Fourteen (14) Rare French Literary Pamphlets in two volumes. All 8vo. 205 mm. Leather backed marbled boards, very slightly worn. Hardbound. Text in fine condition; some offsetting from the engravings. Contents include: Vol. I - 1). LETTRE AMOUREUSE D'HELOISE A ABAILARD. Translation of: Eloisa to Abelard, by Alexander Pope. New Edition corrected by the autor. Chez la veuve Duchesne, Paris: 1766. 30 p. + large engraving by Eisen; Engraved headpiece by Colardeau. 2). LETTRE DE DON CARLOS A ELISABETH, SUIVIE DUN PASSAGE DE L'AMINTE DU TASSE, TRADUIT EN VERS, & Du Poeme De La Nuit, imite de Gesner. Panckoucke, Paris & Duchesne, Lille: 1768. pp. VIII, 29 + Gravelot engraved plate. 3). LETTRE DE JULIE, FILLE D'AUGUSTE, A OVIDE. By Claude Dorat. A Geneve, Et se trouve a Paris: Chez Bauche: 1766. 23p. With Engraved head and tail pieces by Eisen and Massard. 4). LETTRE D'OVIDE A JULIE, PRECEDEE DUNE LETTRE EN PROSE A M. DIDEROT. [By the Marquis de Pezay]. [Geneva]: 1767. 32p. + Full page engraved plate and vignettes after Eisen. 5). LETTRE DE SAPHO A PHAON, Precedee d'une Epitre a Rosine, D'une vie de Sapho, & suivie d'une Traduction en Vers des Ouvrages de ce Poete. By Blin de Sainmore. Sebastien Jorry, Paris: 1766. 32 p. + Engraved plate by Aliamet after Gravelot; Vignettes by Ghendt after Eisen, another by Choffard. 6). LETTRE DE CATON D'UTIQUE A CESAR. By Abbe Parmentier. Lambert, Paris: 1766. 34 p. + Engraved plate after Gravelot. 7). LETTRE D'ALCIBIADE A GLICERE: Bouquetiere d'Athenes, suivie d'une Lettre de Venus a Paris, et d'une Epitre a la Maitresse que J'Aurai. By Marquis de Pezay. S. Jorry, Geneva & Paris: 1764. 36 p. Large engraved plate and vignettes by Eisen. Vol. II - 1). LETTRE DU COMTE DE COMMINGES A SA MERE: Suivie d'une Lettre de Philomele a Progne. By Claude-Joseph Dorat. S. Jorry, Paris: 1764. 68 p. Two full page engravings + vignettes by Eisen & Massard. 2). L'HEUREUX JOUR, EPITRE A MON AMI. By le Parquis de Pezay. (Duchene, Paris): 1768. pp. 29, (1). + Engraved title, full page engraving, & vignettes by Eisen & Massard. Cohen p. 797. 3). LISLE MERVEILLEUSE. Poeme en Trois Chants, Traduit du Grec, Suivi d'Alphonse ou de l'Alcide Espagnol, Conte tres Moral. By C. J. Dorat. Geneva: 1768. 85 p. Engraved plate after Eisen. 4). L'HOPITAL DES FOUS [Aesculapius - or, The Hospital of Fools] by William Walsh. [A Play translated by De La Flotte]. Jorry, Paris: 1765. Large plate, head-piece and tail-piece engraved by Delafosse after Eisen. Two lines of French manuscript about Fools. 5). EXTRAIT DE QUELQUES PIECES PRESENTEES A L'ACADEMIE FRANCOISE, Pour concourir au Prix de poesie de L'Annee 1766. Regnard, Paris: 1766. 27 p. 6). EPITRE AUX MALHEUREUX, Piece qui a Eu L'Accessit du Prix de l'Academie Francois 1766. par M*** [G.-H. Gaillard]. Paris, Regnard: 1766. 10p. 7). EPITRE A UN AMI SUR LA RECHERCHE DU BONHEUR. Cette Piece a concouru au Price de l'Academie Francois 1766. par M.D.*** Avocat au Parlement, Cuissart & Regnard, Paris: 1766. 19p. Small circular stain on first 10 pages. ** This collection is sometimes found with the texts in a different order and with different pagings and signatures and/or with one or more pieces omitted. There are often different printers and publishers where identified. The artists and engravers were among the best of this great era in illustration: Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen (1720-1778); Charles-Pierre Colardeau (1732-1776); Hubert Francois Gravelot (1699-1773); Jacques Aliamet 1726-1788); Jean Francois Rousseau; Emmanuel Jean Nepomucene de Ghendt (1738-1815); Joseph de Longueil (1730-1792); Jean Massard (1740-1822); Pierre-Philippe Choffard (1730-1809). A classic of 18th century French book illustration. CHEST 2/1. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 001R83
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