Verkäufer Keoghs Books, Skipton, Vereinigtes Königreich Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 19. Dezember 2000
, [6, advertisements] i-vi 1-767 pages [4, advertisements], the forty-fourth annual volume, contains the dates of commissions, and a summary of the War services of nearly every officer in the army, ordnance, marines, and Indian Staff Corps and Indian local forces corrected to the 30th December 1882, edited by Hart's son First Thus , owner inscribed to the front free-end, club stamp to the title page, front board two leaves and rear board detached, head and tail of the spine are chipped, boards are marked, their corners bumped and chipped, some untrimmed pages, the block binding is tight and internally it is clean, the book is in fair condition , bound in red cloth with gilt emblem and titles to the front, blind stamped front and back, blind stamped with gilt titles to the spine , 24 x 15cm Hardback ISBN: Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 69813
Titel: The New Annual Army List, Militia, Yeomanry ...
Verlag: Published by John Murray, London
Erscheinungsdatum: 1883
Einband: Hardcover
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