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  • Hardcover. Zustand: Fine. 1st Edition. --1st ed. -- 500 pp. b&w illus. OCLC: 2912253 ISBN: 8472941280; 9788472941281 LCCN: 76-466248 ; (Colección Aubí. Clásicos y Ensayos) ; paper covers; "Fernando de Rojas, of Jewish parentage and a convert to Christianity during the Inquisition, is generally considered to have written all but the first act of Celestina. This drama, or novel in dialogue, first appeared in 1499 as The Comedy of Calisto and Melibea, then in 1502 as Tragi-Comedy with five additional acts, and finally in 1519 as Celestina in the version now read. While grounded in medieval morality and conventions of courtly love, the work has been designated by Menendez y Pelayo as marking the birth of the Spanish Renaissance for its tragic lovers Calisto and Melibea, whose passions lead to their own destruction. The work is also known for its use of elegant language, its individualized characters, its glorification of the pleasures of this life, and its emphasis on luck as the law of the universe. Celestina, a worldly wise old schemer who is totally preoccupied with procuring sexual love, once for herself and now for others, is the grand creation of the work. The most important source for the character of Celestina is Juan Ruiz's The Book of Good Love; the influence of Boccaccio (through the archpriest of Talavera), as well as Greek and Latin works, may also be detected. Some critics consider Celestina to be surpassed in Spanish literature only by Cervantes's Don Quijote." ; SIGNED presentation copy by Cardona de Gilbert to Polish professor of Spanish, Henryk Ziomek ; "La Celestina es una magnífica historia a la cual también se le conoce como Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, obra de Fernando de Rojas, escritor español que se halló entre la Edad Media y el Renacimiento, uniendo en sus escritos estas etapas tan convulsas de la historia. Se dice que tuvo cierto apoyo de una mano misteriosa al agregarle cinco actos más a este relato, pero aun así sigue siendo un gran clásico. La historia cuenta los amores ilícitos de los jóvenes Calisto y Melibea, quienes son auxiliados por Celestina, una vieja alcahueta que también es ayudada por una vasta corte de criados para alcanzar la dicha de los muchachos." ; the characters: CALISTO - Mancebo enamorado, MELIBEA - Hija de Pleberio., PLEBERIO. - Padre de Melibea, ALISA - Madre de Melibea, CELESTINA -Alcahueta, PARMENO, SEMPRONIO, TRISTAN - Criados de Calisto., SOSIA, CRITO . - Putañero., LUCRECIA - Criada de Pleberio., ELICIA. y AREUSA - Rameras., CENTURIO - Rofian.; FINE. Inscribed by Author(s). Book.