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  • Originalhardcover. Zustand: Gut. 432 Seiten : Illustrationen ; 29 cm, 2165 g sehr guter Zustand / very good condition - TABLE OF CONTENTS -- SOCIETY AND GARDES INVITE DIALOGUE -- Klaus Töpfer -- Historic gardens and society -- Jürgen Renn, Michael Rohde -- Gardens should engage in dialogue with society -- an Woudstra -- Society and Gardens -- A Dynamic Relationship -- Michael Bongardt -- With Jonas in the park -- On the kinship between future ethics and garden art -- Ute Stoltenberg -- Historical gardens in the process of sustainable development -- Johanna Leissner -- The European Green Deal and the role of cultural heritage for society -- Reinhard F. Hüttl, Bernd Uwe Schneider -- Societal appreciation of historic gardens and cultural landscapes as physiographic spaces and places of scientific research -- Eske Nannen -- GARDENS IN CULTURAL HISTORY -- Felix Arnold -- A garden in the desert -- Pharaonic landscape architecture -- Defne Aksyn Akyol -- History of Garden Culture in Turkey -- Andreas Pecar -- Palace gardens as an expression of the notional culture of princely rule -- Christian Hlavac -- Before WhatsApp, Facebook and Wikipedia -- Networking and knowledge acquisition in the 19th century -- Hans-Joachim v. Buchka -- Familienstiftung Hofgartner Hermann Sello -- The preservation of a cultural heritage as a generational undertaking -- Hubertus Fischer -- How do green spaces and gardens benefit society? -- Answers from the past to questions of the present - -- Joachim Liebig -- Concerning the connection between religion and -- gardens -- Helmut Glück, Gerhard Meiser -- What languages reveal about gardens -- Christopher Lehmpfuhl -- PRESERVATION OF GARDENS AS CULTURAL HERITAGE -- Birgitta Ringbeck -- Historical garden and park landscapes and the appreciation of the "green heritage" from the perspective of the World Heritage Convention -- Michael Kummer -- Historic garden conservation in a thicket of paradoxes -- Paul Bellendorf -- Everything is transitory -- On dealing with the decay of cultural heritage -- Willem Zieleman -- Het Loo -- The estate's identity through the centuries -- Nuno Oliveira, Denise Pereira -- On the turn of a paradigm -- Managing the parks and gardens -- of Sintra (Portugal) -- Johannes Stoffler -- Striking a balance between densification -- and preservation -- Willi Neukom's gardens at ETH Zurich's -- Hönggerberg campus -- Jens Hendeliowitz -- Cultural History, Use and Professional Care exemplified by two Historical Gardens in Denmark -- Doris Törkel, Ursula Kellner -- Administration alone is not enough -- The Rheinpark in Düsseldorf as an example of municipal garden monument preservation -- Bernd Rubelt, Antje Graumann, Lars Schmäh, -- Steffen Tervooren, Torsten von Einem -- The role of historic gardens in the context of urban development by Potsdam municipal authorities -- Dietger Hagner -- Ingredients for the sustainable conservation of garden heritage, exemplified by the special use of trees and shrubs on Katzenkopfwiese at Altenstein Palace Park -- Sascha E. Oswald, Philip Bubeck, Annegret H. Thieken -- Historical gardens with new roles -- Varied functions for urban conurbations require a reassessment of historical gardens in the climate -- change century -- Jürgen Kern, Martin Geyer -- Scientific research and historic gardens -- Holger Schulz -- Maintenance in the Gardening Profession - -- a new old supreme discipline? -- Oliver Westerbarkey -- EFFECTS OF GARDES ON SOCIETY -- -alk Schmidt -- Sustainability and responsibility -- The (historic) garden, singular and planetary -- Manfred Spitzer -- Nature transformed into culture -- "he effects that gardens have on people -- esko Hirschfeld -- The societal value of historical gardens and parks -- An expanded economic perspective -- Cornelia Müller -- Landscape is Everywhere -- ochen Sandner, Sibylle Eßer -- -rom Garden Show to Public Park -- Certification preserves Values -- Matthias Groß, Maria Pfeiffer -- The Surprise of Gardening -- Joy and Disappointment through the Virtue of Not Knowing -- Arno Brandt -- The socio-political significance and value of gardens and parks -- Rita Hornbach -- Interaction and symbiosis between -- gardens and music -- Sven Hannemann -- The value of Historic Gardens to society -- Franziska Klotz -- PERCEPTIONS OF GARDENS IN SOCIETY -- Susanne Dohrn -- A long-established garden as a cultural landscape -- -¦acing the past in the undergrowth -- Edgar Lotz -- Gardens and medicine -- Geriinde Beining -- Consistency in times of crisis -- Miriam Janssen -- Historic gardens -- Spaces of continuity and contemplation -- -eike Rohde-Siebel -- Historic gardens -- Designed nature as a musical experience -- Martin Faass -- Observations from the Liebermann Garden -- Juliet E. Oldenburger -- The garden as a mirror in the world -- Andreas Knapp -- Gardens and orchestral music -- World cultural heritage as a future opportunity for social interaction -- Franziska Lutz -- The potential of school gardens based on the example of the educational programme GemuseAckerdemie -- Hubertus Hamm -- COMMUNICATING RESPONSIBILITY FOR GARDEN CULTURE -- Annegreth Dietze-Schirdewahn -- Archives and their contribution to a more conscious approach to the history of the profession -- Oliver Günther, Iwan-Michelangelo D'Aprile -- Garden history, landscape conservation and environmental humanities at the Research Center Sanssouci (RECS) in Potsdam -- Brigitte Mang -- Educational diversity in historic gardens and parks -- Roland Zieschank -- The Future of Historical Gardens -- Sustainability as a Bridge? -- Birgit Mandel -- Historic gardens and parks as a resource for modern-day cultural identity and cultural education -- Barbara Welzel, Christopher Kreutchen GartenSPÄHER - new choreographies for sharing heritage and garden education -- Inken Formann -- "Cultural environmental education" -- An appeal for historic gardens to be used as places of learning for children and young people -- Sylvia Butenschön -- The world in a garden -- Aspects ofworld culture.