thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Verkäuferbewertung 4 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 21. Februar 2017
Sotheby's ? New York, Sale title ? Old Master Paintings, Date ? 14th October 1998, No. of lots ? 212, No. of pages ? 127, Illustrated in colour and black & white, , INDEX, Agreda Master, Attributed to 148, Arellano, Juan de, Attributed to, 42, Arentsz, Arent, ca lIed Cabel 125, Austrian School, 18th Century 88, Baciccio, Giovanni Battista Gaulli, called, Circle of 142, Bardellino, Pietro 209, Bardwell, Thomas 171, Baschenis, Evaristo, Circle of 91, Bassano, Jacopo, Attributed to 172, Bassano, jacopo, Cirele of 46, Bayeu y Subias, Francisco, Circle of, 199, Beare, George 127, Sega, Cornelis Pietersz 47, Bergen, Dirk van 106, Bertin, Nicolas, Circle of 137, Bison, Giuseppe Bernardino, Attributed to 210, Blocklandt van Montfoort, Studio of, 116, Bloemaert, Abraham, Alter 134, Bocanegra, Pedro Anastasio, Attributed to 94, Boilly, Louis-Léopold 195, 196, 197, Boilly, Louis-Léopold, Attributed to, 6, Bolognese School, 17th Century 138, Bolognese School, 18th Century 5, Bononi, Carlo, CircIe of 126, Bossche, Balthasar van den 7, Botticini- Francesco 10, Bourginon, J*** 151, Brueghel, the Eider, jan, Manner of, Bunde}, Willem van den, Attributed, to 144, Canaletto, Manner of 65, Carneo, Antonio, Circle of 61, Caullery, Louis de, Attributed to, 14, Caullery, Louis de, Studio of 183, Charpentier, Jean-Baptiste, Attributed to 71, Cignani, Carlo, Attributed to 50, Closterman, John, Attributed to, 118, Collier, Edward 169, Combette, joseph Marcellin 24, Continental School, 17th Century, 182, Continental School, 18th Century, 43, Courtois, Jacques Circle of 79, 95, Coypel, Antoine, Follower of 23, Cradock, Marmaduke 204, Crepin, Louis-Philippe 139, Crespi, Giovanni Battista, Attributed to 173, Crivelli, Angelo Maria, Attributed, to 22, Dahl, Michael, Attributed to 99, Dandridge, Bartholomew 77, Denner, Balthasar, Attributed to 186, Dietrich, Christian Wilhelm Ernst, 178, Dr6lling, Martin 73, Duplessis, C. Michel H. 161, Dutch School, 19th Century 96, Dutch School, circa 1800 17, Dutch School, last quarter of the, 17th Century 37, Duyster, Willem Cornelisz, Follower, of 52, Dyck, Sir Anthony van, 18th, Century Follower of 74, Dyck, Sir Anthony van, Studio of, 165, Emilian School, 17th Century 23A, Es, Jacob van, Attributed to 34, Everdingen, Allart van 2, Fiammingo, Paulo 168, Fiasella, Domenico, Attributed to, 14, ', Flemish School, 16th/17th Century, 81, Flemish School, 17th Century 170, Florentine SchooI, 17th Century, 159, Foschi, Francesco, Follower of 93, Francken, the Younger, Frans, Circle, of 147A, Franco-Flemish School, 18th, Century 163, French School, early 19th Century, 193, Frias y Escalante, Juan-Antonio de, 203, Furini, Francesco 48A, 167, Gérard, Marguerite, Circle of 153, German School, 18th Century 121, 157, German School, first quarter of 19th, Century 149, Giaquinto, Corrado, Circle of 150, Giordano, Luca, Attributed to 198, Gobert, Pierre, Attributed to 143, Goltzius, Hendrick, Circle of 12, Grevenbroeck, Orazio, Attributed to, 70, Grimou, Alexis, Attributed to 131, Guercino, Giovanni Francesco, Barbieri, ca lIed il, Circle of 31, Haarlem, School of, 17th Century, 111,180, Hals, Dirck 32, Hamilton, William 28, Hardime, Pieter 26, Herck, Jacobus Mechoir van 30, Highmore, joseph 27,160, Hobbema, Meindert, Follower of, 207, Hondecoeter, Melchior de, Follower, of 115, Hoppner, john 205, Huillot, Pierre-Nicolas 38, Italian or French School, circa 1700, 179, Italian School, 16th Century 208, Italian School, 17th Century 107, Italian School, 18th Century 58, Kessel, the EIder, Jan van 212, Kessel, the Eider, Jan van, Circle of, 146,147, Key, Willem 175, Kraus, Georg Melchior, Attributed, to 132, Lamen, Christoph Jacobsz Van Der, Cirele 01 86, Lancret, Nicolas, After 130, Largillierre, Nicolas de, Attributed, to 128, Lauri, Filippo, Circle 01 35, Leonardo da Vinci, 17th Century, Follower 01 75, Liberi, Marco 117, Lingelbach, Johannes '33, Loeninga, Allaert van, Attributed, to 2iI, Loir, Nicolas Pierre, Attributed to. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 34863
Titel: Sothebys October 1998 Old Master Paintings
Zustand: Marked
Anbieter: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Zustand: Good. Sotheby's - London, Sale title - Old Master Paintings, Date - 29th October 1998, No. of lots - 247, No. of pages - 112, Illustrated in colour, , INDEX, Angillis 190 Duynen 177, Antwerp School 12,20 Dürer 23, Ast 47, Eeckhout 7, Balestra 126 Elle . 101, Bassano 135 Elliger 102, Beerstraeten 78 Engelbrechtsz. 8, Bega 156 Es 87, Begeyn 164 Everbroeck 54, Belvedere 225, Berchem 40 Falens 67, Bertin 230 Flemish School 5,112, Bimbi 228 Florentine School 100, Bloemmaerdt Floris 31, Bolognese School 134,200 Franceschini 123, Bosschaert 49 Franchoys 160, Boucle 181 Francia 138, Boullogne III Francken 149, Bramer 107 French School 210,218,243, Bray 136 Friedrich 34, Breu 21 Fuger 195, Brueghel 2,48,116,222 Furini 131, Brueghel and Rubens 147, Brueghel and van Balen 30 Gagneux 89, Brueghel, Rubens and Snyders 148 Geldorp 97, Burgkmair 24 Gellee 75, Byss 81 Gentileschi 129, German School 19,120, Caffi 91 Gillemans 83, Caravaggio 116,117,121,137,206 Griffier 169, Caro 176 Guardi 247, Casissa 229, Casteels 72 Haensbergen 56, 165, Castello 127 Hailé 201, Cerezo 118 Hamilton 45, Ce sari 193 Hartmann 3, Cimaroli 233 Heem 46,224, Claeuw 85 Heeremans 152, Clerck 18,32 Heinsius 216, Cleve 145 Herrera 115, Coccorante 187 Herrlein 183, Collier 86 Hispano-Flemish School 69, Coosemans 53 Hobbema 185, Courtois 65 Houbraken 175, Cranach 17,143 Huilliot 226, Crivelli 179, Italian School 198,246, Danedi 192, Delen 172 Jeaurat 211, Delin 221 Julliard 245, Demarne 235, Denner 207 Kônig 22, Droochsloot 36,41,60, Dubois 55 Lagrenée 202, Dughet 74,79 Landois 178, Dumont 213 Largillière 212, Dupuis 93 Lattanzio 141, Dutch School 94,162 Leen 52, Lingelbach, 158 Rubens 171, Lint Il Rubens and Snyders, 113,146, Locatelli, 238 Ruoppolo 92, Loth, 119 Ruysch 223, Luini, 29 Ruysdael 39, Ryckaert, Maes, Maffei, 191 Scarsellino 194, Man 77 School of Alsace, Mancini, 132 School of Bruges 15, Marchesini, 122 Schotanus 50, Martinelli, 130 Schutz 6, Matthieu, 57 Seghers 196, Michau, 44 Seldron 33, Mieris, 95 Sienese School 140,142, Millet, 73 Snyders 84, 180, Mommers, 43,170 Son je 174, Momper, 232 South Netherlandish School 14, Monogrammist AW, 104 South Tyrolean School 28, Monogrammist F.M., 13 Steenwyck 109, Moscher, 38 Stephan 80, Moucheron, 37,42 Stoop 157, Mulier, 231 Straeten 63, Maleskircher, 25 Strij 62, Sustris, Napoletano, 236 Swagers 240, Neapolitan School, Negri, 110 Tamm 227, Neroni, 139 Teniers 155, Nesselthaler, 114 Tour 9, Nickelen, 184 Traut 26,27, Nogari, Utrecht, Ottino, Ouwater, 241 Vaillant 98, Valckenborch, Paelinck, 203 Vassallo 209, Palmezzano, 133 Velde 70, Patel, 76 Venetian School 159,234, Peeters, 71 Verburg 35, Pesne, 214 Verdonck 168, Poelenburch, 58,59,68 Verhaecht 61, Potter, 108 Vernet 173,186, Poussin, 188 Vertangen 163, Pullicino, 237 Vinckboons 103, Pynas, 105 Viviani 189, Voet, Quinkhardt, 220 Voort 96, Vrancx, Ranc, 219 Vôllerdt 167, Rembrandt, Ricci, 124,239,242 Weiss 51, Rigaud, 215 Wet 153,166, Roestraeten, 88 Wittel 244, Roman School, 125,197,199,205 Wouwerman 66, Rombouts, Roos, 154 Ziesenis 182, Rottenhammer, Weight: 408g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2 weeks to arrive at your selected destination. All parcels are shipped within 1 working day of payment being received. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 11056
Anzahl: 1 verfügbar
Anbieter: thecatalogstarcom Ltd, Westbury, Vereinigtes Königreich
Zustand: Good. Sotheby's ? London, Sale title ? Old Master Paintings & British Pictures, Date ? 28th - 29th October 1998, No. of lots ? 609, No. of pages ? 140, Illustrated in colour and black & white, , INDEX, Old Master Paintings Deruet 415,439, Desportes 475, Adriaenssen 455 Diepram 348, Aken 342 Dietrich 466,526, Amberger 511 Diziani 487, Ammon 500 Domenichino 508, Amorosi 450 Domenichino and Reni 488, Andalusian School 528 Dou 366, Angeli 602 Droochsloot 302, Angillis 577 Dughet 559, Apshoven 349 Dujardin 334,435, Arellano 477 Dutch School 325, 344, 359, 442, 444, Arthois 569 494, Aubry 583 Dyck 481,516,542, Augsburg School 512, Austrian School 546 Edema 320, Eertvelt 551, Balen 483 Ekels 367, Bassano 378 Ermels 558, Bassetti 394, Beest 326 Farinati 388, Beich 321 Fisches 499, Bellengé 471 Flemish School 420,421,422,423, Bemmel 556 440,519,544, Bergen 310 Francken 520, Bertin 585 French School 398,410, 411, 567, Bijlert 368 570,578,579,586,595,603,604, Bol 308 Frisius 514, Bolognese School 391,397,408,418, 454 Garzi 409, Borch 364 Gennari 417, Bordon 502 Genoese School 399, Bourdon 498 German School 306, 309, 525, 529, Bravo 406,557 598,607, Brescian School 386 Gessi 413, Breydel 549 Giaquinto 405, Bril 305 Goya 592, Brinkmann 301 Goyen 318, Brouwer 338 Graziani 552, Grevenbroeck 554, Carracci 375,509 Griffier 330, Carrée 313 Guardi 456,609, Casanova 591, Casteels 457 Hamilton 462,470, Castello 407 Hanneman 443, Champaigne 432,593 Heemskerk 354, Cleve 501 Heinz 513, Coffermans 535 Herp 323, Collier 467 Heusch 319, Compe 362 Heyden 365, Conca 373 Hobbema 304,335, Continental School 473 Hollar 356, Correggio 390 Honthorst 358,431,452, Craesbeeck 369 Horemans 324, Crivelli 458 Horst 536, Huet 537, Delser 600 Huysum 472, Demachy 571, Italian School 337,376,382,451, Poli 608 Vernet 572,5h 574, 453,539 Poussin 497,566 Verschuring 315, Janssens 441 Pulzone 448 Vigée- Le Brun 487,597, Vos 437, Kauffmann 485 Quinkhardt 436 Vrancx 311, Keil 449 Watteau,A. ? 584, Kessel 459,465 Raphael 372,384,392,403 Watteau,L. 576,580, Kônig 495 Rembrandt 363,425,426,427,428, Weenix 468, 429 Winck 460, Lairesse 587 Reni 414,491,541 Wouwerman 371, Largillière 594 Ricci 336, Lauri 484 Rocca 493 Zan chi 412, Le Nain 370 Roman School 374,389,561, Lefebvre 596 Roos 461, Lens 479 Rosa 555,560,562, Leyden 361 Rottenhammer 496,518, Leytens 314 Rubens 316,482,503,517,540, Lille 476 Rugendas 547, Lombard School .381,385 Ruisdael 332, Loth 504 Ruthardt 464, Luini 377 Ryckaert 303, Maffei 486 Sarto 383, Magnasco 507 Sauvage 492, Maton 343 Schonfeld 545, Meiren 553 School ofLille 476, Mengs 393 School of Nuremberg 575, Michelangelo 543 Sebastiano 395,400, Miereveldt 430 Sigismondi 396, Mieris 357,480 Simonini 548, Molenaer 327 Sirani 532, Monnoyer 474 Snyders 469, Morales 527 Soreau 478, Moreau 564 South German School 515, Moroni 445 South Netherlandish School 510, Murillo 524 Spanish School 506,523,530, Mytens 606 Steen 345, Stoffe 550, Naldini 402 Stomer 534, Nazzari 447 Stoop 317, Neer 312 Sustermans 433, Netherlandish School 538 Sweerts 346,434, Netscher 352, North Italian School 379,380,387, Teniers 333,340,347,350, 404,416,489,533,590 Titian 360,446, Ochtervelt 353 Todeschini 505, Ostade 329,341,351,355 Torregiani 563, Ovens 531 Troy, J.-F. 581, Troy, F. 601, Palma 490 Troost 588, Parrocel 582 Turchi 419, Paudiss 424, Pennis 322 Utrecht School 339, Pereda 521, Pesne 605 Vadder 331, Piedmontese school, 568 Valencian School 522, Pillement 565 Venetian School 438,463,589, Pitati 401 Vermeulen 328, British Pictures Genari,B. 35 Russell, J. 54,71, Glover,J. 106, Abbott, J.w. 87,118 Grant, F. 57 Sadler, W. 82, Ainslie, G. 99 Sartorius, J.N. 151, Alken,H. 145,167,170 Hamilton, W. 117 Sartorius, W. 132,133, Anderson, W. 9 Hand, T. 103 Sillett, J. 98, Anderton, H. 26 Hanneman, A. 13 Smith of Chichester, G. 86, Ansdell, R. 68,134 Hayter, Sir G. 64 Smythe, T. 148, Armfield, G. 154,156 Henshaw, F.H. 139 Soest, G. 23, Arnald,G. 83,105 Hickey, T. 48 Soldi,A. 30, Hobart, T.R. 146 Stanfield, C. 7, Bardwell, T. 22 Hodgson, A.M. 161 Stannard, E. 171, Barlow, F. 159 Hogarth, W. 136 Stothard, T. 130,141, Barry, J. 114 Holland,J. 108, 138 Stuart, G. 66A, Beechey, Sir W. 31,50 Hoppner,J. 72 Swaine, F. 3,8, Bonington R.P. 95 Hudson, T. 27,39, Bough,S. 104 Humphry,O. 56 Thomas, P.H. 4, Bretland, T. 143, 168 Huysmans, J. 37 Thomson, Rev.J. 91, Brocas, J.H. 79 Towne,C. 144, 157, 162, Brooking, C. 10 Ibbetson, J.c. 84,89 Turner, F.c. 152, Brown,E. 142 Turner, J.M.W. 96, BuUock, G.G. 47 Jones, G. 128, Buttersworth, T. 2 Jones, S.J.E. 150 Varley, J. 102, Byng,E. 17,24 Jones,W. 155,160 Vickers, A. Sen. 5, Villiers, F.H. 126, Canaletto 109 Kerseboom, J. 28, Catterson Smith, S. 75 Kettle, T. 36 Ward,M.T. 153, Cawse, J. 120 Watson, W.S. 69, Chamberlin, M. 125 Lawrence, Sir T. 73 Wheatley,F. 46, 135, Churchyard, T. 97 Leslie, C.R. 137 Whood,1. 34, Clint,A. 112 Linnell, J.T. 110 Williams, E. 90, Cole,T. 74 Loir, L. 66 Williams, E.C. 121, CoUins, W. 94, 163 Loutherbourg, P. J. 88 Williams, W. 45, Constable, J. 101,113 Lowry,S. 1 Wilson,R. 78,81, Cox,D. III Lynn, J. 6 Woistenholm, D. 158, Wright, J.M. 12, Dalby,D. 149 MacCulloch, H. 85,100, Dandridge, B. 49 Martin,D. 53, Denune,W. 59 Mercier, P. 52, deWint,P. 92,93 Mijn, F. van der 61, Dodd,L. 1 Mor, Sir A. 16, Dupont,G. 43 Morphy,G. 29, Dyck, Sir A.van 14 Mosnier, J.L. 44, Muller, W.J. 116,124,129, Eccardt, J.G. 42 Murray, T. 38,41, English School 40 Nasmyth,A. 67, English School, 16th Century 15 Norwich School 119, English School, 17th Century 58, English School, 18th Century 55 Parker, H.P. 122, 127, English School, 19th Century 18, 20, Peake, R. 19,21, 115, 123, 165, 166 Phillips, T. 32, Etty, W. 140,169 Pollard, J. 147,164, Eyre,E. 80, Raeburn, Sir H. 62,63,77, Fabre, F.X. 60 Ramsay,A. 25, Fowles,A.W. II Roberts, D. 107, Frost, W.E. 131 Romney,G. 65,76, Fuller, 1. 33 Rothwell, R. 70, , Weight: 435g We use registered airmail for all parcels which are sent out from our depot in India. Parcels usually take 1 - 2. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 9015
Anzahl: 1 verfügbar