Sothebys June 1994 Victorian Pictures
Verkäufer thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 21. Februar 2017
Verkäufer thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 21. Februar 2017
Sotheby's - London, Sale title ? Victorian Pictures including works from the Forbes Magazine Collection, Date ? 9th June 1994, No. of lots - 227, No. of pages ? 144, Illustrated in colour and black & white, , Index of Artists, Adams,Je. 109 Faster, M,B. 26, Allingham, H, 22,27 Foweraker, A.M. 155, Anderson, S. 135,150,1.:)3 Frith, W.P. 161, Ansdell, R. 52 Frost, "V.E. 176, Armfield,E. 45, Armfîeld,G. 56,57 Garden, W.F. Ei, Gavin, R. 196, Baie, CT. 66,68 Glasgow, A. 151, Barker, W. 49 Glendening, A.t. 82, Bates, D. 96,198 Glindoni, H.G. 169, Bauerle, C. 136 Godward,].N. 220, Beavis, R. 38 Goudall, F. 165,195, Bdford, K.A. 33 Goodall, W. 154, Bennett, F.M. 162,163,168 Grace,J.E. 122, Bindley, f. 138, Green, C. 6, Blacklock, W.K. 34 Grimshaw,j.A. 124,125,126,128, Bond, VJJG 101, Bouvier,J. 147 Hague,]A 123, Breakspeare, W.A. 158 Hardy,H. 47, Brett,]. 119 Hayllar,M. 127, Burne-Jones, Sir Le. 211,225,226,227 Hedley,R. 58, Herbert, S 108, Chambers jnr., G. ï2 Herring.lm ,J.F. ,::;0,51, Hicks, C.E. Chase,M. 191 ]] Holl,F. 192 Cole,G. 97 Holland,J. 99 Collier,j. 224 Hollyer, E. l~)7, Collinson,.I. 181 Hooper,J.H. 93 Cooper, T.S. 53 Horlor, G.V. 98 Cooper, V.S. 55 Hughes, A. 210 Couldery, H.H. 61,63 Hughes, E. 148 Crosby, W. 76 Hughes, T. no Currie, S. 121 Hughes, W. 67, Hunt, C. 142, Danby,1' 79 Hunt, V.H. ]82, Dawson,H. 94, de Breanski, A. 115 Inchbold,j.VV. 3O, de Breanski, A.F. III, Desanges, LW. 145 Kelly, R.G.T. 200 DixOIl, C. 3 Kilburne, G.G. S,167, Dobson, -V.GT. ]72 Kinnaird, H.J. 105 Dollond, V.A. 17,21,23 Kirkpatrick, j. 37 DuffIeld, M.E. 35, Ladell, E. 64, Earl, M. 48 Lamplough, A.O. 19, Eade, C. 7 Landseer, C. 160, Eckhardt, O. 133 Lmdseer, Sir E.H. 54,177, Ercole, A.C. 144 Leader, B.,"V. 88, Ils, Etty, V. 178,179 Leighton, Lord F. 208, Leslie, e.R. 180 Shannon, C.Il 188, Lewis,j.F. 174 Shayer, WJ 60, Lidderdale, C.S. 131,149 Shirley-Fox,]. 132, Linnell,.J. 74,173 Smith, C. 117, Linnell,.J.T. 84 Smith,J.B. 85,110,120, Lloyd, T. 12 Smythe, E.R. 44, Smythe, M. 10,13, Mackay, T. 36 Snames 40, MacNab,P. 156 Solomon, A. 166, Manners, ",1. 104 Solomon, S. 209, Martin, S. 41,43 Solomon, SJ. 134, McCallum,A. 92 Spencelayh, C. 65, McWhirter,j. 152 Spencer Stanhope,.J.R. 202, Mellor,W. 100,102 Spencer Stanhope,J.R.S. 184, Millais, Sir JL 183, 205, 207, 221 Spiers, B.W. 20, Moore, AJ 186 Stone,M. 189,190, Morgan,]. 130 Strutt, W. 199, Morris,W.W. 59 Swanwick,J.H. 25, Mulready, A.L 129, Tennant,j.F. Newman, H.R. 91 201 Terry,H.M. 9 Niemann, EJ 113 Thomas. 'N.C 164, Thors,]. 73,86,112 O'Neill, C.B. 146 Todd, H.C. 69 Oakes,j.·W. 87,89, Olivier, HA 223, Varley jnr.,J. 197, Palmer,I-I.S. 14, Parker, H.Ir 83 Walbourn, E. 159 Parsons, B.E. 32 Walters,C.5. 80 Paterson, C. 24 Waterhouse,j.W. 203, 204, 206, 212 Paton, F. 39 Waterlow, Sir E.A. 107 Paye, R.N. 175 Watts, F.W. 7ï,78 Peel . .J. 95 Watts,C.F. 213,214,215 Percy, S.R. 106,114, Pollenline, A. 71 216,217,218,219 Poynter, Sir EJ. Weatherhill, G. 1 185 Webb,]. 194 Pratt,]. 137 Webb, V.E. 70, Webb, "j. 222 Radford, E. 18 Wells,j.S.S. 171 Rayner, L. 28,29 Whichelo, A.C. 62 Redgate, A.W. 103 Williams, E.C. 81 Redmore, H. 75 Williams,W. 90 Rickens, C. de S. 187 Wilmer,].R 31 Rivers, J . 116 Wood, Gi'i. 143 Roberts, E.l' 140 Woodlock, D. 16 Rossiter, C. 139 Woodville, R.C. 193 Rowbotham, C. 4,5 Wright,C. 42, Wright, C.S. 46, Scarbrough, LW. Wright,RW. 141 Weight: 496g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 49749
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Titel: Sothebys June 1994 Victorian Pictures
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