Benjamin Duprat and others, Paris, 1851, first edition; large 8vo, 170 x 240mm; pp lxxv, 756 plus title to the plates section, list of plates and the plates themselves together with a large folding map, linen-backed, of the area and dated 1845; the engraved plates, with one exception, are double page; the list calls for a total of ten plates, including the portrait of the author and the folding map but one plate (the first section of the double plate V) is missing, this featuring small items such as a stretcher, a horse decoration, and more; half brown morocco, marbled sides, skilfully rebacked with the original spine laid down and with appropriate new end papers; part of the marbled sides of the front cover scuffed; the early pages (to about xv) show the effects of some old wetting in the form of browning and with one page very skilfully repaired, none with any loss of text or margins; neat small circular library stamps on the title and occasionally elsewhere, including on the backs of the plates; occasional underlinings or brief notes in light pencil in the margins; overall a book in good condition, generally clean and firm, and not greatly affected by the matters mentioned; scarce in its original form, as here. . . . Ouadây, aka as Ouaddaï or Wadai, is an area, a former Sultanate, in the east of Lake Chad and the border with Sudan. The Wadai Empire, or Sultanate, known locally as Burgu or Birgu, emerged in the 17th century through conquest of the ruling Tunjur people of the area, displacing them from the lands of the Sultanate of Darfur. It was overthrown by France in 1909/1912 and reconstituted under France in 1935. When Chad became independent in 1960 it became part of that new state. Its capital is Abéché. (See Wikipedia for more detail.). Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 000903
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