Mohawk Liqueurs for Mixing Better Drinks: Mohawk Liqueur Corporation Mohawk Liqueurs for Mixing Better Drinks: Mohawk Liqueur Corporation Mohawk Liqueurs for Mixing Better Drinks: Mohawk Liqueur Corporation Mohawk Liqueurs for Mixing Better Drinks: Mohawk Liqueur Corporation

Mohawk Liqueurs for Mixing Better Drinks

Mohawk Liqueur Corporation

Verlag: Mohawk Liqueur Corporation, Detroit, Michigan, 1935
Gebraucht Soft cover

Verkäufer Wallace & Clark, Booksellers, Houston, TX, USA Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 25. Juli 2006

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(Bartending) Mohawk Liqueurs for Mixing Better Drinks. Detroit, Michigan: Mohawk Liqueur Corporation, (1935). 32mo - 4-3/8" x 2-7/8". Saddle-stitched color pictorial stiff glazed paper wrappers with only light signs of handling or wear for what is a lovely copy of the book. 72 pp. This little vest pocket manual was all a hostess would need to add "glamor to informal entertaining. To serve your guest a cocktail is simple hospitality. But to serve the best is a subtle compliment;" (of course the best was Mohawk Liqueurs.) The topics covered include: The Liqueur Chest, Mixing Suggestions, Recipes, Definitions, When to Serve Beverages and The Proper Glass. In the Recipes section, one finds multiple recipes for each of the following: Cocktails, Collins, Coolers, Eggnogs, Fizzes, Flips, Frappes, Juleps, Punches, Slings, Sours and Miscellaneous; beautifully illustrated with color images of Mohawk Liqueur bottles throughout; double page full color centerfold "From Coast to Coast, The Nation's Toast" has an elegantly dressed lady on the West Coast and a dapper man on the East Coast raising a glass to each other with a backdrop of the outline of the continental United States and Mohawk Indian Chief logo; internally the book is fine. The condition of the book is NEAR FINE. Only seven copies located on OCLC/WorldCat. SCARCE; and an extremely nice copy. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 001190

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Bibliografische Details

Titel: Mohawk Liqueurs for Mixing Better Drinks
Verlag: Mohawk Liqueur Corporation, Detroit, Michigan
Erscheinungsdatum: 1935
Einband: Soft cover
Illustrator: Mohawk Liqueur Corporation
Zustand: Near Fine

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