Verkäufer Rooke Books PBFA, Bath, Vereinigtes Königreich Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen
AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 18. Mai 2007
Six very smart volumes of works by Robert Smith Surtees, with illustrations. Six volumes. Undated. Written by Robert Smith Surtees, an English editor, novelist, and sporting writer. Illustrated by John Leech, a British caricaturist and illustrator, and Hablot Knight Browne, an English artist and illustrator. Each work is complete with a hand coloured frontispiece and title page. Some illustrations have also been coloured. This set includes: Plain or Ringlets Illustrated with forty-three vignettes, twelve steel engravings, and eight extra illustrations. Hawbuck Grange Including Robert Smith Surtees: A Sketch of His Career and John Leech: His Illustrations to Surtees' Novels, etc. Illustrated with twenty-three engravings in-text, thirteen full-page illustrations, and eight engravings on steel. Mr Sponge's Sporting Tour Illustrated with sixty in-text engravings on wood, twenty-nine full-page engravings on wood, and thirteen engravings on steel. Handley Cross Illustrated with sixty-seven in-text engravings on wood, thirty-one full-page engravings on wood, and seventeen engravings on steel. Ask Mamma Illustrated with fifty-one in-text engravings on wood, nineteen full-page engravings on wood, and thirteen engravings on steel. Mr Facey Romford's Hounds Illustrated with twenty-four engravings on steel, forty-six illustrations in-text, and four page illustrations. Collated complete. Bound by Bayntun, Bath. Bound in half red crushed morocco with red cloth boards. Externally, very smart with light shelf wear only. Minor fading to the spine and the odd mark to the board. Internally, firmly bound. Pages are very bright and clean throughout. Bound by Bayntun, Bath. Very Good. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 853T30
Titel: Six Volumes of Novels by R. S. Surtees
Verlag: Bradbury, Agnew & Co. c1850-1890, London
Erscheinungsdatum: 1850
Einband: Leather
Illustrator: John Leech; H. K. Browne
Zustand: Very Good
Art des Buches: book
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