,JohannesJosephus 288 Klonarides 19,143, Charles, J. 86 Gascars, Henri 221 Koekkoek, Barend Cornelis 169, Charles, James 320 Gaston, JU 173 Kraemer, Hermann 270, Charles, W 352 Geiger, Conrad 72, Chinnery, George 219 German School 139,247,282,360, L Perretton, E** 145 Stone, William 336, Langerock, Henri 190 Piombo, Sebastiano dei 68 Syer, John 104, L. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 18613
Anzahl: 1 verfügbar
Anbieter: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Zustand: Good. Bonhams ? London, Sale title ? British & Continental Pictures, Date ? 27th November 2007, No. of lots - 344, No. of pages ? 77, Illustrated in colour Received India stamp inside in front, Index, Cooper, Henry 302 German School, 18th Century 179, A Corsini, Raffaele 37 Giallina, Angelos 261, Abbott, John White 315 Cortës, Edouard Lèon 124 Gianni, M. 246, Adams, M. E. 330 Cox, Garstin 328 Gibson, Thomas 319, Aglio, Agostino 204 Crompton, James Shaw 270 Gifford, John 195, Alken, Henry 105 Cullin, Isaac 222 Giles, James William 59, Allam, ** 13 Graham, George 149, Alleyne, Francis 129 D Graham, John 260, Apol, Louis 82 Davidson, Charles Tophane 17 Greek School 197, Archer, Charles 160 Davis, Henry William Banks 44 Green, Alfred H. 89, Armfield, Follower of George 220,227 Dayes, E. 8 Grimou, After Alexis 251, Ashburner, M.E. 247 de Breanski, Alfred Fontville 341 Guyon, Georges 141, De Wint, Peter 49,309, B Denner, Studio of Balthazar 25 H, Baccani, Attilio 178 Dibdin, Thomas Colman 277 Haensbergen, Johan van 137, Backer, de 193 Dietrich, Karl Wilhelm Ernst 148 Hall, Harry 150, Baird, William Baptiste 108 Dillens, Hendrick Joseph 119 Hartland, Henry Albert 213, Barttenbach, Hans 19,70,112 Dommersen, Pieter Cornelis 214 Heard, Joseph 60, Bassano, Jacopo da Ponte, called 308 Dommersen, William Raymond 155 Heinisch, Karl Adam 172, Baxter, Charles 47 Drummond, James 279 Henshaw, Frederick Henry 229, Beavis, Richard 293 Duassut, Curtius 272 Herbert, John Rogers 290, Beechey, Sir William 320 Duncan, Walter 151,264 Hickin, George 282, Blake, Circle of Benjamin 98 Holden, J. 9, Boeuff, Pierre le 241 E Horlor, Joseph 11, Bonetti, ** 130 Ede, Basil 93,177 Huffel, Frans Van 122, Booth, Samuel Lawson 100 Edwards, Lionel Dalhousie Robertson 26 Huggins, William 57, Bouvard, Noel Georges 40, 299 Eichinger, Otto 91 Hunt, Millson 123, Bowen, Owen 224 Ellis, Tristram 206, Bowkett, Jane Maria 278 English School 10, 32, 86, 100A, 113, Brandon, Jacques Emile Edouard 4 120, 132, 133, 143, 176, Ingham, Charles Frederick 210, Branwhite, Charles 73 192A, 196, 203, 205, 223, Ireland, Thomas Tayler 322, Breakspeare, William Henry 323 254,263,313,329,338 Italian School 2,30, 55, Brèanski, Alfred de 245 Esposito, G. d' 50 63,104,230, Breard, Henri Georges 46, Brownlow, George Washington 138 F J, Bryant, Alfred Moginie 20 Falens, Follower Carel van 236 Jackson, George 65A, Brydall, Robert 35 Faulkner, John 101 Jervas, Charles 118, Burt, Charles Thomas 239 Ferneley Jr., John 23 Jones, Charles 242, Ferranti, Carlo 117 Jones, Herbert H. St. John 147, C Fielding, Copley 316 Jones, William 259, Callow, George D. 67, 276 Fielding, G. 84, Callow, William 252 Finart, Noîl Dieudonnè 88 K, Canaletto 107 Fisher, Janet C. 256 Kauffman, Circle of Angelica 170A, Canals, Studio of Miguel 65 Flemish School 135, 202 Kennedy, William 296, Carelli, G. 199 Flemish School, 17th Century 145 Kerremans, Wilhelmus Jacobus 262, Carter, Frank Thomas 271 Forbes, Leyton 244 Kinnaird, Henry John 48, 54, Ceruti, Circle of Giacomo 238 Forbes, Stanhope Alexander 42 Kirkham 295, Chalon, Christina 266 Foweraker, Albert Moulton 114,337 Klausner, R. 38, Chasselat, Henri-Jean-Saint-Ange 287 Fowles, Arthur Wellington 255 Klingsb6gl, Rudolf 285A, Clare, Oliver 34 Fox, Henry Charles 186 Kneipp, Georg 311, Clausen, Follower of Sir George 33 Fox, John 14 Knight, A. Roland 28,96, 154, Clausen, Sir George 269 French School 182, 242A, 294 Knight, George 75, Clay, Alice O. 67A Friedlânder, Alfred Ritter von Malheim Krause, Emil Axel 68, Cluysenaar, Andre Edmond Alfred 175 253, Collier, Arthur Bevan 94, 292 Fulton, D 291 L, Collins, C. 161 Lancret, Nicolas 131, Continental School 6, 72, 77, 78, G Landseer, Follower of Sir Edwin Henry, 85,99, 146,283 Gainsborough, After Thomas 159 83, Cooper, Edwin 211 German School 27,305 Lang, A. 74, Langlois, J 217 Pratelia, Ada 334 Thurlby, F. 219, Langmaid, Roland 190 Priou, Louis 45,318 Tintoretto, Jacopo Robusti, called il 284, Laporte, John 240 Prooyen, Albert Jura. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 18614
Anzahl: 1 verfügbar
Anbieter: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Zustand: Good. Bonhams ? London, Sale title ? British & Continental Pictures, Date ? 27th February 2007, No. of lots - 309, No. of pages ? 51, Illustrated in colour, , Index, 19th Century, English School 179 D H, Dadd, F 93 Haite, George C 263, A Davis, Frederick William 151 Hall, H.R. 236, Agard, C. 206 de Breanski, A.F. 126,219 Hall, WH. 204A, Allan, ** 128 de Rosa, A. 95 Hardy, H. 70, Allegri, Manner of A. 110 Deshays de Colleville, J.B. 239 Harper, HA 106, Ambrossi, A. d' 296 Desportes, F 175 Hart, Thomas 135, Anderson, Attributed to R 140 Dixon, H 81 Hayes, C 221, Ayers, N** 40 Dods-Withers, Isabelle 205A Hayes, Frederick William 228, Dolci, After C. 26 Helmsley, attributed to W 241, B Downing, D 292 Henry, J.L. 305, Baie, TC. 256 Duray, E. 173 Hepple, W 200A, Barland, A 246 Dutch School 29, 148A, 194 Herink, F 94, Barnes, G.J. 24 Herkomer, Herman Gustave 215, Barret Jnr, G. 265 E Hines, T 57, Batoni, Circle of P.G. 191A Eichinger, Erwin 36 Hollingdale, H R 286, Baxter, Charles 150 Ellis, E 72 Horlor, J 109, Bayes, A.W 278 Ellis, Edwin 58 Horn, ** 280C, Belcher, G 298 English School 5,6,13,15,37,51,80, Houghton Hague, J 138, Bellotto, 19th Century, After Bernardo 196 92, 105, 124, 130, 164, Huet, P. 169, Berg, Attributed to A.v.d. 225 174,189,201,204,211, Hughes, W 52, Berry, W 290 212,242,268, 280B, 299, 300 Hutchinson, ** 229, Birchall, WM. 203A Enock, A.H. 132, Bloomer, H.R. 93A,163C, Boddington, E.H. 99 F Italian School 86, Boddington, Edwin Henry 205 Faed, Thomas 250, Bombled, L.c. 71 Fasce, F** 32, Bompiani, A 61 Fedeler, C 247 James, H** 262, Bonny, J 197 Fenson, R 274 Jamieson, FE. 4,83, Bourhill, J.E. 107 Field, W 56 Jay, JAB. 42, Box, AA 77 Findley, A. H. 96 Jenkins, G.H. 98, Brabazon, H.B. 108 Fisher, M. 79, Brennir, C 245 Fisher, P.H. 182 K, Brewer, H.C. 90 Flieher, K. 195 Kauffman, After A 89, Brewer, Henry Charles 54 Foley, H 167 Kinsley, A. 222, Bristow, Edmund 65 Franke, EA 85 Knell, A 275, Brunei de Neuville, A.A. 210 Fraser, J. 122 Knell, Wc. 191, French School 84 Knikker, J. 253, C Furniss, Harry 280A, Caffyn, WW 100 L, Caldewell, E** 45 G Langley, Walter 220, Cameron, J. 16 Gavarrone, D 202 Laporte, George Henry 272, Canals, Studio of M. 30A Geldorp, Follower of G. 243 Lara, G 200, Carelli, G 113 German School 251,287 Lavigne, E.J. 67, Carlisle, John 25 German School, 19th Century 139 le Nain, Louis 180, Christiansen, N.H. 131 Gill, WW 104 Lee, Frederick Richard 280, Clifford, F** 21 Giorgione, After G 193 Lehmann, E.F 198, Collins, C 216 Giradot, G.H. 172A Leigh, Rosa J 74, Conrade, A.c. 163 Girot, FJ. 185 Lemon, Arthur 227, Continental School 3,18,63,116,184,284 Gooch, Thomas 38 Leymann, A. 188, Coop, H 288 Grace, A.L. 297 Little, Robert 269, Cooper, H 30 Gray, K 33 Lossow, H. 73, Cooper, TG. 266 Greaves, William 248 Loy, J 124A, Cruickshank, W 144,223 Gregory G. 281 Lucas, Attributed to J.T. 295, Greuze, After J-B 178 Luiguet, *** 168, Grose, M.S. 75 Lut yens, CAH. 145, M R T, Macintosh, J.M. 224 Rankley, A 209 Teniers the Younger, Circle of D. 154, Magnasco, called Lissandrino, Circle of A. 238 Raphael, After 50 Teniers, Follower of D. 302, Maidment, H 252 Reid, S 259 Thomas, A** 41, Major, J** 27 Reinhardt, L 148 Thomas, TH. 173A, Marc, C. 142 Reni, After G. 187 Thornley, HA 121, Marks, H.S. 217 Rettig, Heinrich 149A Thornley, WA. 208, Mathey, P 153 Rhijnnen, J. van 271 Thornton-Clark, E 114, McCarthy, N 190B Richardson, Circle of J 202A Towne, School of C 55, Mclntyre, A. 92A Richmond, Follower of G. 9 Turner, G 127, Mclntyre, J.W 257 Ritec, L. 303, Mclntyre, Joseph Wrightson 129 Roberts, I*L * 11 V, Mears, G 230 Roe, Attributed to C. 123B Van Hoom, ** 249, Mellor, W 218 Roe, R.H. 22 Velasquez, After D. R. de S. y 66, Melville, H.S. 173B Roffian, Attributed to J.F.X. 226, Michael, F.H. 125 Ronner-Knip, H. 119 W, Millner, WE. 64 Rosierse, J 120 Walbourn, Ernest 162, Monamy, Circle of Peter 48 Roullet, G.MA 67A Walters, F** 117,165, Morel, JE. 101 Rubens, 18th Century, Sir Peter Paul 1 Watson, J.o. 267, Morga. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 18612
Anzahl: 1 verfügbar
Anbieter: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Zustand: Good. Bonhams - London, Sale title - British and Continental Pictures, Date - 18th September 2007, No. of lots - 380, No. of pages - 87, Illustrated in colour Received india stamp inside in front page, , ?INDEX, Abercrombie, J.B., Adam, Ëdouard, Agard, Charles-Jean, Alken, Samuel Henry, Ancelet, Emile, Anglo-Chinese School, Ansingh,1., Ansan, Charles 1., Atkins, E., Austrian School, Aylward, James de Vine, Baccani, Attilia, Baird, William Baptiste, Bail, Wilfred Williams, Balliester, Carlos, Barker, B., Bartholomew, F.w., Bell, A D, Bell, Mona Hopton, Bennett, F.M., Bennett, Godwin, Bergamini, F., Beschey, Balthasar, Biegas, Boleslas, Biliverti, Attributed ta G., Black, Andrew, Blommers, Follower of B.J., Boeuff, Pierre le, Bolognese School, Bonetti, **, Barrow, William H., Bouvard, Antoine, Bowkett, Jane Maria, Boyce, William Thomas Nichais, Bright, Henry, British School, Brownlow, George Washington, Brunner, Julienne, Buckler, John Chessell, Burgaritzki, Jacob, Burne-Jones, Bt., Sir Edward Coley, Burrell, James, Bush Hardy, 1., Callow, John, Callow, William, Calvert, Frederick, Campbell, R. H., Canals, Studio of Miguel, Cane, Ella du, Carelli, Gabriel, Carmichael, John Wilson, Carpentero, F., Carroll, William Joseph, Casciaro, Circle of G., Cassinelli, Attributed to H., Cattermole, Charles, Chadwick, EA, Chambers, George, Chasselat, Henri- Jean-Saint-Ange, Chester, E., Churchyard, Thomas, Cima da Conegliano, Giovanni Battista, Clay, Alice o., Collier, Arthur Bevan, Continental School, Continental school, 19th century, Cooper, Follower of 1.S., Costantini, Giuseppe, Cuzco School, Deanes, Edward, Dekkert, Eugen, Dietrich, Karl Wilhelm Ernst, Dollond, W. Anstey, Domenichino, Dou, Manner of Gerrit, Dutch School, Eichinger, Erwin, English Naive School, English Provincial School, English School, English School, 19th Century, Etty, William, Farrier, R, Fasce, F**, Ferg, Franz de Paula, Fildes, Sir L., Fischer, B., Fisher, Percy Harland, Flemish School, 17th Century, Fletcher, Edward Henry Eugene, Foreau, Louis Henri, Foster, William, Fowles, Arthur Wellington, French School, French School, 19th century, French, Frederick, Frère, Pierre Edouard, Friedlander, Alfred Ritter von Malheim, Fulton, D, Artist, Gagliardini, Julien Gustave, Gardin, P, Garneray, Hippolyte Jean Baptiste, German School, Goodall, Walter, Graham, George, Gribble, Bernard Finegan, Grimou, After Alexis, Halberg-Krauss, Fritz, Hals, After Frans, Hardman, J., Hardy, Norman H., Hardy, Thomas Bush, Hauteville, Aristide de Biseau de, Hayllar, James, Hazledine, A, Henshaw, Frederick Henry, Herbert, John Rogers, Herring Jr., John Frederick, Herring Snr, Follower of J.F., Hickin, George, Hill, James John, Hilverdink, Johannes, Hoitzner, C, Holiday, After G., Horlor, George William, Horstok, Johannes Petrus van, Horwitz, Herbert A., Hayer, Edward, Hudson, Circle of Thomas, Huskinson, Robert (Huskisson), Italian School, Italian School, 19th Century, Jackson, Frederick William, Jamieson, F.E., Jansen, Willem George Frederik, Jean, J., Jeanmaire, Edouard, Johnson, Sidney Yates, Jones, Charles, Juglar, Victor Henri, Kennedy, William, Kettle, Tilly, Kilpack, Sarah Louise, Kirkham, Klingsb"gl, Rudolf, Kneller, Sir Godfrey, Knight, George, Knight, John William Buxton, Knox, Wilfred, Koekkoek, Johannes Hermanus Barend, La Cave, Peter, Laing, William Wardlaw, Lance, George, Lancret, Nicolas, Lander, c.J., Lanfranco, Giovanni, Langley, Walter, Langlois, Mark William, Langmaid, Roland, Lauter, Wilhelm, Lawrence, Sir Thomas, Lawson, John, Leaf, Mary, Leech, Follower of J, Lely, Follower of Sir P., Leprince, Robert LÈopold, Lewis, J., Liljefors, Bruno Andreas, Lloyd, Stuart W., Lloyd, Walter Stuart, Londonio, Francesco, Lot, Henry, Lucas, John Seymour, Lucas, John Templeton, Macpherson, John, Mander, William Henry, Manzoni, Franceso, M·rk, Lajos, Marny, Paul, Martens, Willy, Martin, Andreas, Mastenbroek, Johan Hendrik van, Mauve, Anton, Mauve, Anton (Rudolf) Jr., Meadows, Edwin L., Meadows, J. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 18615
Anzahl: 1 verfügbar
Anbieter: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Zustand: Good. Bonhams - London, Sale title - British and Continental Pictures, Date - 12th June 2007, No. of lots - 390, No. of pages - 79, Illustrated in colour Received India stamp inside in front and library sticker on first page INDEX Agostini Guido Chappell Reuben Franke E A Allen R B Chinnery George Fraser Arthur Anderson Alio Julius Ciappa Carlo Fraser J Allom Thomas Coene Jean Henri De French School Amoedo R Cohen Angell Maude Colin Gustave Henri Angillis Pieter Collins C Antwerp School omte Pierre Charles Funke Bernd (Bernhard) Apol L Conti Tito Art B Continental School Austrian School G Auty Charles Cooke Edward William Gampenrieder K Ayers N** Corsirii Raffaele Geefs Fanny (Fanny Corr) Cottrell Arthur Wellesley German School B Courbet Circle of Gustave Gianni G Ballesio Giuseppe Couture Thomas Gianni Y Ballin A Cox Jnr David Giel Frans van Banner Alfred swell Keith B Gioja Edoardo Barker Creswick Circle of Thomas Giraud EugEne Pierre FranAois Barker John Joseph (of Bath) Cristall Joshua Goff Frederick Edward Joseph Bassano Jacopo da Ponte Croegaert Georges Goldthwait H Basso Fernando del Cruickshank W Gooch Thomas Bates David Cubley H H Good Thomas Sword Baxter Charles Cuzco School Grace A L Beers Jan van Graff Bell A D D Green A Bellotto After Daele C van den Greiffenhagen Maurice Bernardo Davis Henry William Banks Gruttefien Elisabeth Bennewitz Von Lofen Karl Davis Leslie Guardi Manner of Francesco Beraud Jean Dawson Nelson Berry W Docharty James H Bilbie James Lees Dolci Manner of Carlo Haddon Arthur Trevor Bleeck Circle of Richard (Risaert Dollman Herbert P Hardy Thomas Bush van) Domba R Hartland Henry Albert Boddington E H Donne Walter J Hassmann Karl Ludwig Boddington Edwin Henry Drummond J Hastings Edward Boisseree Frederick Ducker Jack M Hayes C Bolognese School Duncan Edward Hayward Alfred Frederick William Bompiani A Duncan Walter Hayward Emily L Booth Samuel Lawson Dutch School Heffner Karl Boucher Francois Herkomer Herman Gustave Brabazon Hercules Brabazon E Hermanus P Brabbins Oliver Ellis Tristram Heyer Arthur Brenta B Emmerson H H Hickin G Brewer Henry Charles English School Hiles Frederick John Bartram Briscoe A J T Hodges William Merrett Brissot de Warvillo Hlix Salurnln Holbein the Younger Manner of Bristow Edmund Ci Hans Broom Marion L Hollingdale H R Bruck Lajos Horlor G W Buckley Charles Frederick Fluet P Buttersworth T Follower ol Huggins J M Etty William Hughes John Joseph C Hunt Charles Callow Circle of Eyles Charles Hunt William Henry Callow G D Hutchinson John E Callow John F Huysmans Jan Baptist Calvert Frederick Falconer D Canals Studio of Miguel Falconer Douglas Carriere Alphonse Farr S C Ingalton William Casa Filippi C** de Italian School Catalan Ramos Flemish School B Cattermole George Foley H Celentano Bernardo Foweraker Albert Moulton Italo Cretan School Ceriez Theodore Fradelle Henri Joseph Jacobs Adolphe Jacobs E** Jacobsen A N G circle of Jacoby Carl (Karl) Jamieson F E Jardines J M Jaspers Heinrich Jenkins G H Jungman Nico Juuel Andreas Thomas Kay James Keyl Friedrich Wilhelm Kilburne George Goodwin King Edward King Flenry John Yeend Kinnaird Henry John Knell A Koningh (H) Leendert de Kruseman Follower of F M Landseer Sir Edwin L Lawrence Follower of Thomas Leader Charles Lecoque A Leitch William Leighton Lemoine Attributed to F Lemon Arthur Lerche Vincent Stoltenberg Leslie Charles Lindsay T Linnell James Thomas Linnell John Lloyd Thomas James Longstaffe Edgar Loutherbourg Philip James de Lucas Albert Durer Maestri Follower of Michelangelo Magnasco called Lissandrino Manner of Alessandro Malard Felix Manners W Markelbach Alexandre Marks H S Mclntyre Joseph Wrightson Mears G Mellor W Mierevelt Michiel Jansz van Milliken James W Morelli F Moricourt Leon Morland Circle of G Morley Thomas William Morris J W Morris John W Morris Philip Richard Morrish Sydney S Mounier B Moyes F Nasmyth Follower of P Neapolitan School Nibbs Richard Henry Niemann E H Niemann Edmund John Niemann Edward H Nordenberg H. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 19424
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