Verkäufer Morning Mist Books and Maps, Cirencester, Vereinigtes Königreich Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 20. Januar 2016
Date presumed 1847 (ref. jisc). Slim educational story book comprising of 32 pages with line drawings. Informative, as well as teaching a child their reading skills, the story follows a visit by an aunt to little Mary. One chapter (or lesson) takes the form of a walk through the countryside and references all the sights and sounds that the aunt notices. Other chapters are themed in a similar manner (six in all). Covers a little rubbed and scuffed. Spine worn and with a little loss to head and tail. Period gift inscription to ffep. Pages slightly turned at the corners. Contents bright with only minor markings and no juvenile scribbling. Three other titles in the series referred to on the rear cover. More details available on request. (FB1). Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 000735
Titel: Little Mary's Reading Book written in very ...
Verlag: David Bogue
Erscheinungsdatum: 1847
Einband: Soft cover
Zustand: Good
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