Verkäufer Art Source International Inc., Boulder, CO, USA Verkäuferbewertung 2 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 13. Juli 2001
We are proud to offer this wonderful large scale map of Cincinnati originally issued as part of Rand McNally ??s Enlarged Business Atlas and Shippers Guide in 1907.?ÿ The maps from this atlas were larger than most atlas ?? published at the time and show many more cities and towns.?ÿ All railroad lines were drawn in red and numbered with a listing of all railroads operating in the state on each map. This map is split into two sections, one of Cincinnati and Environs, the other the Business Portion of Cincinnati. William H. Rand founded the company in 1856 and incorporated it in 1873 with his partner Andrew McNally. They published their first atlas, The Business Atlas, in 1877. Rand McNally and Company is the oldest business of it ??s kind in the country.The size of the map is 19 x 26.75. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 110601
Titel: Rand McNally and Co. - Cincinnati
Erscheinungsdatum: 1907
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