24x17cm, Weighs 1.3 kilos. Contemporary binder's half-cloth. TWENTY-THREE [23] ITEMS BOUND TOGETHER IN ONE VOLUME. Bookplate. Some foxing or page browning to several items. Good. Sammelband. Spine reads "Cytologi V". This is a single volume containing 23 offprints concerning cell biology, in Italian, French, German,Polish and English, bound together in a single volume. Most with caption titles. Several with original cover wrappers intact. Includes: 1) Espedito di Lauro " Richerche sperimentali sulla stabilità atossica e sulla polivalenza dall'anatossina difterica " {Roma, Luigi Pozzi, 1935,16 pages]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 2) T. Terni "Sulla moderna morfologia del sistema nervoso autonomo" [Varese, Amedeo Nicola, 1935, pagination runs 993-1129]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 3) F. Baldi " Revisione critica e richerche, in ispecie a luce polarissata, sui dati strutturali delle fibre nervose midollate, centrali e periferiche [Firenze, Luigi Niccolai, 1932, pagination runs 185-191]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 4) Felice Baldi "Effetti della temperatura sulle fibre nervose studiati a mezzo della luce polarizzata" {Siena, Tip.S. Bernardino, 1930, 5 pages]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 5) W.J. Schmidt "Die Dopppelbrechung der Markscheide osmierter Nervernfasern" [Leipzig, Hirzel ,1935, pagination runs 158-165]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 6) W.J. Schmidt " Silber-und Golddichroisimus quergestreifter muskelfasern [Leipzig, Hirzel, 1935, pagination runs 397-405]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 7) W. Pfuhl "Die Regeneration der durch Trypanblau geschädigten quergestreiften Muskelfasern [Jena, Fischer,1934; Pagination runs 224-229; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 8) Jan Kruszynski "Badania nad chsastka: I: Roznicowanie, morfologia i histochemja chrzastki w kulturach tkanek / Recherches sur le cartillage: I: Différenciation, morphologie et histochimie du cartillage dans les cultures de tissus [Wilno, 1936, 1936, 43 pages + 2 folding plates, Polish text with French summary]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 9): Jan Kuszynnski "Cytochemische Untersuchungen der veraschten Nervenzelle" [Cracovie, 1934, pagination runs 105-116 + folding plate]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 10) S. Baginski "L'influence de la résection du nerf vague sur lalipoidgenèse des capsules surrénales des mammifères [Lyon, 1926, 14 pages + 1 plate]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 11) S. Baginski "Etudes sur les composés anorganiques des tissus: I : Spodographie des ovaires" [Lyon, 1934, pagination runs 277-287]; bound together with: 12) S.Baginski "Recherches histologique sur la perméabilité de la muqueuse digestive au BCG chez les animaux domestiques" [Lyon, 1935, pagination runs 329-343]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 13) S. Baginski "Contribution à l'histochimie du tissue cartilagineux" [[Lyon, 1929, pagination runs 225-232]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 14) Gerhard Schmidt "Die vitale trypanblauspeicherung bei Salamanderlarven" [Berlin, 1931; pagination runs 68-83]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 15) Giulia Paladino ""Su studie fatti poco noti relativi ai pigmenti gialli delle cellule nervose e surrenali" [Napoli, 1936; 8 pages; BOUND TOGETHER WITH; 16) Rosa Starace "Osservazioni sulla vitalità e regressioni dei trapianti dei tessuti non vascolarizzati.,." [Napoli, Nicola Jovene, 1936; 2 pages]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 17) Oskar Hertwig "Welchen Einfluss übt die Schwerkraft auf die Theilung der Zellen?" [Jena, Fischer, 1884, 30 pages +folding plate]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 18) J: Comandon & J. Jolly "Démonstration cinématographique des phénomènes nucléaires de la division cullulaire"[1913, 2 pages]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 19) Robert Chambers "The physical structure of protoplasm as determined by micro-dissection and injection" [np., nd., pagination runs 237-309]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 20) Matilda Moldenhauer Brooks "Studies on the permeability of living cells;: IX: Does methylene blue itself penetrate? [Berkeley, 1927, pagination runs 79 - 92], BOUND TOGETHER WITH: 21) James L: Leitch "The water exchanges of living cells" [Berkeley, 1931, pagination runs 127-140]; BOUND TOGETHER WITH. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 028754
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