Bel, Matthias: Compendium Hungariae geographicum, ad exemplar notitiae Hungariae novae historico-geographicae, Matthiae Bel, in partes IV. Utpote, Hungariam Cis-Danubianam, Trans-Danubianam, Cis-Tibiscanam, Trans-Tibiscanam, et comitatus, divisum. Editio tertia auctior et correctior. Posonii et Cassoviae, 1777. Ioannis Michaelis Landerer. 1 t. (title-picture engraving by Sebestyén Zeller) [16] 312 [47] [1 blank] p. (Third edition, expanded and improved.) Add to: Bel, Matthias: Compendiolum regnorum Slavoniae, Croatiae, Dalmatiae, Galliciae et Lodomeriae, magnique principatus Transilvaniae Geographicum. Supplementis et notis brevibus illustratum. Posonii, et Cassoviae, 1777.Joan. Michaelis Landerer. [8] 170 [28] p. 1 fold-out engraved map. The map is copper engraved, coloured, fold-out, based on the measurements of András Erik Fritsch and Samuel Mikovinyi. (Tabula Nova inclyti regni Hungariae. Posonii, 1753.) Contemporary half leather binding, ornately gilt on spine. Page edges painted red. This textbook on the national history of the renowned polymath was first published in 1753. The Compendiolum, describing the connected parts, was first published in 1777. - - Matthias Bel or Matthias Bél (1684 1749) was a Lutheran pastor and polymath from the Kingdom of Hungary. Bel was active in the fields of pedagogy, philosophy, philology, history, and theoretical theology; he was the founder of Hungarian geographic science and a pioneer of descriptive ethnography and economy. A leading figure in pietism. He is also known as the Great Ornament of Hungary (Magnum decus Hungariae). He described himself as "lingua Slavus, natione Hungarus, eruditione Germanus" ("by language a Slav/Slovak, by nation a Hungarian, by erudition a German"). A pioneer of collaborative research in the history of the Kingdom of Hungary, Bel undertook a comprehensive historical and geographic examination of the territory in his well-known Notitia Hungariae Novae Historico Geographiaca. Bel's works met with recognition and respect beyond the Kingdom: he was a member of a number of learned societies abroad (e.g., Prussian Royal Academy (Berlin), Royal Society of London, Societas eruditorum incognitorum in terris Austriacis (Olomouc), Jena, Saint Petersburg). He was elevated to noble rank by Charles VI of Austria, and received a golden medallion with his (Bel's) own portrait from Pope Clement XII. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 211
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