Printed Pamphlet. Speech of Hon. Richard Yates, Delivered at Elgin, Ill. on the Fourth Day of July, A.D. 1865. Jacksonville, IL: Ironmonger and Mendenhall, 1865. 8 pp., 6 1/8 x 9 1/2 in. "The American revolution was begun and fought through for an idea-to establish that man is a man-to vindicate the right of every man to equal rights and to equal citizenship. Every boy imbibes the genius of our free institutions. The poor friendless rail splitter rises to the proudest pinnacle of human power. [Cheers] The poor tailor boy becomes and is now our President, [cheers] the ferry boy the Chief Justice of our Supreme Court, (cheers) and the humble tanner boys become the great commander, who marshals a million of veteran warriors in the great cause of union and liberty, and holds up the flaming symbol of emancipation to a whole race of mankind. (Applause.)" (p1/c2 - p2/c1)"And yet, for Jeff Davis, who has been a wholesale murderer, who has struck at the life of the whole nation, and rolled the red wave of bloody civil war over the land, they say we must be magnanimous. [Sensation.] We shoot the poor deserter and the poor soldier who is found sleeping at his post on guard, but the nation must be magnanimous and not execute Jeff Davis!" (p6/c1) Excerpts:"We celebrate the 4th day of July, 1776, because then commenced the great experiment whether man is capable of self-government. Our fathers boldly announced to the world in the great and immortal charter of freedom, the Declaration of Independence, the bible of the rights of man, which has just been read to you." (p1/c1)"The American revolution was begun and fought through for an idea-to establish that man is a man-to vindicate the right of every man to equal rights and to equal citizenship, not by virtue of his birth or fortune, or of his nativity or color, but by virtue of his intrinsic, God-created manhood." (p1/c2)"Every boy imbibes the genius of our free institutions. The poor friendless rail splitter rises to the proudest pinnacle of human power. [Cheers] The poor tailor boy becomes and is now our President, [cheers] the ferry boy the Chief Justice of our Supreme Court, (cheers) and the humble tanner boys become the great commander, who marshals a million of veteran warriors in the great cause of union and liberty, and holds up the flaming symbol of emancipation to a whole race of mankind. (Applause.)" (p2/c1)"The system of slavery existing in our Southern States fostered interests, tastes, opinions, manners and prejudices at war with the genius of our institutions, and necessarily divided our people." (p2/c2)"I feel highly honored to-day that I have the opportunity of meeting so many of our returned officers and soldiers here, for somehow I cannot divest myself of the feeling that I have been in the war myself, and am a returned soldier, although I have only on one or two occasions smelt the gunpowder of the enemy. [Laughter.] Yet under my administration the State of Illinois has sent nearly two hundred thousand brave volunteers to the field." (p3/c1)"Your brave comrades have died, and you have risked your lives that the nation and the Union might live, and you have proclaimed at the point of the bayonet the divine right of all men to be free." (p4/c2)"But thanks to you, the accursed blot of human slavery, which has divided and distracted us at home and sullied our name abroad, is wiped out, and every man in America is free." (p5/c1)"peace prevails in the land, yet peace brings with it the most complicated questions. We are not safe until the great questions in dispute, for which we have fought, have been definitely and forever settled, and upon such a basis as to prevent the recurrence of another war to mar our peace and endanger the safety of the Union." (p5/c2-p6/c1)"And yet, for Jeff Davis, who has been a wholesale murderer, who has struck at the life of the whole nation, and rolled the red wave of bloody civil war over the land. (See website for full description). Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 24904
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