Pennsylvania Gazette, December 26, 1754. Newspaper. Philadelphia: Benjamin Franklin and David Hall. 4 pp., lacking the advertising half-sheet, 9 1/4 x 14 1/2 in. This issue of Franklin's Pennsylvania Gazette includes communications between Lieutenant Governor Robert Hunter Morris and the Pennsylvania General Assembly regarding the proper mode of funding military forces to resist the French threat on the western border of the colony. Conflict between French and English forces there erupted into the French and Indian War, and globally into the Seven Years' War.It also includes details of a lecture by Ebenezer Kinnersley, a partner of Benjamin Franklin in experiments on electricity, and a brief notice of George Whitefield's sermons in Philadelphia. ExcerptsLieutenant Governor Robert Hunter Morris to the Pennsylvania General Assembly, December 18, 1754"I have taken your Bill into Consideration, which, among other Things, proposes the Emitting of Twenty Thousand Pounds for the King's Use, in Paper Bills, to be current for twelve Years; to which I cannot by any Means agree, as I am forbid, by a Royal Instruction, to pass any Law for creating Money in Paper Bills, without a suspending Clause, that it shall not take Effect till his Majesty's Pleasure be known." (p1/c1)"the French and Indians upon the Ohio, are much more numerous than we apprehended, making in the whole Two Thousand Men, besides what they have already on Lake Erie; and as they have got together such a considerable Force at this inhospitable Season, we cannot make a Doubt but they will be much stronger in the Spring." (p1/c1)"Be pleased therefore, Gentlemen, when you frame another Bill, to consider whether it would not be better on all Accounts, to augment the Sum proposed to be given, since this will go but a very little Way towards expelling the French from our Borders, and defending our Frontiers from the Incursions of their Indians." (p1/c1)Robert Hunter Morris (1700-1764) served as "lieutenant governor" (Thomas Penn in England was technically "governor") of Pennsylvania from 1754 to 1756 and as Chief Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court from 1739 to 1764, appointed by his father Lewis Morris, governor of New Jersey. He often clashed with Benjamin Franklin over the right of the General Assembly to tax the Penns' lands in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania General Assembly to Lieutenant Governor Morris, December 20, 1754"Such a suspending Clause, we apprehend, would render that Grant entirely ineffectual as we are now circumstanced, if we had no other Objection to it, and therefore can by no Means agree to insert it in our Bill." (p1/c1)"we know, that notwithstanding two Bills extending the Royal Instructions over Councils and Assemblies in America had been attempted in Parliament without Success, and a third Bill was brought in with the same Clause, yet it could not obtain a Passage there. And we are informed, that a noble Friend to Liberty and the Rights of the British Subject, a Member of that House, exposed this third Attempt so fully, upon the second Reading of the Bill, that the Clauses on this Head objected to were dropt without Division in the Committee. And, until such Acts of Parliament shall be obtained, which we have good Reason to hope will never be imposed upon us, the Governor must agree with us, that it is our Duty to defend the Rights and Privileges we enjoy under the Royal Charter." (p1/c3) Lieutenant Governor Robert Hunter Morris to the Pennsylvania General Assembly, December 19, 1754"His Majesty will appoint a General Officer of Rank and Capacity to take upon him the Command in Chief of all his Forces in North-America, who will soon be here with a Deputy Quarter-Master General, and a Commissary of the Musters, in order to prepare every Thing for the Arrival of the Forces. His Majesty has been also graciously pleased to order Arms, Cloathing, and other Necessaries, to be sent hither upon the present important Occasi. (See website for full description). Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 22426.12
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