Sotheby Parke Bernet - New York, Sale title - American 19th & 20th Century Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture Including Property from the Bentley-Sellars Collection, Date - 21st October 1983, No. of lots - 534, No. of pages - unpaginated, Illustrated in colour & black and white INDEX Albert Ernest , Armstrong David Maitland , Bacon Henry , Bartlett William Henry attributed to , Batcheller Frederick S. , Beckwith James Carroll , Bertiielsen Joiiann , Bierstadt Albert , Birch Thomas , Black Olive Parker , Blakelock Ralph, Albert , Blauvelt Charles F. , Blum Robert F. , Bohrod Aaron , Boughton George Henry, , Boyer Emile , Bradford William , Bradford William attributed to , Bricher Alfred T. , Briscoe Franklin D. , Bristol John, Bunyon, , Brooks Nicholas Alden , Brown George L. , Brown J. Appleton , Brown Mather , Brush George De Forest , Burliuk David , Butler George, B. , Buttersworth James E. , Buttersworth James E. attributed to , Carlsen Dines , Carpenter Ellen Maria , Casilear John W. , Champney Benjamin , Champney James Wells , Christy Howard Chandler , Clough George L. , Colman Samuel , Cooper Colin Campbell , Cornwell Dean , Cozzens Frederick Schiller , Crane Bruce , Curran Charles Courtney, , Dabo Leon , Davies Arthur B. , Davis Charles Harold , Davis Warren B. , De Grailly Victor attributed to , Dietz Carl , Dolph John, Henry, , Doughty Thomas , Drew George, W. , Dumond Frank V. , Dunlap William attributed to , Durand Asher B. attributed to , Duveneck Frank , Dwight Julia S. , Eaton Charles Warren, Enneking John, Joseph, Etheridge C. B. , Evans De Scott , , , Fisher Alvan A, Forster, George, , Foster Ben , Frieseke Frederick Carl , Fuller George , Gaul Gilbert , Gay Edward , Gay Edward attributed to , Gay George Howell , Gay Walter , Gay Winckwortii Allan , Gerry Samuel L. , Gibson P. , Gifford Robert Swain , Glackens William , Goodwin Arthur Clifton , Gorson Aaron Henry , Graham John , Gregory John , Griffin Walter , Groll Albert L. , Gropper William , Gruppe Charles Paul , Halpert Samuel , Hamilton James , Hardwick Melbourne H. Harrison Birge, , Hart George Overbury ("Pop") , Hart James, McDougal , Hart Joel Tanner , Hart William M. , Hawthorne Charles Webster , Herzog Hermann , Higgins Eugene, , Hill Thomas , IJoeber Arthur , Hope William , Hopper Edward , Hunt Charles D. , Hunt William Morris , Inness George, , Inness George attributed to , Irvine Wilson , Jacobsen Antonio , Jewett Maude Sherwood , Kaelin Charles Salis , Keith William , Kensett John Frederick , Kent Rockwell , King Paul , Kingman Dong, , Knaths Karl , Knight Louis Aston , Koeniger Walter , Koerner William H. D. , Kronberg Louis , Lambdin George C. , LaFarge John , Latoix Gaspard , Laux, August , La Valley Jonas, Joseph, , Lawlor George, W. , Leavitt Edward Chalmers , Leighton Scott , Lever, Hayley, , Lewis Edmund Darch , Leyendecker Joseph, C. , Lippincott William Henry, , Little, Philip, , Luks, George, B. , MacCord Mary, Nicholena , Marsh Fred Dana , Marsh Reginald, , Martin Homer Dodge attributed to , Matteson Tompkins, Harrison , McCoiid George, H. , Melciiers Gari , Melrose Andrew , Metcalf Willard LeRoy, , Miller Richard Edward , Minor Robert C. , Moore Nelson A. , Mora Francis Luis , Moran Edward , Mount William Sidney , Murphy John Francis , Newell Hugh, , Nicholson George, W. , N. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 54006
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