1862. [Theological Professors (Belfast), &c. Return to an order of the Honourable The House of Commons, dated 7 April 1862;- for, Returns, ?from the 31st day of March 1860 to the 31st day of March 1861, of the Names of the Theological and other Professors and Pensioners at Belfast (Subscribing and Not Subscribing) receiving Money from Parliamentary Grants; and of the Number and Names of Students attending all the Professors, and how many attend each Professor, distinguishing such as attend the Non Subscribing Professors; stating whether they respectively intend for the Ministry of Ireland or as Missionaries Abroad; and also distinguishing those that attend all the session from those that attend part of it only; and of the Time that such Session continued for actual and exclusive service and Instruction; also of the Number of Hours per Week given by each Professor to his Class and the Days in each week so given; also the Amount of Salary received from the Government, by each Professor or Pensioner, from his Professorship or Pension; together with the Amount he receives from the Regium Donum, his Congregational Income, and Pension, whether from the Sum granted in 1860, or Otherwise, and what Amount he receives for Distributing Regium Donum, or other services, and on what Scale of Remuneration, in addition to his Allowance as a Professor, or otherwise; also whether any and which of the said Professors and Pensioners receive any and what other Pension from any Source, and whether the Congregational Income or Salary of any of the said Professors be appropriated to any other and what purpose than his or their own Private Use because of any Professional or Other Income received from the Government.? ?Of the Congregational Income of the Ministers of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland, and any class or Denomination of Nonconformists in Ireland, who received Portions of the Parliamentary Grant of 1860, with the Number of Families belonging to such Congregation, particularising, in each case, the Congregation, Minister?s Name, Date of Ordination or Installation, Number of Families, Stipend paid by each Congregation, Aid from Home Mission, Value of Glebe Houses, Chaplaincies, Poor Law, Gaol of Military Bequests, Donations, &c., and Total; Also whether the Proceeds of any Endowment constitute any Part of the Contributions from Congregations or other Persons, required by Government to be made as a Condition for obtaining Grants.? ?Of the several Sums received by or paid to the Ministers before mentioned or referred to, or by or to the several Funds for the Benefit of Widows of Ministers from the Parliamentary or Government Grant of 1860, and of the Expenses of Distributing the said Sum, and to Whom paid, and the Amount of each Payment, and fro what Services, and on what Scale, and also the Amount paid to the Clerks of the Synod, and the Names of such Clerks, and whether fro any and what services, or for Pensions or Grants, and the Particulars of all Expenses of the Assembly, and otherwise, which are defrayed by the Government; and the Number of Public Services at each Place of Worship, receiving Government Aid, on Census Sunday 1861, and the Number of Attendants at each Service, exclusive of Sunday School Children.? ?And, of the what Sects or Denominations of Protestant Nonconformists in Ireland, whether they are of any Class of Presbyterians, or of the Sect or Denomination usually called Congregational, Wesleyan, Baptist, or otherwise, which do not receive any Grant of Money for their Professors, Ministers, the Widows of Ministers, or otherwise, howsoever.?] 34pp. Contains a wealth of information including Names, Locations and Dates. Keywords: 19th Century Ireland, Church in Ireland, Church and State, Public Finances, Local History ? County Antrim. Disbound, housed in a protective file. First edition copy. . . . Books ship from the US and Ireland. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers KON0825154
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