Christmas Rest New Yorker Magazine December 22nd 1945 Great Cover Complete Issue Christmas Rest New Yorker Magazine December 22nd 1945 Great Cover Complete Issue Christmas Rest New Yorker Magazine December 22nd 1945 Great Cover Complete Issue Christmas Rest New Yorker Magazine December 22nd 1945 Great Cover Complete Issue

Christmas Rest New Yorker Magazine December 22nd 1945 Great Cover Complete Issue

Erscheinungsdatum: 1945
Gebraucht Softcover

Verkäufer RareMapsandBooks, Dover, NH, USA Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 27. November 2015

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(Old Periodicals, WWII Era Magazines, Illustrated Magazines, Americana, New York, Current Events, Cartoons, Vintage Advertising). The New Yorker. Published December 22nd, 1945, New York by the New Yorker.80 pages plus wrappers. Text in English. Illustrated throughout. Nice assortment of dated advertising as well, often illustrated. Scarce vintage WWII era magazine with pleasing visual content and a great cover. Binding remains overall sound, various typical mostly small signs of age, time and handling such as dog-eared page corners, light creasing, short edge splits, loose page (s), etc., but nothing offensive or major. Overall remains a nice looking example. Small age flaws or defects include possible random old creasing, edge chipping, small light old staining, etc. Overall entirely acceptable example of what is a scarce survival. The pictures give a very good sense of how the item survives. Virtually all periodicals of this era are somewhat scarce today as loose complete issues. Like most random survivals of old periodical printing, any specific example (like this one) is likely among a relative handful of those produced still extant. As each decade goes back from 1960, the rate of scarcity for any specific magazine or paper item increases noticeably for a variety of reasons, including paper drives, storage related issues, normal discarding of out-dated (and now desirable) magazines, etc. Text block remains overall clean and displays a pleasing age patina, various normal signs of reading, browsing and handling which are all but inevitable and to be expected. Magazine remains attractive on the shelf. It displays a pleasing and unique age patina and is in nice antiquarian condition, any age flaws easy to overlook or forgive. Please review photos for more detail and our best attempt to convey how this vintage item survives. This item is not new- it is old and has been handled by different owners over the past decades. Try to feel happy it even survives and is available if you want it versus feeling unhappy that it isn't perfect or like new. Magazine Measures c. 11 1/4" H x 8 1/4" W.[B14196]. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers B14196

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Bibliografische Details

Titel: Christmas Rest New Yorker Magazine December ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 1945
Einband: Softcover
Zustand: good

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