Verkäufer Herman H. J. Lynge & Søn ILAB-ABF, Copenhagen, Dänemark Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 2. November 2000
London, Rapha Harford, 1657. 8vo. In contemporary full calf with four raised bands with ruled fillets to boards. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Wear to extremities, hole in the leather to back board. Previous owner's name in contemporary hand to pasted down front end-paper. Light occassional brownspotting throughout. Last leaf (errata) with loss of paper in outer margin, with loss of the printed frame but no loss of text. (50), 394, 475, (1) pp. The exceedingly rare second edition Everard?s most notable work being a collection of his sermons preached at Kensington and other places. They were famous for their strong mystical elements, drawing on influences like Neoplatonism and the works of Christian mystics such as Dionysius the Areopagite. Everard's sermons often quoted philosophical persons like Plato, Plotinus, Proclus and early Christian writers. Both the first and second edition are of the utmost scarcity and almost never found in the trade. It was reprinted multiple times, including a U.S. edition in 1757 and one sermon "Christ the True Salt of the Earth" was reprinted in 1800. John Everard (1575?1650) was a divine and mystic educated at Clare College, Cambridge. Initially living without spiritual focus, he later became a notable scholar and preacher. Known for criticizing political and religious issues, he was repeatedly imprisoned. His sermons attracted large audiences including the aristocracy. (See DNB). Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 61476
Titel: The Gospel treasury opened, or, The holiest ...
Einband: Hardcover
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