Walnut Street Paper, LLC

Walnut Street Paper, LLC

Kutztown, PA, U.S.A.

Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

AbeBooks Verkäufer seit 13. Februar 2020


Über den Verkäufer

Impressum & Info zum Verkäufer

Walnut Street Paper is a small, family-owned business based out of Kutztown, PA. Co-owners Alexis and George have been selling collectible books, ephemera, photographs, and manuscripts since 2018 and are proud to be members of the Independent Online Booksellers Association (IOBA). We carry a diverse inventory and tend to gravitate toward material that is illustrated, decorative, or otherwise visually appealing, across a range of genres, including 20th century children s literature, classic literature, African Americana, natural history, poetry, and pop culture. Our material ranges from the early 1800s all the way to modern first editions. Additionally, we have a heightened interest in books and ephemera related to American social movements including the civil rights movement, women s rights and liberation, LGBTQ rights, and environmental preservation.

Suche im Angebot von Walnut Street Paper, LLC


Verbandsmitglieder verpflichten sich, höchste Standards einzuhalten. Sie garantieren die Echtheit aller zum Verkauf angebotenen Objekte. Ihre Objektbeschreibungen sind sachkundig und genau, etwaig vorhandene Mängel oder Restaurationen werden offengelegt. Die Ansetzung der Verkaufspreise erfolgt nach akkurater Recherche. Alle Verkäufe werden stets fair und redlich abgewickelt.


Walnut Street Paper guarantees every sale as it is described on the Abebooks website. If you are unsatisfied with your purchase (Incorrect Book/Not as Described/Damaged), or your item did not arrive you will be eligible for a refund within 30 days of the estimated delivery date. Please return the item(s) in its/their original condition at time of arrival. If you have changed your mind about a book and/or have a question, please use the Ask Bookseller A Question link to contact us. We will try to...

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Orders will usually ship within 2-3 business days and are generally sent via Priority or Media Mail. For items that are heavy or oversized, or contain more than one volume, we may contact you regarding extra shipping which may be required.