Verkäufer Antikvariat Valentinska, Praha, Tschechien Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 25. November 2014
A comprehensive price list of all drugs sold in Prague pharmacies (based on a much older list by the Czech botanist and physician Adam Zaluzansky ze Zaluzan). All names of drugs are simultaneously in Latin, Czech and German. The preface and introduction are in German. The introduction is written by Adalbert Wenzel von Wendau (d. 1743), a secretary of the land governorate (Statthalterei). Antiqua and fraktur typeface; two pages are decorated with large woodcut headpieces with floral motives (the first one also features double-headed imperial eagle and Bohemian royal lion surrounded with putti). Four leaves are expertly replaced with high-quality facsimilia; two leaves' missing parts are skilfully replaced with pieces of paper with handwritten text. Endpapers contain numerous old notes written with pen (obviously from the 18th century); several pages have pen marginalia from the 18th century. The Czech title runs as follows: "Cena neb Wymerenj Wssech Lekarstwj, gak sprostych tak skladanych, gak Chymickych tak Galenickych, a w Mestských Apatykach Prazskych ku prodanj se nachazegjcich podle Alphabety slozena." /// Recent leather binding; hardback, [8]+73+[1] pp., 4° (20.5 x 32 cm), leather slightly worn and rubbed, endpapers and pages tanned, three leaves waterstained, most leaves worn, with well-worn corners, ink stains, small chips and tears etc. (book was obviously in constant use), condition: fair Book Language/s: German, Czech, Latin. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers A42659
Titel: Taxa Seu Valor Omnium Medicamentorum, Tam ...
Verlag: Vetero-Pragae [Prague]: Typis Joannis Julii Gerzabek [Johann Julius Gerzabek; Jan Julius Jerabek] 1737
Einband: Hardcover
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