U.S. Navy WWII aviation combat Manuals c. 1943 Lot x 3 airplane tactics booklets U.S. Navy WWII aviation combat Manuals c. 1943 Lot x 3 airplane tactics booklets U.S. Navy WWII aviation combat Manuals c. 1943 Lot x 3 airplane tactics booklets U.S. Navy WWII aviation combat Manuals c. 1943 Lot x 3 airplane tactics booklets

U.S. Navy WWII aviation combat Manuals c. 1943 Lot x 3 airplane tactics booklets

Erscheinungsdatum: 1943
Gebraucht Softcover

Verkäufer RareMapsandBooks, Dover, NH, USA Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 27. November 2015

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(Old Books, 20th Century Books, Americana, WWII, U. S. Airforce, Air Combat, Training Manuals, Combat Tactics, Gunners, Illustrated Books). Lot x 3 WWII U. S. Airforce Training Guides. 1. Gunnery Approaches- Fixed Gunnery and Combat Tactics Series no. 2. // An Analysis of Primary Training Accidents // 3. How to Get Hits with the Illuminated Sight. Published c. 1943, Training Division, Bureau of Aeronautics, U. S. Navy.3 different related items, each c. 16-30 pages including wrapper covers. Text in English. Note the nice vintage images including photos and many cartoon style drawings. Publisher's pictorial paper wrappers, two with original three hole spine punches for inserting into a notebook. Each booklet is "restricted"/ confidential. All appear to be uncommon. Lot is old and shows some signs of handling and time. Lot is not new or in "new" condition. Paper gently age worn, slight rubbing, lot remains overall clean and attractive as a inherently fragile survival. Paper is lightly toned, normal signs of handling, perhaps small scattered spotting, internally still well preserved and sound. Still attractive. The scarce ephemeral paper lot displays a pleasing and unique age patina and overall is in nice antiquarian condition, any age flaws easy to overlook or forgive. Please review photos for more detail and our best attempt to convey how this offering survives. Covers measures c. 10 1/4" H x 8" W.[B14310]. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers B14310

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Bibliografische Details

Titel: U.S. Navy WWII aviation combat Manuals c. ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 1943
Einband: Softcover
Zustand: good

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