Title printed in red & black. 7 p.l., 104 pp. Small 4to, cont. vellum over boards. Leipzig: T. Schürer, 1614. [bound after]: . Güldenes Kleinod menschlicher Gesundheit: Darinnen die Lehr von des menschen Gesundheit, als welche unter andern Gütern und Kleinodien dieser Welt das allerfürtrefflichste ist, weitleufftig erkläret… Title printed in red & black. 20 p.l. (of 21?), 879, [7] pp. Small 4to. Leipzig: Z. Schürer, 1626. [bound with]: . Consilium Antipestiferum Das ist, ein getrewer Rath in gefehrlichen und gifftigen Sterbensleufften, oder Pestilentzseuche… First title in red & black. 5 p.l., 28 pp., one blank leaf; 13, 57 pp., one blank leaf; 8 p.l., 84 pp. Three parts in one vol. Small 4to. Leipzig: T. Schürer, 1614. A fine sammelband of three first editions by Martin Pansa (1580/81-1626), physician, public health doctor, and former student of Georg Agricola. I. Pansa s Consilium Peripneumoniacum (1614) was "the most important work on occupational disease before Ramazzini. He described the symptoms of the lung diseases of miners and smelters." Garrison-Morton 2119. Pansa was the city doctor of Annaberg, one of the chief mining towns of Saxony. In his Consilium Peripneumoniacum, Pansa "asserts that many young miners must cease work in the prime of life and die helplessly of the miner s sickness…In the preface to his book he indicates his purpose in writing. Weak and incapacitated workers are useless in the mines. Nor can the miner acquire a satisfactory knowledge of his craft if he dies at an early age. Therefore he wishes to teach the miners how to protect themselves from the miners sickness, so that they will be saved from an early death, will remain healthy, and will be able to carry on their trade diligently…Pansa wrote in a popular manner. The various chapters contain descriptions and explanations, in which the organs of the body are compared to the parts of a mine… "He speaks of the miners sickness (die Bergsucht) and of the poisonous lung sickness (giftige Lungensucht)…All those who dig gold or silver ores, salt, alum, sulphur, lead, copper, tin, iron, or mercury are subject to it. The ore miners are particularly prone to be attacked by the lung disease, but they also suffer with stomach ulcers, headache, diseases of the limbs, consumption, and tumors… "The sick miners exhibit various symptoms, but the most important ones are cough, expectoration of sputum, shortness of breath, and cachexia. Their lungs become obstructed with phlegm, and paralyses and brain diseases are to be observed among them… "The therapy employed by Pansa consists of the administration of emetics, laxatives and remedies to produce sweating. In addition to these therapeutic measures, bleeding should be employed." Rosen, The History of Miners Diseases, pp. 94-100. This is a most uncommon book; WorldCat locates only two copies in North America. II. Pansa s rare work on diet and health. Pansa makes a number of recommendations on which foods should be consumed or avoided. The work is primarily written as a series of recommendations for miners to promote their good health. An added engraved title-page is occasionally found. III. Pansa s chief writings on the plague and how to avoid it. Fine copies. Minor dampstaining to the second work. ? Hirsch, IV, p. 491. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 7557
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