The Abaúj Antique Bookshop which was founded in 1996 is one of the most significant representatives of the Hungarian second-hand book trade. The second-hand bookshop I lead organizes numerous book auctions year by year in Budapest. I make a catalogue out of the most unique themes every summer. My favourites are autographed books and manuscripts. Autographed books and manuscripts of internationally-recognised writers, poets, historical figures and celebrities can be found in my collection. You cannot even imagine how many rare books and manuscripts can be found in Central Europe!
I have created the website in order to make the world aware of us and get to know us. I would like to get to know your interests and add rare items to your collection.
Kind Regards from a booklover,
János Pogány
Zur Homepage des Verkäufers
Verbandsmitglieder verpflichten sich, höchste Standards einzuhalten. Sie garantieren die Echtheit aller zum Verkauf angebotenen Objekte. Ihre Objektbeschreibungen sind sachkundig und genau, etwaig vorhandene Mängel oder Restaurationen werden offengelegt. Die Ansetzung der Verkaufspreise erfolgt nach akkurater Recherche. Alle Verkäufe werden stets fair und redlich abgewickelt.
Unternehmensdaten des Verkäufers
Abauj Antique Bookshop
Any statements we make about the authenticity, ownership, description, date, age, origin, title or condition of the goods are our sole judgement and opinion.
If you have any questions please contact me. More pictures available. I will inform you in detail.
Trading in old and rare books, resale of new Hungarian books.
Name and address of business:
Abauj Antique Bookshop
János Pogány ev.
Kistokaj, H-3553
Táncsics Mihály u. 11.
VAT no.: HU66023191
Abaúj Antique Bookshop ensures that all items are securely packed. Books are disinfected with a cloth before packing.
If an item is lost or damaged in transit the customer will receive a full refund.
Orders from International and National Institutions are accepted with an official order form and payment in arrears with a 30-day payment deadline.
Deliveries within the Eurpean Union are usually made within 5-10 working days, while deliveries overseas usually take 10-15 working days.
More than 1 kg. Shipping: basic + EUR 20 (If specifically indicated in the description.)
Less than 50 grams (1 postcard order). Shipping: - EUR 5 refund from the basic fee. (If specifically indicated in the description.)
Shipping company in Hungary: Hungarian Post, Packeta (according to the most favourable price)
If you wish to pay by bank transfer or PayPal, please reply to our payment offer within 2 business days. If you do not reply, the product will be re-advertised.
- PayPal (payment + 5,5 % transaction fee)
- Direct Bank transfer
(Refund possible)
Impressum & Info zum Verkäufer