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  • Bild des Verkäufers für Le avventure di Pinocchio. Storia di un burattino. Illustrata da E. Mazzanti zum Verkauf von PrPh Books

    Collodi, Carlo (1826-1890)

    Verlag: Firenze Felice Paggi 1883, 1883

    Anbieter: PrPh Books, New York, NY, USA

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB

    Bewertung: 4 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 33.221,35

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    EUR 2,76 Versand

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    Anzahl: 1

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    8° (190x122 mm). 236 pages, plus IV pages of advertisements. A portrait of Pinocchio by Enrico Mazzanti serves as the frontispiece. Sixty-one woodcuts in the text, likewise by Mazzanti. In a fine binding signed and dated (2015) by Sandra Varisco, after a maquette by the contemporary artist MP5. Cream box calf with figurative inlays in green inspired by the silhouette of Pinocchio wearing donkey's ears (in Italian, 'donkey' also means 'dunce'). Title lettered in 'dymo' style on spine. The original light green wrappers preserved inside (with old repairs). In a half-leather chemise, with title in 'dymo' style on spine. A fine copy, partly uncut and generally fresh, two unobtrusive children's stamps.Handsome copy of the first edition of Pinocchio housed in an artistic box calf binding, which captures one of the most famous episodes of Collodi's masterpiece, Pinocchio wearing donkey's ears in the Paese dei Balocchi, i.e, the Land of Toys. The original light green wrappers, illustrated by Enrico Mazzanti, are preserved inside the covers. The novel Pinocchio was first serialised in the children's magazine from Rome, Giornale per i bambini, under the direction of Ferdinando Martini: the first instalment appeared on 7 July 1881, and the last one on 25 January 1883. Pinocchio was published as a book in the same year, 1883, probably in a very small print run, and at least twelve reprints appeared during the first year of publication. Enrico Mazzanti (1852-1893) was responsible for the everlasting black-and-white illustrations. The success was enormous, with countless editions and translations into more than 260 languages. Collodi's masterpiece continues to be cherished to this day and has been the subject of numerous adaptations, including popular versions by Walt Disney and Steven Spielberg, who used the story for the film A.I. (2001). The work was first translated into English in 1892 by M. A. Murray, whose version – The Story of a Puppet or The Adventures of Pinocchio – was published in the same year in London as well as in New York, supplemented with thirty seven of Mazzanti's illustrations. In 1904 the first American illustrated edition was published, thanks to the work of Walter S. Cramp and Charles Copeland (Pinocchio: the Adventures of a Marionette, Boston, Ginn e Co.). "Almost nothing else in children's literature equals Pinocchio for wildness of invention" (Carpenter-Prichard, Oxford Companion to Children's Literature, p. 462).Parenti, Rarità bibliografiche dell'Ottocento, pp. 148-153 ("E' questo uno dei pezzi più rari, se non il più raro senz'altro, dell'Ottocento italiano"); H. Carpenter - M. Prichard (eds.),Oxford Companion to Children's Literature, Oxford 1984, pp. 461-462; Philobiblon, One Thousand Years of Bibliophily, no. 276. Book.

  • Collodi, Carlo

    Verlag: Tipografia dei Fratelli Bencini (poi, dal n. 24 dell'Anno I: Tipografia Bodoniana),, 1881

    Anbieter: Libreria Antiquaria Pontremoli SRL, Milano, MI, Italien

    Verbandsmitglied: ALAI ILAB

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 15.000,00

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    EUR 40,00 Versand

    Von Italien nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    Roma, Tipografia dei Fratelli Bencini (poi, dal n. 24 dell'Anno I: Tipografia Bodoniana), 1881 - 1882 - 1883, Rarissima edizione pre-originale di «Pinocchio». Le prime tre annate complete del «Giornale per i bambini», dal n. 1 dell'Anno I (7 luglio 1881) al n. 52 dell'Anno III (28 gennaio 1886). Raccolgono l'intero «Pinocchio», nello specifico pubblicato nei seguenti fascicoli: Anno I, nn. 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 16, 17; Anno II, nn. 7-12, 18-22, 47, 48, 50-52; Anno III, nn. 3, 4. Esemplari complessivamente in ottime condizioni (leggere fioriture su pochissimi fascicoli, qualche antico intervento di restauro), molto freschi. La nascita del mito di Pinocchio avvenne in un freddo giorno di dicembre del 1880: dopo «una nottataccia di sfortuna più cocciuta del solito» (Parenti, p. 140) Carlo Lorenzini, in arte Carlo Collodi, scrittore richiesto e affermato, ma col vizio del gioco e sempre in bolletta, decise di cedere alle lusinghe dell'amico Guido Biagi, che si accingeva ad allestire il «Giornale per i bambini» raccogliendo contributori: «Ti mando questa bambinata aveva scritto Collodi a Biagi, spedendogli i primi tre capitoli fanne quel che ti pare; ma se la stampi pagamela bene per farmi venire la voglia di continuare» (si cita da Castellani Pollidori, p. XIV). E così, di lì a qualche mese, nello specifico il 7 luglio 1881, uscì il primo numero del «Giornale per i bambini», che alle pp. 3 e 4 stampava i primi due capitoli della «Storia di un burattino», nucleo fondante del più importante romanzo italiano per l'infanzia. Con quell'incipit meraviglioso, rimasto nella storia della letteratura italiana: «C'era una volta. Un re! diranno subito i miei piccoli lettori. No, ragazzi, avete sbagliato. C'era una volta un pezzo di legno». -- Le vicende editoriali che portarono alla pubblicazione dell'intero romanzo sulle pagine del «Giornale» furono tutt'altro che lineari. Per quanto Collodi fosse pagato profumatamente (molto più di tutti gli altri collaboratori), non prese per nulla sul serio l'impegno con Biagi: tra ritardi, continui solleciti del direttore, ma anche e addirittura dei bambini, che nella «Posta al giornale» invocavano la rapida continuazione delle avventure, la pubblicazione si protrasse per oltre due anni: dal 7 luglio 1881 al 27 ottobre 1881, con molte interruzioni, uscì la prima parte intitolata «Storia di un burattino», che si conclude con l'impiccagione del protagonista; dal 16 febbraio 1882 al 25 gennaio 1883, ancora una volta a singhiozzo, fu stampata la seconda, sotto il nome «Avventure di Pinocchio». -- E tuttavia, è forse proprio in virtù di una modalità di scrittura non usuale, di un approccio altro rispetto alla forma libro e anche di una noncuranza all'esito finale del romanzo, che poté nascere il grande capolavoro di «Pinocchio»: «c'è da chiedersi che cosa sarebbe stato un "Pinocchio" scritto in altre condizioni, nato ad esempio in forma di libro e non di racconto a puntate. C'è da chiedersi se la tensione straordinaria che rende il racconto così vivido e zampillante quasi in ogni sua parte non tragga origine proprio dal fatto che esso è stato composto ed offerto al pubblico in porzioni staccate, in ciascuna delle quali dovevano rinnovarsi la felicità dell'invenzione, la magia della sorpresa e possibilmente la sospensione nel finale» (Castellani Pollidori, p. XVII). Bibl. M. Parenti, Rarità bibliografiche dell'Ottocento italiano, vol. I, pp. 148-152. O. Castellani Pollidori (a cura di), C. Collodi, Pinocchio. Edizione critica (Pescia 1983). in 4°, belle legature in piena tela riccamente illustrate Vol. II, legatura originale in tela grigia, al piatto graziosi disegni e titoli impresso in nero all'interno di cornice editoriale, all'inferiore bella cornice che racchiude un fiorone, il tutto impresso a secco, titoli impresso in nero al dorso; Vol. I e III, legature moderne in piena tela, rispettivamente rossa e verde, che riproducono in maniera fedele l'articolato apparato decorativo della legatura originale. 130 fascicoli (anno I: 26; anno II: 52; anno III: 52) di pp. 16 ciascuno, raccolti in tre volumi, uno per ogni annata. Rarissima edizione pre-originale di «Pinocchio». Le prime tre annate complete del «Giornale per i bambini», dal n. 1 dell'Anno I (7 luglio 1881) al n. 52 dell'Anno III (28 gennaio 1886). Raccolgono l'intero «Pinocchio», nello specifico pubblicato nei seguenti fascicoli: Anno I, nn. 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 16, 17; Anno II, nn. 7-12, 18-22, 47, 48, 50-52; Anno III, nn. 3, 4. Esemplari complessivamente in ottime condizioni (leggere fioriture su pochissimi fascicoli, qualche antico intervento di restauro), molto freschi. belle legature in piena tela riccamente illustrate Vol. II, legatura originale in tela grigia, al piatto graziosi disegni e titoli impresso in nero all'interno di cornice editoriale, all'inferiore bella cornice che racchiude un fiorone, il tutto impresso a secco, titoli impresso in nero al dorso; Vol. I e III, legature moderne in piena tela, rispettivamente rossa e verde, che riproducono in maniera fedele l'articolato apparato decorativo della legatura originale.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für STORY OF A PUPPET, OR THE ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO zum Verkauf von Type Punch Matrix

    Collodi, Carlo

    Verlag: Cassell, New York, 1892

    Anbieter: Type Punch Matrix, Silver Spring, MD, USA

    Verbandsmitglied: ABAA ILAB

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Zustand: Very good plus. First edition of PINOCCHIO in English, the rare American issue, simultaneous with the British and bound in the U.S. from British sheets. After a career in journalism, Collodi turned to children's literature, first translating a collection of Perrault's fairy tales into Italian. Soon he would conceive of a distinctly Italian fairy tale, complex and fantastical: "Its lessons are simple, but it is not a simplistic text" (Wunderlich & Morrissey). A shorter version of the story first appeared serially in a children's magazine in Italy from July 7, 1881 to January 1883 and was first published in its full-length book form in Italy in 1883. This first edition in English is charmingly illustrated by Enrico Mazzanti, the illustrator of the Italian 1883 edition. "Mary Alice Murray's translation has stood the test of time [.] It faithfully conveys the directness, ironic humour, and pathos of the original as Collodi leads Pinocchio through the twists and turns of his captivating story" (Oxford History). A title in the Children's Library, this Cassell imprint is hard to find. 16mo. 6.25'' x 4''. Original decorative cloth with blue design repeated on edges. Illustrated by E. Mazzanti (incorrectly printed as "C. Mazzanti"). [8], 232 pages. The Bradley Martin copy with Mildred Greenhill's bookplate. Cloth age toned - though less than usual; tiny stain on edge of title, small inner hinge mend, else really a nice copy.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für Storia di un burattino. Avventure di Pinocchio. Giornale per bambini. zum Verkauf von Libreria Spalavera

    Collodi, Carlo

    Verlag: Roma, Tipografia dei Fratelli Bencini 1881 - 1883, Roma, 1881

    Anbieter: Libreria Spalavera, Verbania, Italien

    Verbandsmitglied: ALAI ILAB

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 34,00 Versand

    Von Italien nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    Zustand: Molto buono (Very Good). 4^, mm 313x224, 3 volumi rilegati non uniformemente: in legatura originale il primo volume rilegato in tela editoriale con bella illustrazione a secco al piatto della legatoria L. Lombardi di Milano.  Volume secondo in mezza pelle con titolo in oro al dorso e il volume terzo in piena percallina con titoli in oro al piatto entro graziosa cornice decorata a secco. Numerose xilografie nel testo e alcune tavole fuori testo a colori, le puntate di Pinocchio sono illustrate da Ugo Fleres e corrispondono ai numeri: 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 16, 17 del primo volume; ai fascicoli 7-12, 18-22, 47, 48, 50-52 del secondo volume e ai numeri 3 e 4 del terzo volume. Per la prima volta in assoluto la storia di Pinocchio appare nei fascicoli del giornale per bambini, diretto da Ferdinando Martini. Il romanzo vero e proprio sarebbe stato poi pubblicato da Paggi a Firenze, nel 1883, in un volume illustrato da Enrico Mazzanti. Carlo Lorenzini, in arte Carlo Collodi, scrittore col vizio del gioco e sempre in bolletta inviò l'incipit di questo capolavoro al redattore del giornale Guido Biagi, che si accingeva ad allestire il primo numero del Giornale. âTi mando questa bambinata aveva scritto Collodi a Biagi, spedendogli i primi tre capitoli fanne quel che ti pare, ma, se la stampi pagamela bene per farmi venire la voglia di continuareâ. Pinocchio è il libro più tradotto al mondo dopo la Bibbia e il Piccolo Principe. Esemplare in buono stato con piccoli segni del tempo e aloni sporadici. Lievi strappetti restaurati: al volume primo sul frontespizio e sul margine bianco di pagina 215. Al secondo volume alla base inferiore del frontespizio e al terzo volume al frontespizio e al margine delle prime carte. Book.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für The Story of a Puppet or the Adventures of Pinocchio zum Verkauf von Weinstein-Perez Rare Books

    Collodi, Carlo

    Verlag: T. Fisher Unwin, 1892

    Anbieter: Weinstein-Perez Rare Books, Studio City, CA, USA

    Verbandsmitglied: IOBA

    Bewertung: 4 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 2,76 Versand

    Innerhalb der USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. 1st Edition. COLLODI, Carlo. The Story of a Puppet or the Adventures of Pinocchio. Translated from the Italian by M. A. Murray. Illustrated by C. Mazzanti Published by London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1892. First English edition. Small octavo. Half-title and title printed in red and black, frontispiece and illustrations throughout by C. Mazzanti. Original patterned cloth printed in blue, patterned endpapers and edges to match. Housed in a custom navy blue morocco solander case by the Heritage Bindery, gilt-stamped on spine. Cloth very lightly toned, one corner bumped, internally clean and white with no previous owner's notations. The London and New York editions are from the same sheets and both dated 1892. First issued in magazine instalments in the Giornale dei bambini (Rome, 7 July 1881 on), Pinocchio was first published in book form in 1883 as Le Avventure di Pinocchio: storia di un burattino, and quickly became a best-seller, though Collodi (real name Carlo Lorenzini) died in 1890 before witnessing its international success. "Almost nothing else in children's literature equals Pinocchio for wildness of invention" (Carpenter & Prichard, Oxford Companion to Children's Literature).from the Italian by M. A. Murray. Illustrated by C. Mazzanti Published by London, T. Fisher Unwin, 1892. First English edition. Small octavo. Half-title and title printed in red and black, frontispiece and illustrations throughout by C. Mazzanti. Original patterned cloth printed in blue, patterned endpapers and edges to match. Housed in a custom navy blue morocco solander case by the Heritage Bindery, gilt-stamped on spine. Cloth very lightly toned, one corner bumped, internally clean and white with no previous owner's notations. The London and New York editions are from the same sheets and both dated 1892. First issued in magazine instalments in the Giornale dei bambini (Rome, 7 July 1881 on), Pinocchio was first published in book form in 1883 as Le Avventure di Pinocchio: storia di un burattino, and quickly became a best-seller, though Collodi (real name Carlo Lorenzini) died in 1890 before witnessing its international success. "Almost nothing else in children's literature equals Pinocchio for wildness of invention" (Carpenter & Prichard, Oxford Companion to Children's Literature).

  • Bild des Verkäufers für STORY OF A PUPPET, OR THE ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO zum Verkauf von Type Punch Matrix

    Collodi, Carlo

    Verlag: T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1892

    Anbieter: Type Punch Matrix, Silver Spring, MD, USA

    Verbandsmitglied: ABAA ILAB

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    Zustand: Very good plus. First edition of PINOCCHIO in English. After a career in journalism, Collodi turned to children's literature, first translating a collection of Perrault's fairy tales into Italian. Soon he would conceive of a distinctly Italian fairy tale, complex and fantastical: "Its lessons are simple, but it is not a simplistic text" (Wunderlich & Morrissey). A shorter version of the story first appeared serially in a children's magazine in Italy from July 7, 1881 to January 1883 and was first published in its full-length book form in Italy in 1883. This first edition in English, a title in the Children's Library, is charmingly illustrated by Enrico Mazzanti, the illustrator of the Italian 1883 edition. "Mary Alice Murray's translation has stood the test of time [.] It faithfully conveys the directness, ironic humour, and pathos of the original as Collodi leads Pinocchio through the twists and turns of his captivating story" (Oxford History). 16mo. 6.25'' x 4''. Original decorative cloth with the blue floral design repeated on the text block edges and endpapers. Half title and title printed in red and black. Illustrated by E. Mazzanti (incorrectly printed as "C. Mazzanti"). [8], 232 pages. Bookseller blindstamp to front endpaper, 1899 ink inscription on verso of title page. Housed in custom blue quarter goatskin clamshell box. Expert repair to hinges, slight lean, toning to spine, bottoms of lower corners rubbed: interior clean.


    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    First edition in English. Publisher's original light grey cloth decorated and and with titles in blue. Small 8vo. All edges decorated blue. Illustrated with a tissue guarded frontispiece and drawings throughout the text by Enrico Mazzanti (mis-spelt as C. Mazzanti on the title page). Illustrated half title and title page printed in black and red. An excellent near fine copy, the binding firm with just minor rubbing to the extremites, the spine a little rolled. The cloth, with three small brown spots to the lower board is otherwise bright and fresh. The contents, with minor spotting to the endpaper and half title are otherwise clean throughout and without inscriptions or stamps. Small paper flaw to the bottom of page 209 not affecting the text. A really quite exceptional example, in entirely original condition of a notoriously fragile production. Issued in the publisher's 'The Children's Library' series, this is the first edition in English of a canonical work of children's literature. Translated from the Italian by Mary Alice Murray. "One of the best known fantasies, and the most popular children's book to come out of Italy. The story was written for a Rome children's magazine, the Giornale dei bambini, where the first instalment appeared on 7 July 1881. It was published as a book in 1883 under the title Le Avventure di Pinocchio: Storia di un burattino (History of a Puppet), and quickly became a best-seller. Lorenzini's publisher is said to have made a fortune out of it, but Lorenzini himself died too early to witness its international success. Almost nothing else in children's literature equals Pinocchio for wildness of invention" (Carpenter, Humphrey; Prichard, Mary: The Oxford Companion to Children's Literature). Further details and images for any of the items listed are available on request. Lucius Books welcomes direct contact with our customers.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für PINOCCHIO. "The Story of a Puppet" or, The Adventures of Pinocchio. First Edition. In UNIQUE Designer Morocco GILT BOX zum Verkauf von Colophon Books (UK)

    Hardcover. Zustand: Good. Enrico Mazzanti (illustrator). 1st Edition. 1892 1st edition. 1st issue in the pale blue patterned cloth, with the mis-printed "C" instead of "E" for Enrico Mazzanti on title page. 232 pages. Cloth faded on spine as usual with this colour, with light pink mark on cover almost faded out and a little wear top edge of spine, there is an inscription "To Barbara on her 10th Birthday with love and very best wishes from Mrs McLean Aug 5th 1948". Contents a little handled in places, but near very good, it has the list of 4 other titles in the series "The Children's Library" facing title page and the matching patterned page edges as the cloth covers. NOW presented in a custom made unique clam-shell box by Glen Malkin with velvet interior and in a full maroon crushed morocco with inlaid silhouette figures from the illustrations in the book on cover of box and its spine, with gilt embossed ornate designed titles. Small octavo. RARE. *NOTE: First edition in English. "One of the best known fantasies, and the most popular children's book to come out of Italy. The story was written for a Rome children's magazine, the Giornale dei Bambini, where the first installment appeared on 7 July 1881. It was published as a book in 1883 under the title Le Avventure di Pinocchio: Storia di un burattino (History of a Puppet), and quickly became a best-seller . Lorenzini's publisher is said to have made a fortune out of it, but Lorenzini himself died too early [in 1890] to witness its international success. Almost nothing else in children's literature equals Pinocchio for wildness of invention" (Humphrey Carpenter and Mari Prichard: The Oxford Companion to Children's Literature). AUTHOR BIOG: Carlo Lorenzini, better known by the pen name Carlo Collodi 24 November 1826 ? 26 October 1890), was a children's writer born in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and writer of the world-renowned fairy tale novel The Adventures of Pinocchio. It is considered a canonical piece of children's literature and has inspired hundreds of new editions, stage plays, merchandising and movies, such as Walt Disney's iconic animated version and commonplace ideas such as a liar's long nose. According to extensive research done by the Fondazione Nazionale Carlo Collodi in late 1990s and based on UNESCO sources, it has been adapted in over 260 languages worldwide. That makes it the most translated non-religious book in the world, and one of the best-selling books ever published. According to Francelia Butler, it remains "the most widely read book in the world after the Bible".

  • Bild des Verkäufers für The Story of a Puppet, or The Adventures of Pinocchio zum Verkauf von Whitmore Rare Books, Inc. -- ABAA, ILAB

    Collodi, C.

    Verlag: Cassell Publishing Co, New York, 1892

    Anbieter: Whitmore Rare Books, Inc. -- ABAA, ILAB, Pasadena, CA, USA

    Verbandsmitglied: ABAA ILAB

    Bewertung: 3 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 3,69 Versand

    Innerhalb der USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    Zustand: Near Fine. First American edition. Published simultaneously with the British Unwin edition, using the same sheets, but with a canceled title page. Part of the Children's Library Series. Original blue floral-decorated white cloth, recased with a slight loss to the cloth at the base of the spine; internally in excellent condition. Presenting Near Fine overall. Only one other copy of this Cassell imprint is currently available (the VG+ Bradley Martin copy for $9500) and only one appears in the recent auction record, Christies 2005; the American issue is decidedly scarce. Originally appearing in an Italian children's magazine in 1881, La Storia di un Burattino was more than an amusing, yet dark, tale for Italian children. Written by the political activist, Carlo Collodi, the story of Pinocchio was meant to aide in the reunification of Italy after the Napoleonic Wars had splintered the Italian states and devastated any sense of national identity. With the struggle to rebuild the Italian nation at hand, Collodi, worked to translate and create educational children's literature to create a vision of unification for the people. His story of Pinocchio was quite unlike the sanitized Disney version that most children grew up watching. The original story depicts an unsympathetic "rogue" in the carpenter, Geppetto, who defied his father's wishes, eschewed education, and fell easily into temptation by the fox and the cat. And, spoiler alert, it ended with Pinocchio's death at the hand of his tempters, providing a warning to those children who were not obedient to their parents or striving towards good moral behavior. When the stories were compiled and published as a book in 1883, titled Le avventure di Pinocchio, they were given a more upbeat ending, where Pinocchio realizes his wrongdoings, corrects his behavior, and ultimately transforms into a real boy. Due to the story's success in Italy, Mary Alice Murray translated this first English edition of the story in 1892. "Almost nothing else in children's literature equals Pinocchio for wildness of invention" (Humphrey Carpenter & Mari Prichard: The Oxford Companion to Children's Literature). Near Fine.

  • [Fairy tale] FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH. Octavo (17 x 11cm), pp.[6]; 232. Publisher's white cloth with blue floral decoration, blue title to spine and upper. Edges and endpapers repeating the design of the cloth. Illustrated with a tissue protected frontispiece and numerous in-text illustrations by Mazzanti. Some occasional thumb and pencil marks but generally clean, gift inscription to reverse of front free endpaper. Textblock very slightly shaken, old adhesive visible to hinges, dustiness to top edge. Cloth a little soiled and rubbed, more so to joints and board edges, some bubbling. A very attractive example. Very good.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für The Story of a Puppet or the Adventures of Pinocchio zum Verkauf von Burnside Rare Books, ABAA

    Collodi, Carlo [Pseudonym of Carlo Lorenzini]

    Verlag: T. Fisher Unwin, London, 1892

    Anbieter: Burnside Rare Books, ABAA, Portland, OR, USA

    Verbandsmitglied: ABAA CBA ILAB

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Innerhalb der USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. First Edition. First edition in English, first printing. Publisher's white cloth stamped with floral pattern, repeated on edges and endsheets, title page printed in red and black. Very Good. Cloth rubbed and faded, spine creased and worn at the ends. Lean to binding. Front inner hinge exposed and tender. Previous owner details to verso of front free end paper. Pinocchio first appeared serialized in an Italian children's magazine which ran from 1881-1883, and in book form in 1883. This is the first time the children's classic was published in the English language, translated from the Italian by M. A. Murray, with illustrations by C. Mazzanti.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für The Story of a Puppet or The Adventures of Pinocchio. Translated from the Italian by M.A. Murray. zum Verkauf von Shapero Rare Books

    COLLODI, Carlo [pseud. LORENZINI, Carlo].

    Verlag: London T. Fisher Unwin, 1892

    Anbieter: Shapero Rare Books, London, Vereinigtes Königreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ABA ILAB PBFA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    First edition in English, first issue with illustrator's name misprinted as 'C. Mazzanti'; 12mo; half-title and title printed in red & black, frontispiece (with tissue guard) and illustrations by Enrico Mazzanti, a few small marks to a couple of pages, contemporary gift inscription to half-title, overall internally very good, patterned endpapers; publisher's patterned cloth, slight toning to spine and top edge, very light small red stain to foot of lower cover near spine, but overall a good copy. The rare first UK edition of Collodi's classic for children, originally published in book-form in Florence, Italy in 1883. Previously serialised in a children's newspaper, Giornale per i bambini (1881-83) the work started out as La storia di un burratino, changed later to Le Avventure di Pinocchio. The author Lorenzini, a journalist & educationalist, took the name Collodi from his mother's native village in Tuscany. Memorably translated into an animated musical fantasy by Walt Disney in 1940, their second feature film; now considered one of the greatest animated films ever made. Osborne p.1007.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für Collodi Carlo. Le avventure di Pinocchio. Illustrato da Sigfrido Bartolini con 309 Xilografie. Copia numerata 145/220. Fondazione Nazionale C. Collodi 1983. Con cofanetto. zum Verkauf von Amarcord libri
    EUR 18,00 Versand

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    Zustand: Perfetto (Mint). Collodi Carlo Collodi Carlo. Le avventure di Pinocchio. Illustrato da Sigfrido Bartolini con 309 Xilografie. Copia numerata 145/220. Fondazione Nazionale C. Collodi 1983. Con cofanetto. Pescia, Fondazione Nazionale C. Collodi 1983 italiano, in quarto 34.8 25.5 pp. 371 (3) 100015Collodi Carlo. Le avventure di Pinocchio. Illustrato con 309 Xilografie di Sigfrido Bartolini.Introduzione di Luigi Volpicelli. Fondazione Nazionale C. Collodi, Pescia ? 1983.Formato: in-4 grande (34,8 x 25,5 cm), pp. 371 (3). Editio princeps di questa pubblicazione. Legatura cartonata a mano della Legatoria Balsimelli di Firenze (punzonata in oro sul piatto posteriore interno) in mezza pelle marrone, angoli in pelle sui due piatti, dorso a 5 nervi con titolo in oro, piatti fantasia su carta a mano appositamente stampata per questa edizione. Cofanetto in tutta tela editoriale color marrone scuro. Edizione pubblicata in occasione del centenario della prima pubblicazione in volume (Felice Paggi Libraio ed Editore, Firenze ? 1883-1983), è illustrata con xilografie originali stampate direttamente dai legni e linoli appositamente incisi da Sigfrido Bartolini che ne ha curata l'impaginazione. Tiratura: 220 esemplari numerati con firma autografa dell'illustratore + XXX fuori commercio distinti da numeri romani. Nostro esemplare numero 96, firmato al colophon dall'artista. La tavola sciolta allegata reca la stessa numerazione del volume ed è firmata dall'artista e numerata a matita 145/220 e sulla sinistra in basso è scritto a mano dall'artista ?Collodi?. Ogni esemplare contiene 1 tavola sciolta realizzata in due colori, timbrata a secco, numerata e firmata a matita dall'artista. I trecento legni incisi in 12 anni di lavoro sono in prevalenza ciliegio tagliato di filo e il resto olivo, acero, bossolo e legni esotici. Si aggiungono i 73 linoli delle tavole fuori testo usati per i colori. Tutti i legni e i linoli a tiratura ultimata sono stati biffati per non più ristamparli e si conservano presso la Fondazione Nazionale ?C. Collodi?. Il testo è stato fuso in monotype in caratteri Goudy; composizione e stampa eseguite da Gianfranco Cuccuini e Carlo Gonnelli sotto la guida costante dell'illustratore dalle Arti Grafiche «Il Torchio» di Firenze, su carta Magnani fabbricata espressamente e con apposita filigrana.Iniziata  Pistoia nel Maggio 1970, finita di stampare a Firenze nel gennaio 1983.Condizioni del volume: allo stato di perfezione. Provenienza: il nostro esemplare proviene da una delle più importanti collezioni al mondo di Pinocchio (con certificato di provenienza). Book.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für THE STORY OF A PUPPET, OR THE ADVENTURES OF PINOCCHIO zum Verkauf von Berrishill Books

    Collodi, Carlo. Illustrated by Mazzanti, Enrico

    Verlag: T. Fisher Unwin, 1892

    Anbieter: Berrishill Books, Whitley Bay, Vereinigtes Königreich

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Zustand: Very Good. No Jacket. 1st Edition. First English edition. Translated from the Italian by Mary Alice Murray. Published by T. Fisher Unwin 1892, in light grey decorated cloth, titles in blue, small 8vo. End papers and all text block edges decorated to match. Illustrated with a tissue guarded frontispiece and drawings throughout the text by Enrico Mazzanti, misprinted as C. Mazzanti on the title page, a first issue point. Illustrated half title, title page printed in red and black. Cloth lightly toned, corners lightly bumped, internally clean and bright,some occasional cracking. Owned by the same family for three generations, gift inscriptions to this effect to the front free end paper. The story was first issued in magazine instalments in the Giornale dei bambini (Rome, 7 July 1881), Pinocchio was first published in book form in 1883 as Le Avventure di Pinocchio: storia di un burattino, and quickly became a best-seller, though Collodi (real name Carlo Lorenzini) died in 1890 before witnessing its international success. "Almost nothing else in children's literature equals Pinocchio for wildness of invention" (Carpenter & Prichard, Oxford Companion to Children's Literature).

  • Bild des Verkäufers für The Adventures of Pinocchio zum Verkauf von Bookbid

    Collodi, Carlo

    Verlag: MacMillan, New York, 1926

    Anbieter: Bookbid, Beverly Hills, CA, USA

    Verbandsmitglied: ABAA ILAB

    Bewertung: 3 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 5,53 Versand

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    Hardcover. Zustand: Near Fine. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Near Fine. Special Edition. First printing thus. Color illustration by Attilio Mussino. Deep blue cloth pictorially stamped with Pinocchio in green, gray and cream in a striking dust jacket. Printed in Italy. Very good (some foxing in book but outside covers are near fine) in a near fine dust jacket. Very rare in the original dust jacket. Original price still present on the front flap of the dust jacket. Previous owner's name and writing on front free end paper. Housed in a custom-made collector's slipcase.


    Verlag: Random House, New York, 1939

    Anbieter: Jeffrey H. Marks, Rare Books, ABAA, Rochester, NY, USA

    Verbandsmitglied: ABAA ILAB

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 5,07 Versand

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    [6] pp., 41 leaves Illustrated. Folio, publisher's spiral-bound cloth with printed paper label on front panel. First edition. No. 65 of 100 copies. Light soiling and wear to cloth. This book records the development of characters and basic story of Walt Disney's second feature-length animated motion picture, 'Pinocchio'.

  • COLLODI Carlo (Vsevolod Nicouline).

    Verlag: Italgeo, [1944], Milano,, 1944

    Anbieter: SCRIPTORIUM Studio Bibliografico, Mantova, MN, Italien

    Verbandsmitglied: ALAI ILAB

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 26,00 Versand

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    in-4 (mm.325x250), pp. 198, legatura editoriale in seta bianca stampata a colori, taglio superiore dorato. Con 71 ill. n.t. e 12 tavv. f.t., tutte a colori, dell'artista ucraino Vsevolod Nicouline (Nikolaev 1890 Milano 1968). L'opera fu commissionata dal fondatore dell'Italgeo in occasione della nascita del primogenito e per l'apparato iconografico fu chiamato l'artista russo, illustratore e scenografo, già collaboratore di case editrici milanesi e non (celebri anche le sue grandi carte geografiche per la scuola edite da Farmitalia negli anni Cinquanta). Rara e lussuosa edizione a tiratura a 999 esempl. num. (ns. nr. 381 con la firma autogr. di Nicouline). L'opera fu realizzata incredibilmente in maniera lussuosa visto che fu stampata durante la seconda guerra mondiale e venduta al prezzo significativo di Lire 900, in limitato numero di copie. Ne fu tratta una ristampa anastatica nel 2009, ma questa è l'edizione originale. Manca la custodia. Salvo una macchia al piatto ant., e due strappi al margine bianco interno di due pagine, esempl. in eccellente stato di conservaz. [404].

  • C. Collodi

    Verlag: T Fisher Unwin, 1892

    Anbieter: World of Rare Books, Goring-by-Sea, SXW, Vereinigtes Königreich

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Zustand: Fair. 1892. 1st English Edition. 232 pages. No dust jacket. Patterned cream cloth. From 'The Children's Library' series. Translated from Italian by M A Murray. Illustrated in b&w by C Mazzanti. Decorative textblock edges. Pen inscription to front endpaper. Pages are moderately tanned and foxed throughout with heavier foxing to front endpapers. Heavy thumb-marking present throughout with notable staining to several pages. Hinges are cracked with exposed netting. Cracking to gutters, with exposed netting. Binding has weakened but remains intact. Rear endpaper missing. Tissue guard tanned. Front free endpaper loosening but attached. Boards have heavy edge-wear with bumping to corners, crushing to spine ends and rub wear all over. Prominent split to upper front joint and considerable fraying and notable loss to cloth at spine ends. Brown spotting to boards. The spine is notably tanned. The book has a marked forward lean.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für Pinocchio. Editio princeps centenarii MDCCCLXXXII-MCMLXXXIII zum Verkauf von Seprian

    Collodi Carlo

    Verlag: Trec, 1983

    Anbieter: Seprian, Villastellone, TO, Italien

    Bewertung: 4 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 35,00 Versand

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    Rilegato. Zustand: ottimo. Venturino Venturi (illustrator). edizione limitata. Pinocchio. Editio princeps centenarii MDCCCLXXXII-MCMLXXXIII. Illustrato con 37 tavole a colori di Venturino Venturi. Ernesto Treccani ha realizzato un bassorilievo in bronzo, raffigurante la fata Turchina, posto sulla prima di copertina. Bosco, Selvaggi, Bodrato e Parronchi con le loro riflessioni completano l'opera. Edizione tiratura numerata di 999, con firma autografa di Venturino Venturi. Rilegatura artigianale con scritte in oro. Pagine 172. Formato 37,5x51 cm. Peso 7,300 kg. 7300g. In piena pelle con bassorilievo in bronzo e scritte in oro su piatto e dorso.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für PINOCCHIO zum Verkauf von Okmhistoire

    LAMBERT ( Pierre ) [ Carlo Collodi. ]

    Verlag: Démons & Merveilles

    ISBN 10: 2950781837 ISBN 13: 9782950781833

    Anbieter: Okmhistoire, St Rémy-des-Monts, SARTH, Frankreich

    Bewertung: 4 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 33,00 Versand

    Von Frankreich nach USA

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    Couverture rigide. Zustand: Comme neuf. Zustand des Schutzumschlags: Comme neuf. Edition originale. Paris 1995. 1 Volume/1. -- Parfait état -- Reliure éditeur cartonnée illustrée sous jaquette illustrée. Format in-4°" carré" ( 33,7 x 33,7 cm )( 3265 gr ). -------- 235 pages dont 4 planches dépliantes [ pp 26 -76 -92 -120 ] . ********** "" Pierre Lambert, diplômé de l'École Supérieure des Arts Appliqués Duperre, puis attaché de presse de Walt Disney France, fonde l'Association du Film d'Animation et organise de nombreuses expositions consacrées au cinéma d'animation. Auteur des ouvrages Les Artistes de Disney, Le Cartoon à Hollywood, Tex Avery, il est aussi expert en documents originaux de dessins animés et consultant auprès de Christie's à Londres et à New York. Pierre Lambert a réuni dans cet ouvrage une collection unique de documents originaux ayant servi durant la production de Pinocchio, constituée de dessins d'animation, cellos (peintures sur rhodoïd), layouts (maquettes de décors), model sheets (modèles de personnages), storyboards, d'études préliminaires correspondant aux différentes étapes de la fabrication d'un dessin animé. Provenant des Archives Disney et de nombreuses collections privées, ces documents nous permettent de découvrir l'aspect technique et artistique du chef d'oeuvre de Walt Disney. "" ***********.

  • Zustand: Fine. Number of books: 1 book.

  • Zustand: Fine. Number of books: 1 book.

  • C. Collodi

    Verlag: Fisher Unwin, London, 1892

    Anbieter: Bath House Books, Ditchingham, Vereinigtes Königreich

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Cloth. Zustand: Good/very Good. 1st Edition. Small 8vo. 1892. 1st ed. of the text with all first issue points except that the frontis. is page 6 as opposed to page 3. Occasional slight grubbiness of text o/w tight and uncut, bottom edges of text a bit bumped . Green buckram gilt with top edge gilt. Corners slightly bumped and spine gilt a bit dulled. Top and tail of spine rolled but not snagged. Blind W.H. Smith stamp on f.e.p. It would appear that W.H. Smith replaced the fragile publishers' patterned cloth with a more robust buckram gilt on sturdy bevelled boards for the Children's Library Series. Images available on request.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für PINOCCHIO'S ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND zum Verkauf von Type Punch Matrix

    Collodi, Carlo; Quentin, Rene

    Verlag: Jordan Marsh, Boston, 1899

    Anbieter: Type Punch Matrix, Silver Spring, MD, USA

    Verbandsmitglied: ABAA ILAB

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Zustand: Very good plus. Early Boston piracy of Collodi's fairy tale, published without attribution to the author or the translator of the first US edition - but also the first known version published in the US with color plates. Publisher Jordan Marsh claimed the title of this publication was simply meant to capitalize on the success of ALICE's ADVENTURES IN WONDERLAND - and certainly such a marketing ploy was not uncommon, then or now. However, Wunderlich and Morrissey posit the title was "actually fabricated to conceal the fraud: the book had been stolen, and this new name implied an entirely different work." Indeed, a quick glance leads the casual observer to believe it's a sequel to the original, while in fact the text is identical to the STORY OF A PUPPET, the Fisher Unwin/Cassell first edition in English of the PINOCCHIO (with some minor modifications in format and some changed illustrations). This piracy was first published in 1898; the present 1899 edition was the first to contain color plates. 7.25'' x 4.75''. Original green pictorial cloth stamped in black and white with anthropomorphized insect design, lettered in gilt. Introduction by Hezekiah Butterworth. Illustrated by Quentin with 4 full-page color plates; Enrico Mazzanti's black-and-white in-text illustrations also reprinted without attribution. 212 pages. Small bookplate on front pastedown. Spine faded.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für Pinocchio Animato. Le Famose Avventure del Collodi con Figure Mobili. E una creazione Franceschini con nuovissimi disegni di Attilio Mussino. zum Verkauf von Libreria Antiquaria Dentis (ALAI - ILAB)
    EUR 25,00 Versand

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    Rilegato. Zustand: molto buono. prima edizione. Firenze, Casa edtrice R. Franceschini, 1943. In-8° grande (25 cm x 17 cm). Pp. 95, (4) di pubblicità editoriale. Con 8 tavole animate f.t. a piena pagina. Bella e solida legatura editoriale in cartonato illustrato a colori. Testo inquadrato da disegni stampati in rosso e verde lungo i margini del foglio. Un paio di insignificanti consolidamenti al margine interno bianco di 2 pp., peraltro esemplare con tutte le tavole animate perfettamente funzionanti, in stato di conservazione molto buono. Prima rara edizione graficamente molto curata, e primo titolo della serie Grandi Album, di questo albo delle "Avventure" del famoso burattino di Collodi stampate in edizione illustrata con i disegni di Attilio Mussino e 8 tavole movibili a colori, tutte perfettamente funzionanti. Questa edizione ha coinvolto numerosi professionisti del settore tipografico in un importante sforzo editoriale. Ciò è testimoniato dal Colophon che ne indica ben otto, tra stampatori, raccoglitori, tecnici ecc. che collaborarono con Franceschini nel 1942 alla realizzazione di questa magnifica edizione. Nato a Torino nel 1878, Mussino collaborò sin da studente a giornali satirici come La Luna e Il Fischietto. Collaboratore del "Corriere dei Piccoli", fu apprezzatissimo autore di fumetti ed illustratore di volumi, ambito nel quale il "Pinocchio" resta indubbiamente il suo capolavoro in cui l' Artista compose nuove illustrazioni, su indicazione del tipografo, per poter creare figure mobili. Mori' a Cuneo nel 1954. "Dalle quaresimali vignette al tripudio cromatico della piena pagina, l'interpretazione di Mussino, con l'uso di sequenze che guardano al neonato cinema d'animazione e un segno influenzato dalla grafica europea, costituisce una svolta nell'iconografia di Pinocchio" (P. Pallottino, "Un secolo con un palmo di naso", in "Portfolio illustratori", anno II, 3).

  • Carlo Collodi, Vsevolod Nicouline

    Verlag: Italgeo Editrice, Milano, 1944

    Anbieter: Di Mano in Mano Soc. Coop, Cambiago, MI, Italien

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 23,00 Versand

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    Edizione di lusso a tiratura limitata di 999 esemplari con firma dell'artista. All'origine di questa affascinante edizione del Pinocchio c'è una storia particolare: l'opera fu commissionata all'artista russo Vsevolod Nicouline dal fondatore della casa editrice Italgeo per la nascita del figlio. Il testo di Collodi dà lo spunto al grande illustratore per la creazione di un mondo coloratissimo ed affascinante, con il suo stile inconfondibile, che si esprime in 71 illustrazioni a colori, 12 in tavv f.t. e 59 n.t. Numero di tavole: 12 pp.198,(10) altezza 32.5 larghezza 25 Esemplare in buone condizioni, mancante della custodia.Legatura in mezza tela con titolo al piatto anteriore rilegato in seta bianca: ingiallimento, macchie di polvere e di sporco ai piatti; abrasioni agli angoli ricurvi; dorso sbiadito; parziale distacco alla cuffia superiore, senza mancanze. Taglio al margine superiore e spellatura con piccolo distacco del rivestimento in seta all'angolo superiore del piatto anteriore.Legatura leggermente scollata tra pagina 80 e 81 e tra pagina 112 e 113. Fogli di guardia con leggera ondulazione.Tagli bruniti con macchie di polvere e minime fioriture; tagli di testa dorati.Carte ben conservate: minima brunitura e macchie di sporco, in particolare in corrispondenza degli angoli esterni.Lieve macchia di inchiostro e minimo taglio al margine inferiore alle pagine 61-62. Due fioriture alle pagine 76 e 77.La settima tavola, posta tra la pagina 106 e 107, si presenta in parte scollata, con segno a penna al margine inferiore. Minimo strappo al margine inferiore alle pagine 149-150 e 197-198.Firma a matita dell'illustratore al colophon. Testo in Lingua Italiana.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für Pinocchio's Adventures in Wonderland zum Verkauf von Thorn Books, ABAA

    Collodi, Carlo; Hezekiah Butterworth

    Verlag: Jordan Marsh, Boston, 1899

    Anbieter: Thorn Books, ABAA, Tucson, AZ, USA

    Verbandsmitglied: ABAA ILAB IOBA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Hardcover. Zustand: Near fine. First edition. 12mo. 212pp. Four color plates by René Quentin. Pictorial cloth. Spine sunned else a fine copy. Pinocchio is presented here in the first US edition with colored plates but a piracy of the original with no attribution to Collodi. Even the title was changed to suggest a different story but, it is indeed the familiar tale first published in English six years earlier. It has been suggested that the title was changed not only to conceal the piracy but also to capitalize on the popularity of Alice in Wonderland. The illustrations are dated 1899. .

  • Bild des Verkäufers für Pinocchio. zum Verkauf von Librairie Chretien

    COLLODI (Carlo LORENZINI, dit). WEYERGANS (Franz).

    Erscheinungsdatum: 1954

    Anbieter: Librairie Chretien, PARIS, Frankreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 25,00 Versand

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    . Illustrateur : BAUDOIN (Simonne). (illustrator). Illustrations de Simonne BAUDOIN. Sans lieu, Casterman, 1954, petit in-4 broché, couverture cartonnée, illustrée en couleurs de Pinocchio avec deux colibris, 30 pages. Joint une gouache originale reprenant la page 6. Belle édition de ce conte qui retrace les aventures de la marionnette qui voulait être un "vrai petit garçon". Les illustrations de Simonne BAUDOIN, douces et colorées, en donnent une vision poétique où l'on retrouve l'ambiance de la ville italienne, du monde des rêves où les petits garçons désobéissants sont transformés en ânes et de l'épisode de la baleine, où Pinocchio retrouve son père Gepetto. Jointe au présent exemplaire, une gouache originale sur planche cartonnée, (24.8 x 18.8 cm.) reprenant l'illustration de la page 6 : Pinocchio s'est endormi près de la cheminée, et ses pieds, de bois, ont pris feu. Couverture légèrement salie, petites usures aux coins et au dos. Livres.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für WALT DISNEY'S BOX OF SIX PINOCCHIO BOOKS zum Verkauf von Type Punch Matrix

    [Collodi, Carlo]; Walt Disney Studios

    Verlag: Whitman Publishing Co, Racine, 1940

    Anbieter: Type Punch Matrix, Silver Spring, MD, USA

    Verbandsmitglied: ABAA ILAB

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    In den Warenkorb

    Zustand: Fine. Boxed collection of coloring books on the theme of Disney's PINOCCHIO, released in theatres the same year - exceptionally well preserved, with vivid color wrappers. Each features a different character from PINOCCHIO: Pinocchio, Jiminy Cricket, Figaro and Cleo, Geppetto, J. Worthington Foulfellow, and Gideon the Blue Fairy. The child can read the story and color the black and white pictures if they desire. A gorgeous set, rarely found complete in the original box. Six books, each 11.5'' x 8.5''. Original side-stapled, color-printed original wrappers. Illustrated in line throughout for user to color in. 24 pages each. All unused: fine and bright. Light wear to box with small mend at one joint.

  • Bild des Verkäufers für Pinocchio ridotto in versi da Grisostomo. Illustrato da Sto zum Verkauf von Libreria Ex Libris ALAI-ILAB/LILA member

    Collodi Carlo

    Verlag: Istituto Geografico De Agostini, Novara, 1948

    Anbieter: Libreria Ex Libris ALAI-ILAB/LILA member, Roma, Italien

    Verbandsmitglied: ALAI ILAB

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 30,00 Versand

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    In den Warenkorb

    Cartonato editoriale fig. a colori. Alcune minuscole abrasioni al dorsetto in tela, altrimenti esemplare in eccellente stato di conservazione con interni assai freschi. Sotto lo pseudonimo di Grisostomo - autore della prima riduzione in versi di Pinocchio in 36 canti ed un commiato - si cela il bibliofilo Marino Parenti. Edizione originale molto rara. 4to (cm. 28), 168 pp.nn. interamente illustrate a colori da Sergio Tofano (Sto).