Verkäufer Bookfeathers, LLC, Lewisburg, PA, USA Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 28. Juni 2010
Not ex-lib. Two volumes in brown cloth in series-design gilt stamping to spines, no jackets, 8vos. cxviii + 268pp. & 362pp. + 4opp.series lists). Transliteration tables rear of both volumes; cumulative index v.2. Translator's footnotes throughout. Good to near VG-. Both volumes cloth in similar condition with touches of surface loss at softened spine ends and tips of mildly toed-in corners (front corners v.1 bumped with touch of exposed card upper tip); cloth otherwise smooth and clean with bright spine titles. Unattractive white hinge-tape reinforcements to front and rear hinges on endpapers and before half series-title page v.1. Front hinge v.1 still delicate with play. Bindings otherwise strong, though stiff with some separation between gatherings both volumes (all holding fine). Pages stiff with thin red underlining and brackets in introduction and through p.24 primary text (no marks in abstract). Strong toning as from newsprint pp.320-321 v.2; moderate toning throughout elsewhere. Prev. owner's bookplates front pastedowns. Strong collectible copies; less so for actual use. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 044879
Titel: The Qur'an Part I, Chapters I to XVI & Part ...
Verlag: Oxford / Clarendon, Oxford
Erscheinungsdatum: 1880
Einband: Hardcover
Zustand: Good
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