Paris 1809-1813, 8°, Halbledereinband der Zeit; Rücken erneuert; frisches Exemplar; ExLibris. Rare - Seven First Separate Editions, including the birth of modern pharmacology and Magendie's classic description of the physiology of vomiting! 1. : Examen de l'action de quelques végétaux sur la moelle épinière. Lu a l'Institut, le vingt-quatre avril 1809 (22pp.). "In a series of ingenious experiments on various animals, (Magendie and Raffeneau-Delile) studied the toxic action of several drugs of vegetable origin, particulary of upas, nux vomica, and St-Ignatius' s bean. As Olmsted observes, theses experiments mark the beginning of modern pharmacology." DSB IX, p.8 2. : Mémoire sur les organes de l'absorption chez les mammifères. Lu à l'Institut, le sept Août 1809 (16 pp.). In 1809 Magendie presented to the Académie des Sciences and to the Société Philomatique the results of his first experimental work, which he carried out in collaboration with the botanist and physician Alire Raffeneau-Delille (1778-1850). In a series of ingenious experiments on various animals, the two investigators studied the toxic action of several drugs of vegetable origin, particularly of upas, nux vomica, and St.-Ignatius's bean. These experiments mark the beginning of modern pharmacology. For the first time an experimental comparison was made of the similar effects produced by drugs of different botanical origin. Magendie held that the toxic or medicinal action of natural drugs depends on the chemical substances they contain, and it should be possible to obtain these substances in the pure state. As early as 1809 he suspected the existence of strychnine, later isolated, in accord with his predictions, by Pierre Joseph Pelletier (1788-1842) in 1819. Moreover, in 1817, in collaboration with Pelletier, Magendie discovered emetine, the active principle of ipeac. 3. : Expériences pour servir à l'histoire de la transfusion pulmonaire ; Mémoire à l'Institut de France, lwe 14. Janvier 1811 (Extrait de la Bibliothèque médicale, tome XXXII) (pp.3-20 , 2 pp.). 4. : Mémoire sur le vomissement, lu a la premiere classe de l'Institut de France, par M. Magendie. suivi du rapport fait a la classe par MM. Cuvier, Humboldt, Pinel et Percy.-A Paris, chez Crochard (Paris, Crochard, 1813, (2), 48 pp.). "Physiologists still consult Magendie's classic description of the physiology of deglutition and vomiting. Magendie proved, against the current theory of Haller, that the stomach was passive rather than active in vomiting. This was essentially correct; however Magendie did fail to observe the active role of the plyloric end of the stomach." Garrison & Morton 985 5. : Mémoire sur l'usage de l'épiglotte dans la deglutition, presente a la Ire classe de l'Institut, le 22 mars 1813. suivi du rapport fait a la classe par MM. Pinel et Percy, et d'un memoire sur les images qui se forment au fond de l'oeil (Paris, Méquignon-Marvis, 1813, (4), 36 pp.). "Magendie showed that the epiglottis is not necessary for swallowing, which disproved the accepted doctrine that the epiglottis was necessary to cover the glottis to prevent food from entering the trachea." Garrison & Morton 985.1 6. : De l'influence de l'émétique sur l'homme et les animaux, memoire lu a la premiere classe de l'Institut de France, le 23 aout 1813. et suivi du rapport fait a la classe par MM. Cuvier, Humboldt, Pinel et Percy. (Paris, Crochard, 1813, 62 pp.). Magendie's report on his continuing experiments with emetics. Magendie proved, against the then-current theory of Haller, that the stomach was passive, not active, in vomiting. This is essentially correct; however, Magendie failed to observe the active role of the pyloric end of the stomach in his account. 7. : Mémoire sur l'osophage, lu a l'Institut de France, le 11 octobre 1813 (11, (1) pp.). "Magendie attempted to show the falsity of the current belief that the esophagus was a uniform muscular tube . Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 56647
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