INNOCENTIUS III, Pope (Busche, Hermann von dem, Ed.) Fundamentum eterne felicitatis Cum libro de Miseria conditionis humane. Köln, per Matinum de werdena, 1509. 8vo, unnumbered leaves, A-F8 G4 H8. Black letter, 32 lines. Large woodcut vignette on title page repeated on verso of last: Jesus as a child between Saint Anne and Mary in the presence of the dove of the Holy Spirit. Capital spaces with small guide-letters, printed maniculae indicating the heading of each paragraph. Small paper repair to outer margin of t-p and metal clip to margin of D6 bookmarking the table of contents. Evenly soiled, yet lightly, and a little darkened to margin edges. In modern gilt red morocco, title and date on front cover and spine. An excellent copy. Pope Innocent III (1160-1216), alias Loatrio di Segni, studied at the universities of Paris and Bologna. This very learned man of austere manners first became cardinal in 1190 and then pope as the successor of Celestine III. He fostered the moral and disciplinary reform of the Church, the fight against heresy, and the re-conquest of the Holy Land. He promoted the fourth crusade, which diverted from its original aim and concluded with the sack of Constantinople in 1204. He undertook the Albigesian crusade in order to supress the Cathar heresy, which had spread to large areas of the Pyrenees, Southern France and Northern Italy. Moreover, he crowned the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II in 1212. Even though he was a skilled politician, he was moved by deeply religious purposes. Innocent wrote several theological and ascetic treatises, of which De miseria humane conditionis was the most renown, especially following his rule, when it was known with the title De contemptu mundi. This pope resumed the theocratic ideas of Gregory VII, according to which the pope is the vicar of Christ and the king of all kings; as spiritual power is superior to secular power, so the human soul rules over the body and the sun over the moon; both the spiritual and the secular swords are of the pope, who nevertheless concedes that the emperor uses one of the two, since the latter is advocatus Ecclesiae. Given that the pope must look after and take care of all men, by cause of the perpetual sinful condition of humanity, he has the power of control over everything and, therefore, he is legitimated to intervene in every field directly by God. The editor of the present work was Hermann von dem Busche (1468-1534), a German humanist who studied in Heidelberg, Tubingen and Italy. He is given as one of the authors of the Epistolae obscurorum virorum. He was a close friend to Ulrich von Hutten and an early enthusiast of the Reformation. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers ABE-1522857752900
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