Independent used book seller committed to high quality service, fair prices, and unique finds. Same day shipping is our goal.
AbeBooks' uniqueness is our network of independent booksellers who work with us to provide the most diverse selection of rare, used and out-of-print books on the Internet. It is these sellers, with their experience, commitment and love of the used and out-of-print book business who help all our buyers find that treasure they've been looking for.
Zur Homepage des Verkäufers
Unternehmensdaten des Verkäufers
N. Carolina Books
NC, U.S.A.
Questions: Please initiate any communication via email. 14 day return policy.
Our goal is to ship same day (If received before 3:00pm ET). International shipping within 2 business days.
Shipping costs are based on US USPS First Class Package International. If other shipping arrangements are required please contact us.
Shipping outside of U.S. is typically between $20 - 30$ and takes between 8-15 business days.
Very Small books: (3/4" thick & less than 14oz (~ 350 page paperback size) may qualify for "large envelope" which is significantly cheeper (please inquire before ordering)).
Priority mail is absurdly expensive ($60+) please double check before submitting order.