Verkäufer Jason Burley, Camden Lock Books, ABA, ILAB ., London, Vereinigtes Königreich Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 11. April 2012
2 volumes. xiv, 549; 588 printed pages (paper is slightly age toned and occasional minor foxing). 2 woodcut frontispieces. Collezion Diamante. Italian language. Decorated endpapers with engraved ex-libris bookplate by the artist Anthony N. Euwer (American poet and painter 1877-1955) of a mountain scene in Gwent O Gwynedd (the Kingdom of Gwynedd in North Wales) on the front pastedown endpaper of both volumes. The name of a previous owner signed in neat ink hand "R. Ogilvie Crombie" on the page after the front free endpaper of both volumes. All edges red. 67 x 100mm. Contemporary cream parchment. Spines with gilt floral tooling and burgundy title-pieces with gilt lettering and scrolling decoration (slightly rubbed and age-toned). Sacchetti (circa 1335-1400) wrote poetry and short stories or "Novelle" (originally 300 in number, but today only 258 remain, the rest having been lost). The short stories were not placed into any framework like Boccaccio's Decameron. The best of them are humorous and their style is more simple and colloquial than Boccaccio's. Provenance: Robert Ogilvie Crombie (1889-1975) was a supernaturalist and author of "ROC": chapter in the book "The Findhorn Garden" (1975); "Meeting Fairies: My Remarkable Encounters with Nature Spirits" (2009); "The Gentleman and the Faun" (2009); "The Occult Diaries of R. Ogilvie Crombie". 2011. Not in Bondy, nor Spielmann. Welsh, 6092. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 5317
Erscheinungsdatum: 1860
Einband: Hardcover
Zustand: Very Good
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