Verkäufer Rooke Books PBFA, Bath, Vereinigtes Königreich Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 18. Mai 2007
A volume of five important and vivid travel works, by a variety of eminent authors, including Washington Irving. Bound without the series title page, this is 'The Universal Library: Voyages and Travels' Volume I.An interesting volume, containing five important travel works, exploring Africa, America, Japan, a voyage around the world, and the eventful piratical seizure of the H.M.S. Bounty.Each work in this volume is illustrated with a frontispiece and an engraved title.This volume includes:'Travels in Egypt, Arabia, and the Holy Land', by J. L. Stephens.'The History of New York', by Diedrich Knickerbocker, the pseudonym of Washington Irving.'The Mutiny of the Bounty', by W. Blight.'A Voyage Round the World', by George Anson.'An Account of Japan', by Engelbert Koempfer, translated by J. G. Scheuchzer.Unusual pagination, with each work's individual pagination to the head of each leaf, and the volume's overall pagination to the tail of each leaf. However, the volume is misbound, with the volume's pagination to the tail running as [2], 263-608, [2], 261, [1pp].Other examples of this volumes include John L. Stephens 'Incidents of Travels in Greece, Turkey, Russia, and Poland', in place of 'The Mutiny of the Bounty'. In a half calf binding with marbled paper to the boards. Externally, rubbed. Joints are starting and cracked. Light bumping to the extremities. Lacking the spine label. Spine is a little faded. A small amount of loss of leather to the spine and extremities. Hinges are strained. Internally, firmly bound. Pages are bright with some scattered spots, mostly to the first and last few pages. Good. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 913P17
Titel: Travels in Egypt, Arabia, and the Holy Land;...
Verlag: Nathaniel Cooke; Ingram, Cooke, and Co, London
Erscheinungsdatum: 1853
Einband: Leather
Illustrator: Not Stated
Zustand: Good
Art des Buches: book
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