MONASTICI ANGLICANI VOLUMEN ALTERUM; DE CANONICIS REGULARIBUS AUGUSTINIANIS, SCILICET HOSPITALARIS, TEMPLARIS, GILBERTINIS, PRAEMONSTRATENSIBUS, ET MATURINIS SIVE TRINITARIANIS. Cum Appendice Ad Volumen Primum de Coenobiis aliquot Gallicanis, Hibernicis, et Scoticis: Necnon quibusdam Anglicanis antea omissis. A Primordiis ad eorum usque Dissolutionem, Ex M.SS. Codicibus ad Monasteria olim Pertinentibus; Archivis Turrium Londinensis, Eboracensi; Curarium Scaccarii, Augmentationum; Bibliothecis Bodleiana Arundelliana, Cottonoiana, Seldoniana, Hattoniana, aliisque digestum per Rogerum Dodsworth Eboracensem, Guilielmum Dugdale Warwicensem.


Verlag: Alicae Warren, anno Domini, Londini, 1661

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FIRST EDITION. Folio. 13.75 x 9.5 inches. [22] + 1 + 1057 + [1] pp. + [56] pp. index. (pagination erratic 72, 71-94, 87-732, 735-828, [6], 831-1057). Register erratic, but all text complete (see ESTC for details). Title page in red and black. Half title pages for each division. Most text in double columns. Place names printed in black letter. All text in Latin. Bound in original full calf, boards with decorated blind stamped borders, spine in compartments with raised bands, decorated with ornate gold tooling with contrasting maroon morocco title label, gilt. All edges red, with top darkened. Extremities worn and age stained in places, small split in lower front joint and slight cracking to hinges; otherwise a fine crisp copy of this important work. Illustrated by 18 leaves of plates signed by Wenceslas Hollar, including 9 double page, and by 3 text figures. Decorated by head and tailpiece vignettes and by initials. The pubtacation of the Monasticon, a history of the religious orders and their establishments, spanned nearly two decades, with the first volume, the Monasticon Anglicanum being published in 1655 followed by Monastici Anglicani Volumen Alterum in 1661; the Volumen Secundus and Volumen Tertium followed in 1673 thus completing the work. This volume covers Augustinian canons, Hospitallers and Templars, Premonstratensians, Gilbertines and Trinitarians, etc. It also includes the additions to Vol. I and has coverage of France, Scotland and Ireland. William Dugdale (1605-86), renowned Warwickshire antiquary, royalist official and herald, collaborated with his fellow antiquary, Roger Dodsworth (1585-1654) in the first two volumes. The fine plates are by Wenceslaus Hollar (1607-1677) who was born in Prague and came to England in 1637. Prolific and varied in his output, Hollar's architectural drawings of cathedrals are known to be mathematically exact as well as being decorative. (ESTC R211977. Wing D2486). THEOLOGY/HISTORY MONASTERIES THEOLOGY- CHURCHES HISTORY TOPOGRAPHY 17TH CENTURY THEOLOGY/HISTORY. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 27486

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Bibliografische Details

Verlag: Alicae Warren, anno Domini, Londini
Erscheinungsdatum: 1661
Zustand: ESTC R211977 WING D2486

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