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Orders usually ship within 2 business days. Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. UNITED STATES: Postage is $5.00 media mail for the first book within the U.S. and $2.00 for each additional book. Priority mail is $12.00 within the continental U.S. for books that are thick or larger than 8vo (novel sized). If your book is a small novel size, we may be able to fit it in a priority envelope with packing which would cost $6.00. All books will have delivery confirmation which allows tracking, included in the postage price. Postage for oversized and/or heavy books over 2.2 lbs. may have an additional charge and will be quoted when the order is received. Insurance, if desired, is extra.
INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING: There are 3 airmail options to other countries, all depending on size of the book and weight. If you are an international customer EMAIL US BEFORE ORDERING and we will give you a postage quote. In general most books weigh more than 2.2 lbs. packed, that is why we recommend you email FIRST before ordering so we can give you an accurate quote. Shipping options are as follows: Priority Mail International envelope taking 6-10 days - for small novel sized books only (less than 1" thick or smaller). Rates to Canada are $10.00 and all other countries $12.00. Priority Mail International (in a box) taking 6-10 days - For novel sized books and small 4to books only. Most books of this size will cost $28.00 minimum to ship. Another option shown as STANDARD on the order form is for First Class Mail International which is also airmail and takes slightly longer to arrive, but is less expensive than priority airmail. If your book is a 4to size or heavy and large the option is an airmail M-bag taking 10-14 days. Mbag: Canada - $19.00, Europe and most international - $33.00, Japan and Australia - $50.00. Thank you.