Woman Driver Early Automobile Issue 1906 Life Magazine complete issue Woman Driver Early Automobile Issue 1906 Life Magazine complete issue Woman Driver Early Automobile Issue 1906 Life Magazine complete issue Woman Driver Early Automobile Issue 1906 Life Magazine complete issue

Woman Driver Early Automobile Issue 1906 Life Magazine complete issue

Erscheinungsdatum: 1906
Gebraucht Softcover

Verkäufer RareMapsandBooks, Dover, NH, USA Verkäuferbewertung 5 von 5 Sternen 5 Sterne, Erfahren Sie mehr über Verkäufer-Bewertungen

AbeBooks-Verkäufer seit 27. November 2015

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(Old Magazines, Early 20th Century Magazines, Americana, Life Magazine, Illustrated Magazines, Vintage Advertising). Life Magazine. Published January 4th, 1906 New York by Clair Maxwell. Nice cover art by Henry Hutt.36 pages. Text in English. Scarce complete issue of this early 20th century American magazine. Very pleasing visual content throughout including a lot of cartoon art by Harrison Cady, Peter Newell, and many others. Wonderful broad assortment of advertising as well, mostly pictorial and including many ads for long defunct automobiles. A rich advertising period with some fantastic nostalgic ads capturing a lost way of life!Binding remains overall mostly clean and sound, various mostly small signs of age such as small edge splits or nicks, light soiling or small staining, time and handling, nothing offensive or major. Overall a nice looking example. All periodicals of this era are inherently uncommon, particularly due to the massive paper drives. The pictures give a very good sense of how the item survives. Virtually all periodicals of this era are inherently uncommon/ scarce today as loose complete issues. Like most random survivals of old periodical printing, any specific example (like this one) is likely among a relative handful still extant despite whatever the print run was. As each decade goes back from 1950, the rate of scarcity for any specific magazine or paper item increases noticeably (due in part to the national paper drives during WWII and after and the fact most people like today don't save old magazines). Issue remains attractive looking. It displays a pleasing and unique age patina and is in nice antiquarian condition, any age flaws all but inevitable given it is a magazine and are thus easy to overlook or forgive. Please review photos for more detail and our best attempt to convey digitally how this physical antique magazine survives. This item is not new- it is old and has been handled by different owners in the past, we are offering it as it survives to us. Magazine Measures c. 11 1/4" H x 8 3/4" W.[B11443]. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers B11443

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Bibliografische Details

Titel: Woman Driver Early Automobile Issue 1906 ...
Erscheinungsdatum: 1906
Einband: Softcover
Zustand: good

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