Alexandre Antique Prints, Maps & Books are specialist dealers in 15th to 19th century Prints, Maps and Books. The gallery is able to offer one of the largest selections of Prints and Maps available in North America.
The business was founded in 1982 and has supplied Prints, Maps and Books to many private and public art collectors. It strives to present a friendly and helpful atmosphere to both expert and amateur collectors. The shop has grown considerably since its humble beginnings to an internationally respected firm.
We exhibit at major map & book fairs in North America and Europe and are happy to organize presentations of materials for corporations, interior designers and individuals.
We are always interested in purchasing collections or individual items of quality. Catalogues and lists are issued periodically and we would be delighted to have details of customers specific interests, so we can contact them when examples come into stock.
Zur Homepage des Verkäufers
Verbandsmitglieder verpflichten sich, höchste Standards einzuhalten. Sie garantieren die Echtheit aller zum Verkauf angebotenen Objekte. Ihre Objektbeschreibungen sind sachkundig und genau, etwaig vorhandene Mängel oder Restaurationen werden offengelegt. Die Ansetzung der Verkaufspreise erfolgt nach akkurater Recherche. Alle Verkäufe werden stets fair und redlich abgewickelt.
Unternehmensdaten des Verkäufers
Alexandre Antique Prints, Maps & Books
ON, Canada
All prices are given and payable in, U.S. Dollars, and are subject to change without notice. Items may also be purchased in other currencies at that days exchange rate (local).
Payment may be made by money order, cheque, Mastercard, and Visa. In case of payment with a credit card, we require a signed order, with card details (the number and expiry date) and the full billing address of the card. Unless otherwise instructed, all overseas orders will be dispatched by express post at the customer’s...
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