Two volumes. 4to. 11 x 8 inches. Uniformly rebound in plum cloth with applied printed grey spine labels and new endpapers. In each volume the engraved title page notes publisher William Mackenzie: Glasgow, Edinburgh, London, and New York but the regular title page notes publisher William MacKenzie: London and Glasgow AND Virtue & Yorston: New York. Occasional edge tears and smudges (most prevalent in Vol 2's index), but generally bright and clean. Marbled page edges. Vol 1: [2 (Frontispiece of Muspratt)], [2 (Engraved title page)], [58 (twenty nine engraved portraits, versos blank)], [2 (Regular title page)], [2 (dedication, verso blank)], [1]-9 (index), [1 (blank)], 836 pages. Lacks one leaf (the preface, provided in facsimile). Previous owner name in faded ink on engraved title. Includes twenty nine engraved portraits of famous scientists, each with a facsimile signature plus Muspratt frontispiece: Baron Berzelius, Joseph Black, William Thomas Brande, Prof Bunsen, Chaptal, Prof Chevreul, Robert Christison, Prof Leopold Cmelin, John Dalton, Sir Humphrey Davy, Prof. Dumas, Prof. Faraday, George Fownes, Prof. Graham, Prof. William Gregory, Prof. A. W .Hofmann, Prof. Horsford, Sir Robert Kane, Lavoisier, Prof. Gay-Lussac, Prof. Mitscherlich, Prof. Campbell Morfit, Dr. Lyon Playfair, Joseph Priestley, Prof Rose, Thomas Thomson, Andrew Ure, Prof. Wohler, and William Hyde Wollaston. Engraved portraits and other front matter dampstained. This volume covers topics starting with ACE-ETH. 453 woodcuts in the text. Vol 2: [2 (Frontispiece of Baron Justus Liebig)], [2 (Engraved title page)], [2 (Regular title page)], 1186, [1]-10 (index) pages. This volume covers topics starting with FUEL-ZINC. 655 woodcuts in the text. Previous owner name "Albert M Harper" inked on paper strip affixed to top of regular title page. A total of 31 engraved portraits and 1108 woodcuts. A sound working or reference copy. Cloth. "The present work is really a masterpiece, as it provides an essentially complete picture of the state of chemistry and chemical technology in the middle of the nineteenth century". Neville, Vol 2, p 205 LITERATURE: Neville, Roy G., The Roy G. Neville Historical Chemical Library, An Annotated Catalogue of Printed Books on Alchemy, Chemistry, Chemical Technology, and Related Subjects, Chemical Heritage Foundation: Philadelphia, 2006. COLLECTORS NOTE: This work was first issued in parts, then bound by the publishers and sold in two volumes as here. The Science Institute and Internet Archive digiitized copies have a different regular title page than our set - with three columns underneath the William Mackenzie publisher imprint, including New York in the smaller listings below. Our set includes the New York publisher Virtue and Yorston, the first we have seen. Since we have not seen this particular set before, we have to assume that (as with all other versions we've seen) the preface is missing here, and have included a modern copy of the preface for the new owner. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 22304
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