Verkäufer Keoghs Books, Skipton, Vereinigtes Königreich Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 19. Dezember 2000
, Through the Fray: A Tale of the Luddite Riots, 384 pages, colour frontispiece, contains 4 plates; True to the Old Flag is any early edition, 390, [32] pages, Blackie and Sons catalogue to rear, contains illustrated frontispiece plus11 line illustrated plates and 6 maps; With Clive in India: Or the Beginnings of an Empire, 378 pages, colour frontispiece, plus 4 plates a 2 pages tipped in map and 5 in text black and white maps Later editions , head and tail of spine knocked on all volumes with slight chipping to some, light wear to the extremities, Through the Fray has an owner's inscription to the front pastedown, True to the Old Flag a large chip from the half title page, the books are clean internally and in good condition , coloured cloth with illustration and titles and brown cloth with gilt and black embossed illustration and title to front board and spine, full gilt edges , octavo, 19 x 13.5 cm Hardback ISBN: Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 70367
Titel: Through the Fray, True to the Old Flag and ...
Verlag: Published by Blackie & Son no date circa.1890-1905, London
Erscheinungsdatum: 1890
Einband: Hardcover
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