The Growth of Our Nation. Together with: The Problems of Our Nation: Giltner, Emmett E. and ... The Growth of Our Nation. Together with: The Problems of Our Nation: Giltner, Emmett E. and ... The Growth of Our Nation. Together with: The Problems of Our Nation: Giltner, Emmett E. and ... The Growth of Our Nation. Together with: The Problems of Our Nation: Giltner, Emmett E. and ...

The Growth of Our Nation. Together with: The Problems of Our Nation

Giltner, Emmett E. and Margaret Spahr

Verlag: Charles E. Merrill Co, NY, 1931
Gebraucht Hardcover

Verkäufer Bromer Booksellers, Inc., ABAA, Boston, MA, USA Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen 4 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 2. Januar 2003

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Two octavo volumes, intended as two halves of an eighth-grade history curriculum. Illustrated throughout with photographs of historically notable scenes and figures, from Thomas Edison to Susan B. Anthony, as well as with maps and frontispiece reproductions of paintings. Produced during the Great Depression, the set treats the issues of the day with a fairly progressive attitude, speaking plainly about the unfair treatment of former slaves after emancipation, the bias against Chinese laborers, and the overall vicissitudes of big business and the elite class. Bound in matching orange cloth. The upper cover of Growth of Our Nation shows an image of Abraham Lincoln surveying a landscape; that of The Problems of Our Nations shows a worker swinging from a crane. Overall toning and modest soiling, discoloration mainly to the first volume. The first retains a detailed, fold-out table of contents tipped-in at the front pastedown; the second only has a single page laid in. A remarkably scarce set. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 33999

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Bibliografische Details

Titel: The Growth of Our Nation. Together with: The...
Verlag: Charles E. Merrill Co, NY
Erscheinungsdatum: 1931
Einband: Hardcover

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