Ueber das Hirngewicht des Menschen, von F. (Felix) Marchand. (Study of the WEIGHT of the BRAIN of MAN, by F. Marchand.) Published by B. G. Teubner, LEIPZIG, Germany, 1902. First Edition. Professionally bound in hard covers, red cloth covered boards, gilt titling to the front cover, 8x12", brown and blue endpapers, entire work including the original wrappers bound-in. Pagination: Front wrapper page (with original price "Einzelpreis: 3 Mark" at the bottom), title page, 88 pages (numbered 393-481 - this is one of a series of scientific publications, numbered consecutively), back wrapper (with Publisher's ads on both sides). Contains numerous tables. GOOD condition, the recent hardcovers and endpapers are very nice, the bound-in original publication has foxing, primarily to its wrappers and first and last few pages, otherwise complete, tight, bright, clean and unmarked. About FELIX MARCHAND (from Wikipedia): ****** Felix Jacob Marchand (22 October 1846 - 4 February 1928) was a German Pathologist born in Halle an der Saale. He studied medicine in Berlin, and later became an assistant at the Pathological Institute in Halle. In 1881 he became a Professor of Pathological Anatomy in Giessen, and two years later garnered the same position at Marburg. In 1900 he succeeded Pathologist Felix Victor Birch-Hirschfeld (1842-1899) at the University of Leipzig. In 1904 Marchand was credited with coining the term Atherosclerosis from the Greek "athero", meaning gruel, and "sclerosis", meaning hardening, to describe the fatty substance inside a hardened artery. His name is lent to the eponymous "Marchand's Adrenals", which is theaccessory adrenal tissue in the broad ligament of the uterus. Among his written works is a 1915 textbook on pathology that he co-authored with Ludolf von Krehl (1861-1937), called "Handbuch der allgemeinen Pathologie".******. Bestandsnummer des Verkäufers 000510
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